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macrumors G3
Feb 22, 2020
God help anyone that gets educational anything from TikTok.

Half of the stuff I've seen shared is just complete nonsense.
Just like with YouTube, IG, etc, imo it depends on what you are searching and paying attention to. It’s algorithm after all. Watching many nonsense videos, and you will get more nonsense. Watch educational videos, and you’ll get more of those as well.


macrumors 68000
Oct 30, 2020
This is a facile analogy. Both countries play by very different rules in different sectors, yet still do business with each other.

By all means, please provide us with a better analogy that tackles all the complexities of the issue.


macrumors 6502
May 28, 2022
South Wales, UK
I’m just reading the fact that it is banned on UK Government devices now. Frankly no social media should be on a work based device, unless your job involves you in the production of social media for your organisation.

In one of my previous organisations, where only the really high ups had mobile phones it was their policy that no social media would be on there. It was an instant sacking if you were found with any apps that were classed as social media and yes one person was fired


macrumors 68040
Jun 30, 2007
Midwest USA
I agree but as per usual in psychology anything you tell kids to stay away from are ultimately things they will try out for sure. I’d rather invest in education which seems has room for development in North America.
Yep, bans never work, except to give the false impression that politician's are doing something.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 15, 2018
Frankfurt, Deutschland 🇩🇪
How is that any different then Facebook having data for all tax payers as many (all?) of the free tax prep apps sold the data to FB?

There's also the NSA that clearly spends a lot of time spying on Americans.

I'm not defending Tiktok or that the chinese government BUT lets not deceive ourselves that US based social platforms are clean as the wind driven snow.
If you read my comment well, you’d realise I wasn’t criticising TikTok in favour of another service. I don’t use any of them. I’m not from the US either. And we’re talking about TikTok, not Facebook or the NSA.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
Afraid of their own population? Laughable. The CPC and Xi Jinping have a record high approval rate in China. The CIA publicly confessed that China is essentially bulletproof against Western propaganda schemes to turn the Chinese people against the government because the trust in the CPC over there is so strong. The fairy tale narrative that the Chinese people are under the boot of the CPC is pure Western LARP projection because that's literally how over half the population of the USA currently feel about our own government.

Also flying drones right up against each other's borders is not "what superpowers do to each other" because China have never done such a thing to us, nor have post-Soviet Russia. Only we do stupid things like that. We are constantly pushing the limits of China's patience because we have no solution to counter the multipolar shift besides nuking them.

You're right about one thing, we are indeed afraid of China. We're afraid of them because their economy is growing faster than ours thanks to real industrial development whereas ours is on the verge of collapse because of QE and other post 2008 bandaid fixes.

We're all being lied to about China. Big time.
Why have they then banned Facebook? Try to show a Chinese person pictures of what happened at Tiananmen Square back in 1989. They either refuse to recognize it or simply don’t know what it’s about. The CPC and Xi Jinping is doing a lot to remain in power. China is surely not innocent and running a peaceful democracy with human rights and all.

But - and I know it’s classic “whatabouterism” - if Russia or China were flying drones 100 km from US airspace they would be shut down. I think that was proven less than a month ago.

I’m all in for more peaceful talk between superpowers and less blame game because no one is innocent here and US is certainly pushing it to the limit with drones and destabilizing countries just because they didn’t like whatever government has been elected. The US “interest sphere” goes way beyond what other superpowers have.
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macrumors G3
May 31, 2007
Florida, USA
TikTok is 1/1 following the recipe for behavioral addiction which is already having a detrimental impact on the predominantly developing brains that are using the app.

Yes, many apps and digital platforms exploit these vulnerabilities in the human brain/sensory system. But TikTok has taken it to an extreme.

They’ve done brain scans of Internet/video game/media addicts/phone(etc.) addicts and their brains patterns (reactions to visual input) shift away from normal brain patterns and get close to or completely identical to drug, sex or gamble addicts.

At its core, TikTok is essentially your classic slot machine but with perpetual visual/auditory stimulation that continuously adapts to show more of the content that gets the most watch time from the user.

If you think it’s completely benign that every person below 25 is glued to the same app for 6-12 hours a day then obviously I have no argument here.

My gripe with the app isn’t that it’s made by China but that it’s creating a generation of smartphone addicts.

TikTok would have been long gone before these privacy concerns if anyone listened to the research done on smartphones and behavioral addiction.

Have you ever read about the mice that get their brains wired up to a machine with a button they can press that releases dopamine in their bodies indefinitely without them having to move or do a single thing to get the “reward”? They press the button over and over again, more and more until they forget their other needs and their health withers away.

TikTok is an instantaneous, no effort, no payment dopamine trigger for humans that’s continuously being adapted to get better at making the user press the trigger again.

It’s completely terrible and I pray that ByteDance don’t sell their shares and that TikTok gets banned in the West permanently.
Maybe it takes a certain kind of brain to become addicted to this app because when I tried it a while back, I just didn't enjoy it. It just seemed to be a stream of randomness, with little control over what you saw. Sure I was amused at some of the videos but it didn't seem worth spending time on.

Most of the Tiktok videos I see, I see because they were posted on Twitter or some other social network. The Tiktok app itself just seems to be trash.

