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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Dec 19, 2009
Just watched wwdc 2024. They really have no clues what to do with ipados. Nothing is improved fundamentally just reiterations of past steps. There is no desktop, no window management. Ipados is more limited than 30 year old Mac os 7.5 in all possible ways. System 7.5 achieved far more and far more efficiently with the meager Motorola chip and few mb of ram than all m4 ipad pros with gbs of ram and memory. it is mind numbing how blind, shortsighted and limited are Tim and Federini in rethinking ipad os. Aside from math notes there was really nothing new in ipad’s new version. Waste of time and money. And speaking of math notes, there is no way to normally input math equations on pages aside from using some really hideous ways. Ms Word running in 1993 on Mac OS system 7 was able to do more in math equation input than whole of ipados and all of its apps in 2024. And thats a testimony to how clueless are Apple directors about ipad os as they are just to release another iteration of their so limited toy os. I wonder if they ever do meetings on improving ipad os and making it truly work oriented os. judging on wwdc video, no, they dont.
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macrumors 68040
Nov 15, 2012
I was shocked that they didn’t announce ANY improvements to stage manager :( is nobody reading the extensive analysis that the guy over at macstories is writing up every year? He pointed out so many low hanging fruits for them in his last massive write up, it’s kinda offensive they’re just ignoring all of this.


macrumors 601
Mar 23, 2012
But then again the focus was AI. iPadOS is a concern but Apple is basically in crisis mode to sell AI now and get those iPhone sales stabilized.
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macrumors member
Nov 20, 2020

Natya Sadella

Jun 20, 2016
Im more shocked to see those 3D Touch preview windows in safari for example are still mini versions. Instead of a big preview where you can actually see the site you want to preview


macrumors 6502
Nov 21, 2022
SouthEast of Northern MidWest
iPad OS does exactly what they want it to do. No more, no less.
But does it do what the customers want it to do ?

I bought a M1 11" Pro when it was still the latest. Was thinking long and hard about 12.9" and figured that I can change it in a couple years if I decide that a larger iPad is worth it over the more portable one.

Well, I will never spend money on another Pro again. Despite its tremendous potential, it's just a glorified large phone with an expensive pen. The (artificial) limitations of filesystem are the #1 reason. Samsung Dex combined with Android's real filesystem start to look more and more appealing.

I am not ready to jump the ship just yet, but it's no longer out of question. It used to be that I considered every part of Apple ecosystem to be superior, but I no longer do. It has its really nice parts, but it also has its stupid limitations, and the competition is catching up, fast.


macrumors 68020
Jan 12, 2014
Monroe, Louisiana
I’m pretty happy with iPadOS and I stopped using my Macbook Pro years ago. But my job is mainly e-mails, spreadsheets, and periodic business trips. The iPad Pro is perfect for me. The absence of the pencil and rear camera on a Macbook are deal breakers for me.

I use the Apple Pencil A TON in meetings so I’m super excited about the new script function which will make my notes neater. I upgraded to 18 just for that. The calculator looks interesting but I’m not sure if I’ll use it much.

I’m also excited about the AI which can proofread stuff that I write on my M1 iPad Pro.

I was happy with iPadOS before so today was all gravy for me.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 20, 2012
Just watched wwdc 2024. They really have no clues what to with ipados. Nothing is improved fundamentally just reiterations of past steps. There is no desktop, no window management. Ipados is more limited than 30 year old Mac os 7.5 in all possible ways. System 7.5 achieved far more and far more efficiently with the meager Motorola chip and few mb of ram than all m4 ipad pros with gbs of ram and memory. it is mind numbing how blind, shortsighted and limited are Tim and Federini in rethinking ipad os. Aside from math notes there was really nothing new in ipad’s new version. Waste of time and money. And speaking of math notes, there is no way to normally input math equations on pages aside from using some really hideous ways. Ms Word running in 1993 on Mac OS system 7 was able to do more in math equation input than whole of ipados and all of its apps in 2024. And thats a testimony to how clueless are Apple directors about ipad os as they are just to release another iteration of their so limited toy os. I wonder if they ever do meetings on improving ipad os and making it truly work oriented os. judging on wwdc video, no, they dont.
Calling extremely smart, talented and experienced designers and engineers “clueless” seems like an extreme response. Buy a different tablet or use your superior smarts to design your own.


macrumors 6502
Nov 21, 2022
SouthEast of Northern MidWest
Calling extremely smart, talented and experienced designers and engineers “clueless” seems like an extreme response. Buy a different tablet or use your superior smarts to design your own.
It doesn’t matter how smart or talented the engineers are. They are not the ones making product strategy decisions.

And your post is a perfect example of arrogance that destroyed many formerly leading companies.

I am a long time loyal Apple fan who switched from Android. Unlike some people who just followed the trend without looking at the “other” side, I knew Android very well, and made an informed decision after comparing all pros and cons. I knew that there was a clear advantage in using Apple.

