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Problem after installation


Today I installed touchFree on my Touch. Everything seemed to work out just fine during the installation. Until I connected again to iTunes.

1. All my previous music and videos were gone;
2. iTunes tells me that I have a 5.37Gb other section on the iPod!! So almost all my space is gone.

Anybody knows what I did wrong.

Best Regards,


Hi all,

Just jailbroke my touch, using the latest GUI touchfree.

all appears fine, have the Installer and SMBprefs on my touch, and I can connect to itunes.

However, when attempting to sync, itunes seems to view my existing tunes and videos on the touch (appx 10.5 GBs) as "other". Also, on my touch, the videos and music arent there. They must be , since itunes sees the "memory bulk" on my ipod as "other"...but my touch doesnt see them (in the "music" section, or the "about" section which usualy shows total songs and videos..)...hope this makes sense to you? Also, when I first connected to itunes after jailbraking, I tunes attempted to create a playlist automatically from my music files....weird. Any attempt to sync now brings up a " cant sync, due to insufficent space" type message....

Any suggestions as to how to rectify this situation?

I am running Vista, used the latest GUI, and all went well on install.

please help!

Seems like the poster above and I have the same problem exactly.....

I have read and re-read this thread to no avail...any suggestions?..anyone?
Hi all,

Just jailbroke my touch, using the latest GUI touchfree.

all appears fine, have the Installer and SMBprefs on my touch, and I can connect to itunes.

However, when attempting to sync, itunes seems to view my existing tunes and videos on the touch (appx 10.5 GBs) as "other". Also, on my touch, the videos and music arent there. They must be , since itunes sees the "memory bulk" on my ipod as "other"...but my touch doesnt see them (in the "music" section, or the "about" section which usualy shows total songs and videos..)...hope this makes sense to you? Also, when I first connected to itunes after jailbraking, I tunes attempted to create a playlist automatically from my music files....weird. Any attempt to sync now brings up a " cant sync, due to insufficent space" type message....

Any suggestions as to how to rectify this situation?

I am running Vista, used the latest GUI, and all went well on install.

please help!

Seems like I figured out an acceptable workaround for this problem....

I did another reset & restore through itunes....but this time, only restoring the firmware, but not syncing any music/vids/etc... from itunes. Then I ran the GUI again, went through it smoothly, and after all that, resynced with the touch after I rebooted my PC.

Everything re-synced fine, and I now have the new installer and SMBprefs apps as well as my entire library on my touch well, my itunes reads everything as it should be.

Maybe this was what was meant by a "fresh restore to ver. 1.1.1", but I didnt note were it said to only restore the software, not the itunes data.

Hope this helps someone with the same problem...

Now, to scour youtube for the appropriate tutorial videos on how to install apps after a jailbreak. I downloaded the zip file as well...should I install the iphuc or any other programs on my PC as well?? This part of the process was discussed very vaguely here.....
Although the instuctions to jailbreak are quite clear and comprehensive, there is almost no info on what to do with the rest of the extracted zipfiles, or how to download the apps once jailbroke...guess there might be legal implications there.......Also, that other site 9about how to download apps after JB) refered to in this thread....seems like the first post was deleted...more legal issues?

Anyways, thanks for all the help in the jailbreak...Im free, Im free!!!
touchfree alpha

does touch free alpha install trip1pogpstick ?

i kno there are issues with summerboard and trip1
before using it to jail break my phone i would like to kno wot the touchfree alpha installes on my iphone
does touch free alpha install trip1pogpstick ?

i kno there are issues with summerboard and trip1
before using it to jail break my phone i would like to kno wot the touchfree alpha installes on my iphone

touchFree installs trip1pogostick, SummerBoard and Installer.
touchFree installs trip1pogostick, SummerBoard and Installer.

i jus read this at the touchfree website


I'm testing an alpha of a new version of the program. It can be found here. The benefits include having only one single reboot step. Only Installer and SummerBoard are installed, but you have the option of getting SSH by installing the OpenSSH package in Installer. Please contact me with any feedback.

can any one help out here i jus want to kno if trip1pogostick is also installed in this version of touch free ( toughfree alpha)

from what i have read there are some issues with trip1pogostick and summerboard i jus want to be sure before i use the touchfree alpha i relay dont want to have problems with summerboard
Thanks for the program and guide. no problems following the guide and I jailbroked and unlocked my iphone using this method.