If people really are becoming addicted to it with a detriment to their health I could see why there's pushback. Though I'm personally of the opinion that people should be able to do whatever they want with their own time.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
TikTok is 1/1 following the recipe for behavioral addiction which is already having a detrimental impact on the predominantly developing brains that are using the app.

Yes, many apps and digital platforms exploit these vulnerabilities in the human brain/sensory system. But TikTok has taken it to an extreme.

They’ve done brain scans of Internet/video game/media addicts/phone(etc.) addicts and their brains patterns (reactions to visual input) shift away from normal brain patterns and get close to or completely identical to drug, sex or gamble addicts.

At its core, TikTok is essentially your classic slot machine but with perpetual visual/auditory stimulation that continuously adapts to show more of the content that gets the most watch time from the user.

If you think it’s completely benign that every person below 25 is glued to the same app for 6-12 hours a day then obviously I have no argument here.

My gripe with the app isn’t that it’s made by China but that it’s creating a generation of smartphone addicts.

While TikTok's algorithm is really good at keeping users glued to their screens, better than other apps like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Snapchat, kids aren't using it for 6-12 hours a day. In total, kids average between 91 minutes and 102 minutes per day.

It's not just kids who use the app though. Something like half of their users are over 25 and new users signing up keep getting older.


It's like how Facebook's new user base kept getting older which eventually became the thing that turned off the younger users and many of them left for Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok. Maybe that will happen to TikTok?

Unfortunately, banning TikTok isn't going to stop kids/people from being addicted to their smartphones when they can easily fall back to Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, etc which were the apps they were glued to before TikTok came along.


macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2003
Redondo Beach, CA
It wouldn't matter who owns it. What matters is who has control over what kind of content gets served up to different groups of people. Apparently, in China, they serve up videos on useful life skills whereas in the US, it serves up useless dance challenge videos.


macrumors regular
Apr 29, 2011
This isnt really the "US Government" its the google/facebook lobby having their lunch eaten by innovation. Dont sell, ByteDance! Don't sell! Let them ban it, you can do with this nonsense. Still the entire rest of the world lovin it.
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macrumors 65816
Mar 16, 2019
Hillsboro, OR
This was ridiculous when Trump was doing it, and it's ridiculous now that Biden's doing it.

The US has no basis for banning this app. If they feel there's espionage involved, charge them with a crime and bring them to court.

Do they think that the Chinese are somehow destroying people's minds, the way that TV did? Or are they upset that the Chinese are the ones making money off of it instead of US media companies?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
This was ridiculous when Trump was doing it, and it's ridiculous now that Biden's doing it.

The US has no basis for banning this app. If they feel there's espionage involved, charge them with a crime and bring them to court.

Do they think that the Chinese are somehow destroying people's minds, the way that TV did? Or are they upset that the Chinese are the ones making money off of it instead of US media companies?
I just visited the states and I can say without doubt that Waffle House and Hardee’s and similar places will kill their bodies before TikTok kills their brains.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
Frankly speaking: If I was a US citizen or President, potential espionage from TikTok would be pretty far down on my list of concerns for my people. Let’s list things that are more risky in the US:
- being shot
- die from a heart attack
- civil war
- die in another country fighting for… well… I’m not sure 🤷‍♂️
- lack of health insurance
- CO2 footprint from massively big cars


Jan 10, 2023
Frankly speaking: If I was a US citizen or President, potential espionage from TikTok would be pretty far down on my list of concerns for my people. Let’s list things that are more risky in the US:
- being shot
- die from a heart attack
- civil war
- die in another country fighting for… well… I’m not sure 🤷‍♂️
- lack of health insurance
- CO2 footprint from massively big cars
Good thing you aren't a US citizen. 😁
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macrumors 603
Feb 5, 2009
I do find it humorous that when the previous administration was looking to do this they were completely destroyed by the media as being "Xenophobic and Paranoid!!" Current administration wants to ban it and the same media outlets are saying "yeah good idea!"
A broken clock is right twice a day.

I don't think many people were in opposition the previous administration's outlook on this issue. I think its was due to the fact that the administration singled out Tik Tok/China, but the issue really should be not specific to it being a Chinese owned platform (noting that does pose a potential threat to national security). Why are we not holding other companies (regardless of being based in the US or not, like Facebook and Twitter) to the same standard? If want the world to take the US seriously, then we should operate on a level playing field from a national perspective.

Additionally, for self-proclaiming "freedom" and "free speech", this outlook was completely the opposite. People don't like hypocrites.


macrumors regular
Sep 6, 2021
As soon as any foreign business out-competes US business in comes the govt banhammer with trumped up charges.
Had there ever been any real danger of espionage they'd shut it down. But they don't. I rest my case.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 9, 2015
There's no denying that social media is negatively impacting people, especially teenagers. However, you'd have to be incredibly naive to think that (a) this ban is about helping improve mental health, or (b) that the US federal government will implement any drastic action to help improve mental health.

This is a purely economic decision in the US's war against China. It may not be a hot war (yet) but the US is still doing everything it can to try to strangle China. God forbid western capitalists are denied access to Chinese resources to make themselves richer.
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