It just goes to show there is no right answer for everybody. The fact is if the person is happy with what they have bought, it was the right decision for them. Discussion on here are very circular as so many people like to insinuate that their preferences are ‘the best’ but nothing could be further from the truth. One persons £550 ‘best’ headphones are another persons ‘not first choice’ headphones. Who is right? Everybody is.Agree. And same with most other products. Double the price on chef's knives doesn't get you double the sharpness or double the price of the car doesn't give you double the gas milage.
Apple's products are luxury products, meaning that you have to pay extra for materials, easy of use ect. Same with iPhones. You can get same results (ram, storage, screen resolution) with other products which are cheaper, but they often lack in categories, that some values more than others, like materials, design and usability. Some will call me crazy for paying double to get these "features" but for me, they are worth the extra price.
Apple products do carry a certain premium, but they also appeal to most demographics down to very low earners who still have a choice. One thing I have learned with Apple is you don’t have to get the most expensive version of a product to get the features you need. It’s all about choice and with headphones, there are many manufacturers who provide excellent products too.