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Hey everyone... I just did the GUI Jailbreak but now it says I only have 300 mb of free space? what the hell happened to everything? I have no idea how to fix this... WHAT DO I DO?
Please help !!


I am very confused with all the conflicting info scattered around the web.

Here is my situation, I unlocked my phone with iPhone SimFree back in mid September.

I am happily using a Tmobile sim card with firmware 1.0.2.

I read that I can update to firmware 1.1.1 and my iphone will remain unlocked.

If I do upgrade to 1.1.1 - can I simply use Touchfree to activate?

Will Touchfree activate v1.1.1 with a Tmobile sim card?

I found iPhuc too difficult to understand.

Thanks in advance.


I am very confused with all the conflicting info scattered around the web.

Here is my situation, I unlocked my phone with iPhone SimFree back in mid September.

I am happily using a Tmobile sim card with firmware 1.0.2.

I read that I can update to firmware 1.1.1 and my iphone will remain unlocked.

If I do upgrade to 1.1.1 - can I simply use Touchfree to activate?

Will Touchfree activate v1.1.1 with a Tmobile sim card?

I found iPhuc too difficult to understand.

Thanks in advance.


This software is for the iPod Touch, not the iPhone. Ask about this in the iPhone forum.
ok i really need help right now.
ive tried installing the touchfree, but on step 2 the installer froze nd i had to close the installer. now my ipod touch isnt allowing me to open up music and videos or the iTunes store

ive tried resetting by pressing lock and home button until mac logo appears and resetted it from the settings but it still doesnt fix it!

also my iTunes on the computer isnt locating my ipod even if i connect it now.
iPod touch not showing in windows

I ran the touchFree program and it worked great. everything installed good on the ipod and i can dl apps via installer, but i don't see my ipod in windows for installing manually or putting pdfs in the pdf viewer. any ideas? Thanks
Help !
I've a big problem !I unintsalled Trip1Pogostick by error !
When i quit installer , i won't go to the unlock screen .
I press home + power for shut down .
When i boot again , i see the apple with no end .
When i connect it to my computer , it's the same , i just see th apple.
But i can visit my repertories by WinSCP .

PS : sorry for the grammar , i'm french ^^
Ok I need a little help here. I'm a newbie to this and touchfree went very smoothly. Then i made the mistake of installing 'SummerBoard' and the same thing happened to me that I see happene to others. My bottom icons are now on top. I've uninstalled 'SummerBoard' but that did not fix it. Any Idea's how I can get this corrected???

Ok I need a little help here. I'm a newbie to this and touchfree went very smoothly. Then i made the mistake of installing 'SummerBoard' and the same thing happened to me that I see happene to others. My bottom icons are now on top. I've uninstalled 'SummerBoard' but that did not fix it. Any Idea's how I can get this corrected???


Try installing the new version of summer board thru installer, the previous version has bugs that do that....u have to uninstall the old 1 1st of course....

I have my own problem as well....i did a jailbreak on my GF's touch using windows, shes a mac user....everything went smoothly until she tried syncing it, her mac detects the ipod as a digicam and wont sync with itunes....isnt it possible to jailbreak a mac based ipod using windows???
hi, i jailbroke my ipod. and i already install the community source conceited and ste. i all works fine when i download from the conceited. but i cant download a thing from the ste. do you have any idea?
touchfree coming for Mac?

Or is it in the works? iJailbreak looks good but doesn't seem to do as many checks as touchfree to make sure there is no bricking, while this is only on windows!
thats interesting. I think its treating your ipod as if its not an ipod and just redirecting you. What week are you using again?
S0...did someone remove he site (Apple for instance) or is it down? Also can the same thing not be set up at a different URL?
Touchfree worked wonderful...Can't thank you enough!!! But to a novice like myself, its like my touch is still unhacked... If you can't figure out how to get anything on it, it's no different (you can lead people to water, but you can't make them drink)... maybe someday I'll figure it out or hopefully apple allows 3rd party software sooner then later.

Thanks again!!
i am trying to jailbreak my itouch. whenever i try to connect to via safari, it simply routes to and nothing happens…. any suggestion? thanks!^-^

The first answer I got is the mirror file.

Can anyone guarantee that it works? PR what happened?

Hi miaka,

The mirror worked fine, I would strongly recommend that you do a full restore on the iPod before starting as I got stuck in the 300mb mode for sometime while I worked out how to recover it. The second run through was fine.
helpp!! i did the instructions to hack the ipod touch but then is not reponding i did the thing u have to put on safari on the ipod touch but then the program of the computer is not responding hell p what should i do
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