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The Apple Bitch

macrumors member
Apr 19, 2024
Very kind of you.
How would somebody that uses TikTok for 1hour per day affect the lives of people around him? Makes no sense.

The numbers and the hole argument is extremely ridiculous.
Comparing somebody using an app with drug use. Why doesn't the US just ban smartphones and computers altogether? according to your logic it would fix some huge problems.

What about an Instagram ban? a Facebook ban? a ban for X(Twitter)? For Youtube? Snapchat? etc.
Your logic applies to them even more. Facebook for example has been literally proved to do shady stuff, was also fined for it in Europe and the US.
I have said what I have been wanting to say and I have addressed everything I wish to. But be my guest and knock yourself out, here are all my posts:

There are a whole lot of reasons but I will try to be as straightforward as possible:

1. Population deterioration; diminishes people's abilities and self control.
2. Population manipulation; can with the use of algorithms control people's thoughts and behavior.
3. Hurtful to a lot of people, more so than alcohol, drugs etc

⬆️ That's the three main dangers with TikTok ⬆️

You are correct, the problems won't be 100% solved... But banning TikTok would definitely help resolve the issues I pointed out... 🤦🏼

Hehhe, yeah that's true, though TikTok might endanger the US a lot more than for example Instagram since it's owned by another country with ill intentions towards the US.

Yes of course, but I want to clarify that I don't intend to be racist or generalize the Chinese population. Nor do I promote either nations actions or beliefs. Not the best examples but they should make good starting point for further learning:

For rivaling nations (as in ideology, technology, worldwide control, etc) to harbor ill intentions against each other is normal.

What one needs and needs not is a matter of human behavior. Keep in mind that every human need is abstract, not physically.

Therefore, as you pointed out, they cannot need worldwide control, it's humanly impossible.

As for them thinking more mathematically because of their language's structure: I have nothing to say except that I don't know what's true, but i disbelieve that it is like you stated.

And I believe I might have missed the point with your post, sorry for that.

If the algorithm would optimize for some specific outcome(s) they probably wouldn't know, since it is TikTok's secret sauce.

As I said before, these are the reasons ⬆️. User-data is less important than you think.

Nice, I don't believe it will be misused. Yes, it's easy to wipe the meta-data but it's tedious, so unless you want to make a "guess the AI" it probably won't be used.

Ohhh my, you really are unaware of how algorithms can manipulate. Changes can take weeks, months or years. Its influence is so persistent that it almost never makes you think it's trying to change you.

Omg, so clean hit, made my day xD

I don't know what else to say, take a look at what I wrote before:

There need not be more reasons than that behind the decision.

Yes I have and am using TikTok regularly and I have been for years.

It's not weird it's reality.

Seems like there isn't a point talking to you if you wont believe in me.

I'm serious about this so let's look at the numbers:

TikTok has over 150 million active monthly users in the US and the average time spent is one hour per day. Meaning that every day 252 American lifetimes are lost every day.
(150E6 /(24 * 365.25 * 68 [the average lifespan in the US]) ≈ 252 lifetimes per day. And approximately 92 000 lifetimes per year.

Comparing that to roughly 40 million drug abusing people per month aged over 11. Whereof the death toll hovers around 120 000 people per year.

And we are talking deaths compared to lifetimes here.

Further more we can count with that 70 million people are abusing alcohol. Which combined with drugs are about 110 million.

TikTok in comparison have an active user-base of 150 million. As i said: TikTok is Hurtful to a lot of people, more so than alcohol, drugs etc

150 million > 110 million.

You lost a thought to some numbers bro, it ain't personal. Don't do that to yourself.

Yes, I ignored the surrounding people. I did that for both TikTok, drugs and alcohol. The numbers aren't wrong, they are inclusive, as I stated. I am not making suggestions. I'm simply stating that there is a real reason for the TikTok-ban that isn't rooted in politics, international affairs or conspiracy theories.
Feel free to read through them as many times as you would like, I know it doesn't always stick the first time.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 2, 2023
Folks defending China and TikTok might want to work on improving China before attempting to convert the rest of the world.
I've been to China and seen how far they have gone from the so-called West. Their cities are much more modern than in the West. They dress well, and highly modernised. You don't see druggies around the corner, no one gets mugged. Their trains, underground are not graffiti painted, and not at all smelly. You are absolutely safe in any street at any time of the day or night.

China is not attempting to convert the world. China grows in technology and grows rich. China's technological growth is so high, and getting higher everyday, becoming a headache to the US. Talking about Apple, a Chinese company in Taiwan makes the Apple chips, and about 10 Chinese companies in Mainland China makes all the Apple devices. What can we do without China?


May 7, 2024
I have said what I have been wanting to say and I have addressed everything I wish to. But be my guest and knock yourself out, here are all my posts:

Feel free to read through them as many times as you would like, I know it doesn't always stick the first time.
It's obvious you can't adress at all my last comment.


May 7, 2024
Folks defending China and TikTok might want to work on improving China before attempting to convert the rest of the world. I've lived by the maxims that "truth conquers all" and "there are no compromises with evil". I'd be in prison or worse if I were Chinese, so you're probably stuck with your current system. It ain't gonna happen here. Hopefully.


macrumors 6502a
May 7, 2018
upstate NY
Propaganda. Sounds like a dystopian nightmare disguised as a utopian dream. See the link below regarding China's involvement in the fentanyl epidemic and human rights abuses of Uyghurs:

Oh and please get out of Tibet while you're at it.
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macrumors 6502a
May 7, 2018
upstate NY
Since I'm in danger of being moderated if this thread continues on its present course I'm ignoring the whole thread from now on. I've said all I have to say on frickin' TikTok!
  • Haha
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