But no slowdowns or beachballs?
Cool. Thanks. Also how was updating to FW 2 did you do it on the MBP or have to use a PC?
Wow, I'm surprised at the vitriol coming from OWC regarding this. It's not like anyone's advocating a competing product to theirs, yet their blog post + comments seem a bit too defensive.
Data speaks volumes. They could market it better than a rant against TRIM. Spin it as "Trim or not, OWC drives shine," and then provide the data to back it up. Assuming that's actually the case. Otherwise, merely recommend against TRIM or the Trim Enabler, and leave it at that. As they currently comment about it makes them seem petty.
Online dictionaries can be usefulwhat does "vitriol" mean?
sudo chmod -R 755 path/to/kext.kext
sudo chown -R root:wheel path/to/kext.kext
try that
Ugh same problem is back again. It seems to be on all new downloaded files. It worked for a bit but is now messed up again. Maybe I'm missing the ball, was there some other file I need to do the chmod/chown to?
EDIT: Just did the sudo chown/chmod on Downloads and it's ok again. Starting to think this isn't a TRIM problem. Still don't understand why all my downloads have messed up permissions.
Spoke too soon, it worked for two files, but not the third...
I installed Lion earlier this morning and was wanting to enable TRIM again, and was following the steps.
I got to the Disk Utility portion to erase the free space but the erase free space button is not clickable, essentially, it's not an option for me to use?
Any help or info? Thanks.
Same here, shows TRIM enabled, but I can't do the free space thing. Does it matter?
Is http://groths.org down?
I installed Lion earlier this morning and was wanting to enable TRIM again, and was following the steps.
I got to the Disk Utility portion to erase the free space but the erase free space button is not clickable, essentially, it's not an option for me to use?
Any help or info? Thanks.