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iphone apps

how does someone get the iphone apps to install on the touch?
cannot see how this can be done. would like to under stand that
process better.
I've been trying since yesterday... I ran the GUI version and every time it got to Verifying write, it would take a really long time, and then tell me
touchFreeGui has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
I tried today with the command line version and it still does the same thing. I've gone through all the steps making sure I did each step and read it correctly. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
Can someone please help me?
Thank you very much. Took about an hour of reading and then an hour of playing to get everything up and running.

Cheers to all the people involved in putting this together

For some reason, when i go to install summerboard, the bottom icons go to the top but its just the images. I can't even press them

u mite need to install summerboard manually
but doesnt this jailbreaker automatically installs summerboard for u?? it works for me

u mite need to install summerboard manually
but doesnt this jailbreaker automatically installs summerboard for u?? it works for me

When i jailbreak it, it works fine. When i go to install the summerboard app in the, that is when this happens.
did u use this jailbreak or one from another thread
also dont get summer board from installer app u need to put it in manually
any other itunes processes to be closed?

touchFree will try to end all the processes, but sometimes iTunes refuses to close and touchFree appears to just hang. So it's probably safest to end all the processes associated with iTunes yourself.

Newbie here. I've closed iTunesHelper.exe and stopped iPodService.exe and even stopped Apple Mobile Device on my Vista pc, but after running touchfreeGui.exe and successfully running step 1, when I click on step 2, nothing happens (message = not responding). Are there any other itunes processes I need to close?

I've rebooted numerous times and also uninstalled and reinstalled touchfree, while making sure no itunes processes and services were running, but still can't even get to step 2.
how does someone get the iphone apps to install on the touch?
cannot see how this can be done. would like to under stand that
process better.

All you do is copy the app to the /Applications directory and then run chmod -R a+x /Applications/*

That's all.
I've got a questing if i jailbreak my touch will i still be able to sync my music with itunes, or will i have to use some different software. Also, can i somehow backup my music+album art before reseting my touch. Thanks.
I've got a questing if i jailbreak my touch will i still be able to sync my music with itunes, or will i have to use some different software. Also, can i somehow backup my music+album art before reseting my touch. Thanks.

Nothing will change with iTunes after you jailbreak the touch. You can also copy the music off the ipod using iTunes.
Newbie here. I've closed iTunesHelper.exe and stopped iPodService.exe and even stopped Apple Mobile Device on my Vista pc, but after running touchfreeGui.exe and successfully running step 1, when I click on step 2, nothing happens (message = not responding). Are there any other itunes processes I need to close?

I've rebooted numerous times and also uninstalled and reinstalled touchfree, while making sure no itunes processes and services were running, but still can't even get to step 2.
plug in your touch before running touchfree
Newbie here. I've closed iTunesHelper.exe and stopped iPodService.exe and even stopped Apple Mobile Device on my Vista pc, but after running touchfreeGui.exe and successfully running step 1, when I click on step 2, nothing happens (message = not responding). Are there any other itunes processes I need to close?

I've rebooted numerous times and also uninstalled and reinstalled touchfree, while making sure no itunes processes and services were running, but still can't even get to step 2.

Perhaps you ought not to stop Apple Mobile Device. ;)
For some reason, when i go to install summerboard, the bottom icons go to the top but its just the images. I can't even press them

I had the same.
Just un-install Summerboard (from and reboot.
You might want to stay with "extended springboard" for now any way.
It does the job very well (at least for me).
Tried again, but with command line TouchFree in touchfree5

At least I get an explicit error:

Failed to read iPod flash image, trying again. (Did you remember to visit the ja
ilbreak site with Safari?)

Yes, I did visit the site :p

Someone (planetbeing ?) mind commenting on the errors I encountered ?

I managed to free my phone using an other method (also relying on itoc2rta), but I know I'll have to do it all over sometime, so I'd really like to know why this didn't work for me.

Someone (planetbeing ?) mind commenting on the errors I encountered ?

I managed to free my phone using an other method (also relying on itoc2rta), but I know I'll have to do it all over sometime, so I'd really like to know why this didn't work for me.


From the information you offered, it seems like for whatever reason, iPhuc is failing to get the full flash image from your touch. This might be due to some kind of USB issue? To be honest, I'm not sure. The next version will be using a smaller buffer. Maybe that's the issue?

Should I spend some time coding the functionality to "resume" image downloads? Are many people having this problem or just you? Would it save more overall time for me to do this or for you to just use another computer? Heh, I don't know. But there's so much heterogeneity with computers (especially PCs) that it's really hard to get everything to work.

I'm currently attempting to do less and less on the computer and more and more on the touch. This might help a lot of the USB issues we're seeing. Not sure about your particular issue, though.
From the information you offered, it seems like for whatever reason, iPhuc is failing to get the full flash image from your touch. This might be due to some kind of USB issue? To be honest, I'm not sure. The next version will be using a smaller buffer. Maybe that's the issue?

