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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 15, 2016
This thing really disgusts me about Apple -- selling old technology for exorbitant pricing.

MacBook Pro 13-inch was released early June 2012, four years ago, 1471 days ago according to MacRumors today. Initially priced at $1199 USD in 2012, it received one price drop in 2014 to $1099 USD.

Looking at other regions around the world, some even worse pricing policies on old Apple technology for sale exist. Take Australia for instance. The same 13-inch MacBook Pro is priced at $1349 AUD in June 2012 and July 2014. However, the same 13-inch MacBook Pro product in Australia is priced today in June 2016 at $1699 AUD.

MacBook Pro 13-inch Mid 2012 benchmarks are terrible in comparison to products sold alongside it. The longevity of customer's machines is severely diminished right out of the box, however many customers have little idea about this when making their purchase.

How is this even conscionable, Apple?

Why does Apple persist with this nonsense, rubbish and deceptive policy of gouging its customers, some who unsuspectingly buy a new MacBook thinking they are getting the latest technology, when customers are actually effectively purchasing a four year old obsolete product?

To reengineer a quote earlier this year from Phil Schiller criticising old PCs in use: "There are Apple products for sale today that are over four years old. This is really sad, it really is."

Yes, Apple, this is really very sad.

Apple, please be honest in the way you conduct your business and sell products to customers. Stop gouging customers and selling old technology for exorbitant pricing.




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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 15, 2016
What do you suggest for them to be more 'honest'?

It's not like they say on their website that it's running the newest components.

Is it just the pricing you dislike? Do you intend to buy one of these?
Apple chronically implies through its keynotes, its marketing, that its products are new technology and cutting edge -- that is completely false, Apple does not sell new technology, Apple is not cutting edge. Either Apple dramatically reduces the pricing of old products (two years and older) or completely removes them.

Apple is deceiving some customers. We are talking about really old technology here, just ask Phil Schiller, he apparently knows a thing about old technology. Four year old technology is very old and completely outdated to be sold at brand new pricing.


macrumors G3
Apr 10, 2008
How else would Eddy Cue be able to afford those floor seats at Warriors games? and how will their execs get by without their Million+ dollar salaries? And how do you suppose Apple continues to build on those billions of dollars that they have sitting in cash reserves? what you are asking for is totally unreasonable, and you should be ashamed of yourself for even bringing this up.


macrumors 6502
Mar 16, 2007
The Australia price includes GST, so it's pretty close to the US price.

I'm not sure what the problem is with the product though, it's not like they're misleading customers into thinking this is the latest product, hell, it doesn't even have a spot on the main "Macbook Pro" splash page. Sure it's neglected, but Apple keeps it around as an entry level product for people who want it, what's wrong with that?

See, the great thing about the free market is that everyone gets to vote with their dollars. It may not be for you, but clearly someone is buying it, so the product sticks around and you get to go buy whatever other products you see fit. When people stop buying this macbook, then it will go away, but clearly that hasn't happened yet, so what's the issue?
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macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2009
There's no business out there that is going to say their products are out of date and someone else offers something newer. It just isn't a good move on their part.
Lowes isn't going to tell you to buy lumber from Home Depot. My doctor isn't going to tell me that the guy 2 miles away has newer stethoscopes and brand name band aids vs his generic brands.


Jul 18, 2013
The 13" 2012 MBP was until recently, one of the biggest selling MBPs. The MBP obviously had everything those people wanted, especially the CD/DVD drive and user replaceable HD/RAM.

Apple stores around the world have recently pulled this MBP from being sold now. One of the various sites reporting it last night said they called numerous Apple stores around the country. Many of the employees they talked to had no idea why it was pulled and mentioned it being a hot seller. That is why they still sold it.

It's gone for now however, maybe permanently.
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 15, 2016
How else would Eddy Cue be able to afford those floor seats at Warriors games? and how will their execs get by without their Million+ dollar salaries? And how do you suppose Apple continues to build on those billions of dollars that they have sitting in cash reserves? what you are asking for is totally unreasonable, and you should be ashamed of yourself for even bringing this up.
This is a completely reasonable and valid topic. It's a deceptive marketing practice. It is actually you who should be ashamed at your criticism of me bringing this up and calling it out.
The Australia price includes GST, so it's pretty close to the US price.
I'm not sure what the problem is with the product though, it's not like they're misleading customers into thinking this is the latest product, hell, it doesn't even have a spot on the main "Macbook Pro" splash page. Sure it's neglected, but Apple keeps it around as an entry level product for people who want it, what's wrong with that?
See, the great thing about the free market is that everyone gets to vote with their dollars. It may not be for you, but clearly someone is buying it, so the product sticks around and you get to go buy whatever other products you see fit. When people stop buying this macbook, then it will go away, but clearly that hasn't happened yet, so what's the issue?
No, the Australian pricing of the 13-inch MacBook Pro was $1349 AUD in June 2012 however, the same 13-inch MacBook Pro product in Australia is today, June 2016, priced at $1699 AUD.
The products haven't been neglected -- they're been on shelf in stores all around the world. Old tech being sold alongside brand new tech.
The issue is Apple is taking some of its customers for suckers. This is not the Apple way.
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macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
Did anybody put a gun on your head and force you to buy Apple products?! Clearly none of you run a business or even a dept. Do you?