Can somebody point me towards removing touchfree modifications on iphone without restoring using itunes ( change log or additions done to the file system will also do) .
btw i used touchfree not the alpha version.

Thanks in advance
:eek:hey guys first post and like many need some help:eek:

i installed the latest jailbreak and managed to get the installed icon

while clicking onto here. i can see loads of apps like games etc and then then all go with only 4 apps to install

after installing these 4 apps and re booting my touch the 4 icons along the bottoms, music.vids photos and itunes have all floated to the top of the screen above the safari. videos calender contacts icons

whats going on???:eek:

im totally new to ipods!!! this is my first apple product, please help someone
:eek:hey guys first post and like many need some help:eek:

i installed the latest jailbreak and managed to get the installed icon

while clicking onto here. i can see loads of apps like games etc and then then all go with only 4 apps to install

after installing these 4 apps and re booting my touch the 4 icons along the bottoms, music.vids photos and itunes have all floated to the top of the screen above the safari. videos calender contacts icons

whats going on???:eek:

im totally new to ipods!!! this is my first apple product, please help someone

Same things have happened to me, even worse when I experimented in other ways.....had to reset, restore and re-JB everytime.

I have asked the same question "what to do AFTER jailbreak", or how to even instal the 3rd party apps (which I understand are included in the GUI touchfree install app) seems to want to help. Seems like the question is too far beneath the "gurus" to be answered....
I have searched this and other forums for many hours, and did the same on youtube for video tutorials...nothing for a GUI .06 touchfree specific JB.
This is the best Ive found, exactly what I want, but far too general and vague to be even remotely useful..

I have been able to gather that there is a way to install apps (at least, 3rd party ones, not iphone ones..) from the JB'd touch itself, but no-one seems to want to provide a defintive answer......

Oh well, at this point, Id be grateful for even the standard "use the search function" response....even though I have extensively....
@ goldypoker

No gurus here. ;)

So, you can see the Installer icon now, right? When you click on it, and then click on any of the 3rd party apps listed, is the Install button not working for you? This is such an easy step for most people that they probably can't understand why it's not working for you. Perhaps give a little more info about your problem?

Definitely install Community Sources, this will populate Installer with a long list of the most desirable apps. Note: iPhone apps are not on Installer.
@ goldypoker

No gurus here. ;)

So, you can see the Installer icon now, right? When you click on it, and then click on any of the 3rd party apps listed, is the Install button not working for you? This is such an easy step for most people that they probably can't understand why it's not working for you. Perhaps give a little more info about your problem?

Definitely install Community Sources, this will populate Installer with a long list of the most desirable apps. Note: iPhone apps are not on Installer.

Thank you for taking the time to answer and help out.

I tried this, and yes, I have the installer, but I screwed it up by installing Summerboard? (main apps at top, cant access them...) I was afraid to do anything else without some counsel, I have restored and re-JB'd my touch about 5 times already...ARGHH! I have since read that it's already installed, and by re-installing it this way, it screws up the original install....

I have gathered from my searches that installing Iphone apps is a more involved process, requiring additional programs on your PC and code work with your touch...maybe in the future.
But just being able to install 3rd party apps from the installer will be a thrill.

Do i need to be connected to the internet on my touch before trying this?
(not sure from my last attempt...) Once i download the new apps and instal them, do I need to reset or something to get them to work?
Also, are there some apps (either native or under community services) that run well or are invaluable on the touch...are there others that should be avioded (due to unstability or uselessness)...I know I wont be hitting the "install summerboard" app again, thats for sure!