Should I spend some time coding the functionality to "resume" image downloads? Are many people having this problem or just you? Would it save more overall time for me to do this or for you to just use another computer? Heh, I don't know. But there's so much heterogeneity with computers (especially PCs) that it's really hard to get everything to work.

I'm currently attempting to do less and less on the computer and more and more on the touch. This might help a lot of the USB issues we're seeing. Not sure about your particular issue, though.

The whole reason I abandoned my first installation of Jailbreak was due to the above. I couldn't figure out how to make those buttons work again or move them back to the bottom.

So I RESTOREd my iPod touch back to its original state, but now JAILBREAK always bombs after the first step. I've noticed others who try to jailbreak more than once from the same computer having similar issues...
From the information you offered, it seems like for whatever reason, iPhuc is failing to get the full flash image from your touch. This might be due to some kind of USB issue? To be honest, I'm not sure. The next version will be using a smaller buffer. Maybe that's the issue?

Should I spend some time coding the functionality to "resume" image downloads? Are many people having this problem or just you? Would it save more overall time for me to do this or for you to just use another computer? Heh, I don't know. But there's so much heterogeneity with computers (especially PCs) that it's really hard to get everything to work.

I'm currently attempting to do less and less on the computer and more and more on the touch. This might help a lot of the USB issues we're seeing. Not sure about your particular issue, though.

Is the flash size on iPhone different ?
Remember I'm on the iPhone, used a guide that refered to your tool as working for the iPhone as well. Could that be the issue ?
I'm out of jail, activated and even unlocked (tx to ipsf), so there's NO need to do anything for me, thanks. But as mentionned, I'm sure I'll have to redo the whole process sometime, so it would be interesting to at least know WHY it failed ...

Also, any chance you could add activation and/or youtube activation to your tool ?
Or at least give us access to the "killall" command ?
There are many manual steps involved with activation, just because killall is missing from iphuc (dropbear, bsd base install, ...).
If iphuc (or an other tool) offered killall, we could just putfile the required files, killall lockdownd when required and activation would be much easier.

Thanks for taking the time to answer, and keep up the great work :)
I am at my wit's end.

Jailbreak worked fine...but both times I have done it, the internet is veeeeeeeeeeeeeery slow afterwards if it works at all and installer freezes all the time when I try to download community sources or other aps...

with community sources, it will download it but freeze during the 'okay' part and won't let me press it :(

What should I do? Restoring and re jailbreaking won't solve the problem I don't think.
boy do i have a big problem

i've tryed about 10,000 different ways to jailbreak, which is probably why it's so screwed up, ive tryed doing it manaully, but dropbear won't work. i tried touchfree, it freezes every time it gets to the "update" part. but because i edited the scripts on the ipod for the manual way, itunes thinks that it is an iphone, and says it does not have the software necessary and it needs to be reinstalled, i've done this several times. now my ipod is in recovery mode and it won't come out because the computer refuses to recocnize it. i've been trying to find a command for iphuc that will recover it, but none work, i would lov it if someone could figure this out! at least a way to fix the code on the ipod, i tryed editing it with hex again, and then uploading it to it, but that didn't work eeither, thank u very much
Success! Many thanks!

plug in your touch before running touchfree

Success! Planetbeing, you are the best! I'm in your debt.

Here's what went wrong with my first attempt at the jailbreak. I assumed the ipod touch did not need to be connected to my pc. In hindsight, that's pretty funny and stooopid.

I do not intend to update my itunes firmware unless I know I can reinstall my desired programs.

For newbies with Vista pcs, after downloading the touchfree zip file and extracting it,
(1) check if you have firmware 1.1.1 on your ipod touch
(2) connect your ipod touch to your pc. If it launches itunes, close itunes.
(3) in task manager, close ituneshelper.exe (in programs) and stop ipod service (in services tab)
(4) run the touchfreegui.exe file and follow the instructions

When it's finished, launch Installer on your jailbroken ipod touch and install desired programs.

By the way, where's Notes?
Just saw you released a new alpha.

Any word regarding my issue and if you consider it could be caused by the fact I'm runing it on an iPhone ?
Do you consider your procedure to be working on iPhone ?
Does iPhone have a different flash size ?
Which could be causing the error.

Regarding my suggestion to integrate "activation" in your procedure, you could ask us to rename the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.exe generated online to iactivate.exe (f.ex.), and run it when required, i.e:

rename lockdownd to lockdownd.1.1.1
issue killall lockdownd
run iactivate.exe (which we've generated online and renamed accordingly)
rename lockdownd.1.1.1 to lockdownd
issue killall lockdownd
ask us to reboot our activated phone :)

Easier said than done, I know ! :p
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