thats all folks

macrumors 6502a
Dec 20, 2013
Austin (supposedly in Texas)
Apple has left this machine in the lineup as the non-retina with DVD drive choice, if someone insists on that. it is also the cheap MBP, for someone who insists on that. it is the machine for parents to buy their children when the parents don't know enough to make smart choices and are to arrogant to listen to reason. it is the machine for schools to buy when someone is trying to squeeze a contract through and is looking for every dollar to shave cause they know, once they get some computers, then the kids will really be learning. it is the machine for cheap and stupid people. I doubt Apple is pushing it on anyone.

it should be cheaper, but hen even more people would buy it, and some of those people would be disappointed. Apple would rather steer those people to the better (if more expensive options). not just to get their money, but to get them on a machine that will make them happy.

Apple could have updated this machine by now at it would be fine at that same price. but Apple is pushing retina and thin and really doesn't want to sell this machine. they just keep it or the reasons stated above. they have done this before with other models at other times.

you are angry because you want to buy a Macintosh for less than Apple wants to sell one for. that is a situation that wont be resolved. buy refurbished, buy used, save your nickles for another year.

should Apple offer a deeper and wider lineup? I think so. but it's not up to me, or you. we take what they give us or we don't take. are they making smart choices? many think not, myself included. I think that they have a responsibility that extends beyond the bottom line. that responsibility is to fulfill the broadest spectrum of users possible. that responsibility is to reward and take care of those that live in their ecosystem, that give them money, that have given them money potentially for decades. but Apple's vision of their responsibility is is to some point just beyond tomorrow. they are looking at where they are going and they will wait for the pieces they want to get there. if on the way a set of their user base is left stuck, with no good choices, they expect you to wait too. wait for a new Mac Pro, wait for new displays, wait for another round of connector obsolescence, wait for them.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 15, 2016
Apple has a tight margin. if u want $100 or so off go to the refub store....
Apple doesn't run on tight margins and you've missed the point of my post, I'm not seeking to buy one.
Did anybody put a gun on your head and force you to buy Apple products?! Clearly none of you run a business or even a dept. Do you?
As above, you've missed the point of this post.
Apple has left this machine in the lineup as the non-retina with DVD drive choice, if someone insists on that. it is also the cheap MBP, for someone who insists on that. it is the machine for parents to buy their children when the parents don't know enough to make smart choices and are to arrogant to listen to reason. it is the machine for schools to buy when someone is trying to squeeze a contract through and is looking for every dollar to shave cause they know, once they get some computers, then the kids will really be learning. it is the machine for cheap and stupid people. I doubt Apple is pushing it on anyone.

it should be cheaper, but hen even more people would buy it, and some of those people would be disappointed. Apple would rather steer those people to the better (if more expensive options). not just to get their money, but to get them on a machine that will make them happy.

Apple could have updated this machine by now at it would be fine at that same price. but Apple is pushing retina and thin and really doesn't want to sell this machine. they just keep it or the reasons stated above. they have done this before with other models at other times.

you are angry because you want to buy a Macintosh for less than Apple wants to sell one for. that is a situation that wont be resolved. buy refurbished, buy used, save your nickles for another year.

should Apple offer a deeper and wider lineup? I think so. but it's not up to me, or you. we take what they give us or we don't take. are they making smart choices? many think not, myself included. I think that they have a responsibility that extends beyond the bottom line. that responsibility is to fulfill the broadest spectrum of users possible. that responsibility is to reward and take care of those that live in their ecosystem, that give them money, that have given them money potentially for decades. but Apple's vision of their responsibility is is to some point just beyond tomorrow. they are looking at where they are going and they will wait for the pieces they want to get there. if on the way a set of their user base is left stuck, with no good choices, they expect you to wait too. wait for a new Mac Pro, wait for new displays, wait for another round of connector obsolescence, wait for them.
Un, deux, trois, you too have missed the point of my post, I'm not seeking to buy one.
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macrumors 68030
Jan 5, 2016
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
This thing really disgusts me about Apple -- selling old technology for exorbitant pricing.

MacBook Pro 13-inch was released early June 2012, four years ago, 1471 days ago according to MacRumors today. Initially priced at $1199 USD in 2012, it received one price drop in 2014 to $1099 USD.

Looking at other regions around the world, some even worse pricing policies on old Apple technology for sale exist. Take Australia for instance. The same 13-inch MacBook Pro is priced at $1349 AUD in June 2012 and July 2014. However, the same 13-inch MacBook Pro product in Australia is priced today in June 2016 at $1699 AUD.