Any other advise on this procedure?

Either way, Thx again, Im sure my noob questions seem idiotic to those in the know (or partially in the know...) but I have absolutely zero experience in this area....laughablly, even though most say it was extremely simple, I gave myself a huge pat on the back for even successfully using the touchfree GUI to JB my touch, and believe me, I even managed to screw that up at least 2 times before success,LOL!
Same things have happened to me, even worse when I experimented in other ways.....had to reset, restore and re-JB everytime.

I have asked the same question "what to do AFTER jailbreak", or how to even instal the 3rd party apps (which I understand are included in the GUI touchfree install app) seems to want to help. Seems like the question is too far beneath the "gurus" to be answered....
I have searched this and other forums for many hours, and did the same on youtube for video tutorials...nothing for a GUI .06 touchfree specific JB.
This is the best Ive found, exactly what I want, but far too general and vague to be even remotely useful..

I have been able to gather that there is a way to install apps (at least, 3rd party ones, not iphone ones..) from the JB'd touch itself, but no-one seems to want to provide a defintive answer......

Oh well, at this point, Id be grateful for even the standard "use the search function" response....even though I have extensively....

hey thanks for the replie

ive tried JB 2 times now and each time with the same result. its annoying having to restore the touch each time and go through the whole process again

the JB process aint hard and it seems to all go smoothly but when i install the 4 apps it all goes wrong!!!!!

watching the JB posts on youtube you can scroll loads of differnt apps and stuff but on my JB touch you can initialy se them when you go into installer, touch goes into some sort of checking for update thing and everything disapperas leaving only 4 things to install

this is with the new JB .6
Same things have happened to me, even worse when I experimented in other ways.....had to reset, restore and re-JB everytime.

I have asked the same question "what to do AFTER jailbreak", or how to even instal the 3rd party apps (which I understand are included in the GUI touchfree install app) seems to want to help. Seems like the question is too far beneath the "gurus" to be answered....
I have searched this and other forums for many hours, and did the same on youtube for video tutorials...nothing for a GUI .06 touchfree specific JB.
This is the best Ive found, exactly what I want, but far too general and vague to be even remotely useful..

I have been able to gather that there is a way to install apps (at least, 3rd party ones, not iphone ones..) from the JB'd touch itself, but no-one seems to want to provide a defintive answer......

Oh well, at this point, Id be grateful for even the standard "use the search function" response....even though I have extensively....


ive managed to sort my problem out. no more jumping icons.

i Re JB and click'd into installer. i did not reboot touch again. there are loads of icon and again they disappear leaving 4 apps to install, Dont install any of these

click into update in the installer section. update and you will get a screen where it says "welcome to installer 3" along the bottom of the screen you will have 5 icons

featured. install, update, uninstall and sources

click onto the install section and all the apps for installng will be there. ive installed pong and nes emulator for now. im just happy its working and ill have a proper fiddle later.

hope this helps
hey thanks for the replie

ive tried JB 2 times now and each time with the same result. its annoying having to restore the touch each time and go through the whole process again

the JB process aint hard and it seems to all go smoothly but when i install the 4 apps it all goes wrong!!!!!

watching the JB posts on youtube you can scroll loads of differnt apps and stuff but on my JB touch you can initialy se them when you go into installer, touch goes into some sort of checking for update thing and everything disapperas leaving only 4 things to install

this is with the new JB .6

I just did a jailbreak on my 16Gb touch today so this might be a help to you. For the record I'm using the latest version of iJailBreak rather than touchfree but hopefully it won't make a difference. I'm also writing this from memory so hopefully it'll be accurate.

Best approach I found today was as follows:

1)Start with a 'clean' iPod, no music, videos etc.
2)Run the jailbreak app of your choice and follow instructions. Try to ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of whatever app you choose.
3)Once you have the installer app on your iPod open it up and install the BSD subsystem package. Do not run the installer upgrade yet.
4) Reboot your iPod (hold down power button until the red slider appears, shut down, then start up again by pressing the power button).
5) Go into the installer application and run the upgrade to get to version 3
6) Reboot again just for the heck of it.
7) Go back into the installer application and add the 'community sources' package to get a much improved list of applications.

