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macrumors 6502
Jul 9, 2015
Afraid of their own population? Laughable. The CPC and Xi Jinping have a record high approval rate in China. The CIA publicly confessed that China is essentially bulletproof against Western propaganda schemes to turn the Chinese people against the government because the trust in the CPC over there is so strong. The fairy tale narrative that the Chinese people are under the boot of the CPC is pure Western LARP projection because that's literally how over half the population of the USA currently feel about our own government.

Also flying drones right up against each other's borders is not "what superpowers do to each other" because China have never done such a thing to us, nor have post-Soviet Russia. Only we do stupid things like that. We are constantly pushing the limits of China's patience because we have no solution to counter the multipolar shift besides nuking them.

You're right about one thing, we are indeed afraid of China. We're afraid of them because their economy is growing faster than ours thanks to real industrial development whereas ours is on the verge of collapse because of QE and other post 2008 bandaid fixes.

We're all being lied to about China. Big time.
Hit the nail on the head.


macrumors 68000
Nov 27, 2021
This is one way to perform a hostile takeover. Imagine China demanding US to sell a big stake of Apple or they will ban Apple products in China.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 23, 2014
So, let me get this straight. We've just had a bunch of hearings on how the US government was telling people who can and who can't speak, on Twitter. But instead of doing something about that scandal, they want to go after a social media company that doesn't answer to the US government...


macrumors 65816
Mar 16, 2019
Hillsboro, OR
I just visited the states and I can say without doubt that Waffle House and Hardee’s and similar places will kill their bodies before TikTok kills their brains.
Waffle House...great toast, great bacon.

In the South you can tell how tasty the food is by the average customer weight. The higher the weight, the tastier the place. Especially true for BBQ joints.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Also flying drones right up against each other's borders is not "what superpowers do to each other" because China have never done such a thing to us, nor have post-Soviet Russia. Only we do stupid things like that. We are constantly pushing the limits of China's patience because we have no solution to counter the multipolar shift besides nuking them.
Why would China need to send drones to the U.S. when they can use cheaper and seemingly harder-to-detect spy balloons? Or just hack U.S. government and company computers from the comfort of their own homes to get the info they want (cyber espionage) such as the design plans for our F-35 fighter jets some 15+ years ago which is benefitting our adversaries.

You're right about one thing, we are indeed afraid of China. We're afraid of them because their economy is growing faster than ours thanks to real industrial development whereas ours is on the verge of collapse because of QE and other post 2008 bandaid fixes.
China's industrial development is building properties that are unfinished and they can't sell, and are slowly rotting away.

They're calling them ghost cities

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macrumors 68020
May 8, 2008
Why are they focused so much on this one app? Especially when you have whole computer companies that are partially owned by the Chinese government (like Lenovo). Much of our electronic devices are made inside of China. Many of the components of...well, everything... are also made there. But it's TikTok that's the focus?
The difference is they know that when people trust such an app they are willing to share anything. Especially the Android crowd because they have been trained to give up data for free stuff. It’s like taking candy from a baby. Tick Tok is the ultimate Trojan horse. Once indoctrinated they are a trusted source and any content they push will be believed. Add AI and the ability to figure out who is connected to who, what motives them to action, and more


macrumors 6502a
Apr 9, 2012
Good thing you aren't a US citizen. 😁
Oh yes indeed. If I had access to food like this all days I would not have turned 40. It was tasty for sure. I have never before tried beer battered bacon. This meal (including the milkshake) was 2300 kcal or 10% more than I need daily! 😂


  • 4AE13672-FFFE-41CE-9077-AF3138BE61FE.jpeg
    475.7 KB · Views: 61
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macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2004
Why are they focused so much on this one app? Especially when you have whole computer companies that are partially owned by the Chinese government (like Lenovo). Much of our electronic devices are made inside of China. Many of the components of...well, everything... are also made there. But it's TikTok that's the focus?
Data harvesting on users by the CCP which can easily be repurposed into targeted propaganda, swing elections, misinform the public, and generally make kids more stupid by shipping an "unrestricted" version of tik tok to every other country.

Over 1/4 of Americans are frequent users of the platform with the majority being impressionable youngsters.

What could go wrong.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2021
The fact that they want to ban the app instead of the datamining tells you everything we need to know about this corrupt law. US companies are lobbying to destroy their biggest competition
  • Haha
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macrumors 68000
Sep 29, 2008
United States of America
Three anti-China stories I've read in 10min. There is no doubt that there is a concerted effort, a collaboration between US and UK, and lead by the US, to totally economically strangle both China and Russia. Fortunately, their efforts will ultimately fail. I just hope the US doesn't drag the rest of the world down with it.
If the US wanted to take down China they could simply park a carrier strike group in the Indian ocean and cut off the vast majority of their energy they would have no way to fight back. Ignoring that China has an approaching demographic crisis that's worst than Japans and hasn't taken any measures to mitigate it yet unlike Japan. The real-estate market is on pins and needles and once it pops they will have their 2008 style recession. China is going to have a rough couple of decades I don't think the CCP will survive it they will blame the west and sure we wont be doing them favors for obvious reasons but the vast majority of it will be self inflicted.