Now, I don’t believe that’s the case anymore. There are still many great things about Apple ecosystem, but also many areas where it falls short. It would be a lot harder for me to pick a side if I was setting up from scratch today.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 30, 2006
The iPad is Apple’s sub $1000 computing line, a market where the majority of users are willing to trade some autonomy for a more controlled experience.

Or to put it another way: nobody whoever bought a Fiat 500 complained it couldn’t win a Formula 1 race.


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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Dec 19, 2009
iPadOS seems to be an afterthought no one actually cares about or pays attention to.
It exists because something must run on the expensive iPad Pro Apple wants to sell us.
So it exists as a bare minimum of a software to support the hardware sales. It is neither functional nor elegant it remains just an oversized inefficient weak useless clon of iOS. No wonder that iPad sales are tanking and consumers are balking at spending thousands of dollars on useless software even if hardware itself is amazing.
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macrumors 6502a
May 19, 2019
Salisbury, North Carolina
Did you actually watch what you can do with that calculator? That was actually impressive. The real-time graphing and function handling is actually useful.
Yes I did and agree: useful to be sure. But come on, it’s a calculator. The added value is the stylus recognition and adaptability to potentially address several “neat-o” needs. My post was more tongue-in-cheek; with all the supposedly “exciting” things about OS18’s, emoji generation, and AI, the fact that Apple has (finally) incorporated its own calculator into the OS seems a tad way too little way too late, though welcome nonetheless. They overcame most of that with the stylus stuff.

But, but, a calculator? Just be still my heart.


macrumors 6502
Nov 21, 2022
SouthEast of Northern MidWest
iPadOS seems to be an afterthought no one actually cares about or pays attention to.
It exists because something must run on the expensive iPad Pro Apple wants to sell us.
So it exists as a bare minimum of a software to support the hardware sales. It is neither functional nor elegant it remains just an oversized inefficient weak useless clon of iOS. No wonder that iPad sales are tanking and consumers are balking at spending thousands of dollars on useless softtware even if hardware itself is amazing.

I am one of those who bought an expensive iPad Pro after it was outfitted with a USB-C port and got new features to support external drives and monitors.

However, the severe limitations of iPadOS made all of that little more than a bunch of gimmicks. At the end of the day, for me there’s absolutely nothing in that Pro to justify paying extra over Air or even the base model. Yea the screen is a tad nicer. I don’t care that much about that, the base model screen is good enough for me. What I do care about is functionality, and the super-duper Pro is just as limited as the base iPad. I can take either of them on a business trip or vacation, and neither of them can replace a laptop on a daily basis. The Pro certainly has the processing power to do that. But Apple decided to not provide an OS that can actually utilize that power.

At this point, I am fully immersed into Apple ecosystem for my personal uses (with an exception of a powerful desktop running Windows which I don’t use daily). And to be honest, I am starting to feel really ambivalent about it.

iPhone is a good phone, but the camera on my 12 sucks ass compared to the similarly priced Android competitors from the same year. Even a moderately backlit situation results in severe loss of contrast. I swear that 7+ had a better camera. Yea I can upgrade to the top of the line Pro Max and hope for improvement.

iPad… see above. Love the apps. But I also love Samsung DEX, or the fact that their tablets have a real filesystem.

MacBook… great hardware. Love it. OS thought… well I am a lot more productive in Windows. Love the integration with iPhone. (MS is just getting there with their phone link software). But hate the window management (Rectangle helps, but only so much), inability to change system fonts to actually readable size without changing resolution, the fact that my two external 32” monitors are crisp and bright in Windows but low res and washed out when connected to Mac, the way app sandboxing is implemented, and the overall approach to multitasking.

Apple Watch… well it’s actually the best Apple product. Not as good looking as some Android watches, but functionally great. Not sure that it is enough to keep me in the ecosystem all by itself.

Apple AirPods Pro… this is the worst Apple product I have. Don’t freaking tell me “everyone’s ears are different” when cheap Chinese no-name brands figured out how to produce a good seal in pretty much anyone’s ear long time ago. The microphone in one of them quit working just as the warranty expired. The “seamless connection to Apple devices” isn’t all that seamless. And the sound quality is just mediocre. It’s a $250 pair of $30 earbuds.

HomePod Mini… I have 3. Another purchase I am not all that happy about. They are a mediocre, overpriced product that needs to be rebooted at least once every two weeks to keep working. Siri is half deaf and mentally disabled, the “smart” functionality is unreliable and limited. The sound quality is … meh.

Apple TV… it’s a good product. Not any better than my bedroom Roku, just with a better looking interface.

All in all… it’s an OK ecosystem, but very expensive. A far cry from when it was the top, premium ecosystem that nothing else could approach.

My $.02…
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