Hopefully after all that you should have a working system. Good luck.
Neither this version or the other version is working for me. I've looked around, but to no avail.
On the other version, it won't accept the IP I put in.
In this version, it won't get past 'Verifying Write...' in step 3. It just won't move. Period. Blank progress bar.

ANYONE have a possible fix for this?! I've been trying for at least six hours.
Just completed the jailbreak on my iTouch 16gb. Sweet, everything went fine with no problems. Also installed a couple of the iPhone apps and they are working fine. Makes the iTouch much more like what it should be.

From what I have read around many forums, you really need to factory restore your iTouch before doing this.
When the time comes, And another official update is available. Will I be able to say "No" to the update and restore my touch without updating it? I never want to take the chance of updating my iPod with any 3rd party stuff on it.
I used the alpha minimal approach with just the Installer and Summerboard. It works great, thanks but I have a question.

There are many 3rd party apps that should work without the BSD Subsystem that do not work with this method of jailbreaking. Things as simple as the iLight application launch and then crash. After installing BSD Sub they no longer crash but it shouldn't be reliant on that package so the BSD install configures something else that fixes it.

Also, when you launch terminal you have to issue a ./bin/csh command before you can really do anything. I think it's related.

Any ideas how to get the shell to launch correctly at boot-up without install BSD Sub? I think it may fix some of those apps without installing the BSD.

I am trying to have a minimal install of everything to preserve as close to default as possible. I guess if I have to I will install BSD but I bet I can get around it for what I am looking to run.
Stuck in "Patching ipod flash image... 7000 tries"

Did you restore first? At any rate, I'd restore and try again. Check if there's a rdisk0s1 file in your folder that's about 300 MB. If you don't, it just read the image wrong.

I have this same problem. I can run the jailbreak installation without problems until i get to the step 2, patching ipod flash image. It stays there forever. In posts #70, planetbeing mentioned file rdisk0s1 file. I do have that file. What should I do?
please visit the url in safari message

I restored my iPhone to 1.0.2 then updated to 1.1.1 then tried to run iTouchFree v0.6.

It keeps stating I need to visit the jailbreak URL even though I did, and I can confirm it worked by using iPhoneBrowser to verify the symlink exists.

Seems like some type of problem with its verification.

I ran touchfree 5 jailbreak.bat instead, and it worked fine, but it didn't create an afc2 service so browser utilities wouldn't work. I did that manually.

Does touchfree 6 attempt to create the afc2 service?

HELLO have the exact same problem, i have a New out of the box Iphone 1.1.1 when i ran touchfree (alpha version) in step 2 i get the message to visit the url in safari (i did it already).. I'm running Wndows XP SP2 and lates version of Itunes How ca I know that the url ha i visited in safari worked fine..? what could be the problem..? I also tried in another compuer and had the same problem... please any help..?

Hello I have found this in the Touchfree site

I have a new version that requires no download! This version only requires you to visit on your iPod or iPhone. DO NOT VISIT THE niacin jailbreak site before. Nothing needs to be installed on your computer. After you visit the site, Safari will crash and about 30 seconds later, the iPod will reboot automatically. You will then have a device with and SSH (with the on/off switch) automatically installed!

Please be patient before the iPod reboots. Your screen will show nothing happening, but your device is actually working furiously to install everything.

This method will only be good for as long as the TIFF exploit is open, but it's the easiest way yet since there's no need for you to download anything.

Have anyone tried yet..? I don't undestand the part that says DO NOT VISIT THE niacin jailbreak site before, so we don't have to visite the ?
is reading ipod flash image suppose to be repetitive? it keeps redoing that part.

whao, i stopped it and re did it and it started calling it self with the number 1... and would not stopvibrating..
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