What I'm not happy with is the moving target for launch day. I mean, if they weren't going to have them in stores, why not have the demo models available to examine on 4/10, then make the online order date 4/24 and ship them out immediately (or at first available).
Why take online orders then wait two weeks to ship - and not even barely any stock to ship?
I have no problem with an online-only launch, but start orders when there's stock to ship and ship them right away. And put the demo units in the stores BEFORE they go on sale, so people can make their choices and have a chance to order them before the wait goes to two months.
I also wonder why Apple -- near-trillion dollar company that it is -- is still wholly unable to predict product demand and build enough for first wave sales. I totally believe Apple holds back on purpose for the press. They have billions in the bank, so they don't need to move product quickly.
They (and us along with them) are victims of their own success.