macrumors 68000
Sep 29, 2008
United States of America
I wonder how many congressmen worry about the Chinese manufactured TVs hanging in their offices. Almost all sets include a microphone and the customers always connect them to the internet.
That started being addressed under Trumps admin and has expanded under Biden's were going to see a lot of made in Mexico/central American electronics in the next 10-20 years.


macrumors 68030
Feb 23, 2016
The sad truth is, so many people rely on facebook, tiktok and what not as their basis for truth, facts and information.
There's a female YT'er who posts nothing but stupid TikTok video's daily on her YT Channel. Each video usually gets several million within 24 hours. She must be uber rich with that kind of viewership.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2011
"Viral at any cost". Encouraging children to potentially put themselves in risky or dangerous situations just so they can get a dopamine rush isn't healthy at all. I've had an instance of a child (probably about 10-12 years old) run out in front of my car, do a "dance" then run back on the pavement while their friends recorded it on their phone. The child was wearing a TikTok hoodie, so I'm assuming it was some stupid attempt at getting themselves on to the algorithm.

My sister is a school teacher, and she's noticed changes in kids using the app, they're completely failing to maintain any kind of attention in class after a couple of minutes. Where phones have been confiscated, the kids often have extreme reactions to being separated from them. Some have literally ran away from school after being told to hand over their phone, which obviously comes with a whole other set of problems.

Educate kids in moderation, we've got the tools in iOS and Android to limit their use. Use them.
That's the scenario for a new Children of the Korn movie. LOL


macrumors 65816
Mar 16, 2019
Hillsboro, OR
The sad thing is that there's a ton of educational content on YouTube that's actually really good. The kurzgesagt people in particular are excellent.

That's the promise of edutainment. But of course you get the (billions of) chaff with the wheat.


macrumors 68000
Jul 21, 2014
Mixed feelings. No question the content on there (and other social media) is incredibly damaging. But isn't that the parent's responsibility? Turn on parental controls and block the app. Do facebook, instagram, snap, and twitter while you're at it.

Besides, if the CCP really wants data they can exploit, they'll just hack sites like, oh, I don't know, Ashley Madison and the OPM.


macrumors 68000
Sep 29, 2008
United States of America
Oh yes indeed. If I had access to food like this all days I would not have turned 40. It was tasty for sure. I have never before tried beer battered bacon. This meal (including the milkshake) was 2300 kcal or 10% more than I need daily! 😂
Eating 4-5Kcals is incredibly easy in the US lost so much weight when I lived in Europe but I missed the food so much.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 29, 2008
United States of America
The sad thing is that there's a ton of educational content on YouTube that's actually really good. The kurzgesagt people in particular are excellent.

That's the promise of edutainment. But of course you get the (billions of) chaff with the wheat.
Kurzgesagt is propaganda connected to some investment firm that was subtly pushing their companies as green energy solutions when they were long shots at best.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 29, 2005
Mixed feelings. No question the content on there (and other social media) is incredibly damaging. But isn't that the parent's responsibility? Turn on parental controls and block the app. Do facebook, instagram, snap, and twitter while you're at it.

Besides, if the CCP really wants data they can exploit, they'll just hack sites like, oh, I don't know, Ashley Madison and the OPM.
Parents' responsibility? They don't want to be responsible for their kids. If they did, they wouldn't need to be encouraged to use parental controls - it would be instinctual.

I block the majority of social media for my kids. I allow Discord, but I keep a very close eye on what servers they use. No twitter, reddit, facebook, instagram, tiktok, snapchat, etc in my household.


macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2016
Interesting. I distinctly recall someone from the last administration railing against TikTok, calling for its ban but was viciously pilloried by everyone and their mothers as "being racist", "xenophobic" etc.

I wonder what's changed.....

Fruit Stand

Apr 25, 2016
Why is it terrible?

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing but please tell me why its terrible?

So much youth involved crime is happening these days and often Tik Tok has either been the motivator based on some challenge or the kids end up meeting on the platform itself and commit group minded crimes.

The KIA/Hyundai theft challenge is and was a prime example.

We also had an incident here in Toronto, Canada where a group of girls met on Tik Tok initially and when they met on person they ended up killing an unhoused 55 year old man over a bottle of booze he had that they wanted to steal from a friend of his. He stepped up to defend his friend and was killed in the swarming. They even posted a video of the attack on TikTik themselves.

It’s just a super unregulated environment that even parents can’t seem to get control over.
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macrumors 68040
Jun 22, 2014
The fact that they want to ban the app instead of the datamining tells you everything we need to know about this corrupt law. US companies are lobbying to destroy their biggest competition
LOL What you want them to do? Ask nicely to please not harvest any data from the platform? Whilst everyone in the infosec industry knew for years that this is going straight onto Chinese government big data platforms ;) Several governments have been soft on this for too long, and when it now penetrates on official use devices and users I can't blame them it is too much. Banning on such devices is very easy and verifiable, asking nicely to not mine the data doesn't do anything.
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