How is this even conscionable, Apple?

Why does Apple persist with this nonsense, rubbish and deceptive policy of gouging its customers, some who unsuspectingly buy a MacBook thinking they are getting the latest technology, when customers are actually effectively purchasing a four year old obsolete product?

To reengineer a quote earlier this year from Phil Schiller criticising old PCs in use: "There are Apple products for sale today that are over four years old. This is really sad, it really is."

Yes, Apple, this is really very sad.

Apple, please be honest in the way you conduct your business and sell products to customers. Stop gouging customers and selling old technology for exorbitant pricing.



What is with you? In one post you suggest that anyone who doesn't buy Apple products has no taste, but in the next post you suggest that Apple is ripping off their customers? So we must buy Apple because otherwise we are tasteless, but in order to show you have taste you must be ripped off...


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 15, 2016
What is with you? In one post you suggest that anyone who doesn't buy Apple products has no taste, but in the next post you suggest that Apple is ripping off their customers? So we must buy Apple because otherwise we are tasteless, but in order to show you have taste you must be ripped off...
Wow, that's one way to meld two different topics and bring about a criticism on me! Four year old product = ripping customers off -- it just highlights Phil Schiller's hypocrisy and his comments about old PC machines.


macrumors 68030
Jan 5, 2016
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Wow, that's one way to meld two different topics and bring about a criticism on me! Four year old product = ripping customers off -- it just highlights Phil Schiller's hypocrisy and his comments about old PC machines.
In fairness I do agree that Apple has continued to sell this product well past its reasonable expiry date. However claims that they intentionally misled customers is a little overblown since this product is intentionally hidden away so it is not easy to find and you basically have to know that is what you want in order to find/purchase it. I suspect Apple kept it around as there was still some demand for a product with a dedicated DVD drive. If there is still enough demand to keep selling this product even now Apple should at least do a minor refresh with an up to date CPU so buyers of this product don't get screwed when it comes to support down the road.

Changes in the Australia pricing has to do with changes in exchange rate. Like Australia, prices for electronics in Canada has also gone up the last couple years in response to a lower Canadian dollar relative to the American dollar.
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 15, 2016
In fairness I do agree that Apple has continued to sell this product well past its reasonable expiry date. However claims that they intentionally misled customers is a little overblown since this product is intentionally hidden away so it is not easy to find and you basically have to know that is what you want in order to find/purchase it. I suspect Apple kept it around as there was still some demand for a product with a dedicated DVD drive. If there is still enough demand to keep selling this product even now Apple should at least do a minor refresh with an up to date CPU so buyers of this product don't get screwed when it comes to support down the road.

Changes in the Australia pricing has to do with changes in exchange rate. Like Australia, prices for electronics in Canada has also gone up the last couple years in response to a lower Canadian dollar relative to the American dollar.
It hasn't been hidden away in the stores however, that's an issue, in my opinion.
You're not comparing Apple products, you're comparing international economics.
I'm not really making a comparison at all. I'm making a statement that MacBook Pro 13-inch was released early June 2012, four years ago, 1471 days ago according to MacRumors today. Initially priced at $1199 USD in 2012, it received one price drop in 2014 to $1099 USD. Why has Apple's old technology been for sale at exorbitant pricing and alongside new technology for so long.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
It hasn't been hidden away in the stores however, that's an issue, in my opinion.
I'm not really making a comparison at all. I'm making a statement that MacBook Pro 13-inch was released early June 2012, four years ago, 1471 days ago according to MacRumors today. Initially priced at $1199 USD in 2012, it received one price drop in 2014 to $1099 USD. Why has Apple's old technology been for sale at exorbitant pricing and alongside new technology for so long.
Because people are buying it? If this bothers you why don't you look the other way.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 15, 2016
Because people are buying it? If this bothers you why don't you look the other way.
It shouldn't be on sale at all. It's deceptive and dishonest. Apple is better than this nonsense marketing trick. Maybe look at it that way.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
It shouldn't be on sale at all. It's deceptive and dishonest. Apple is better than this nonsense marketing trick. Maybe look at it that way.
they are entitled to try to sell whatever they want and you can pass them by. No different then car dealers selling left over new car inventory from two model years ago for $100 discount.
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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jan 15, 2016
they are entitled to try to sell whatever they want and you can pass them by. No different then car dealers selling left over new car inventory from two model years ago for $100 discount.
In that case, Apple can't claim that they sell new technology or cutting edge technology in their marketing. They sell old repacked poor quality machines, covered up by a fancy box.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
In that case, Apple can't claim that they sell new technology or cutting edge technology in their marketing. They sell old repacked poor quality machines, covered up by a fancy box.
Then by that logic new car dealers can't claim they sell new cars. They sell never been bought by a consumer car that is years old.

Or, apple sells cutting edge technology along with older technology. One doesn't negate the other. At any rate, they do what they do.
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