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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 19, 2003
NOTE: uBar 4 is out - please continue discussion in the uBar 4 thread.

Hi. I'm the developer of uBar.

uBar is the dock replacement for the Mac.

Version 3 is available at - It is a 4 week trial and costs $20 to purchase. uBar 2 users can upgrade for $10.


The idea for uBar is to be the Dock replacement for the Mac. It can be configured as either a task bar or dock. Hide titles and set windows to always group, and it is a dock. Show titles and set window grouping to always or automatic, and it is a task bar. uBar designed to be an OS X app before anything, which means it looks beautiful. When uBar is used as a task bar, it looks like it belongs on OS X.

I'm actively developing it and would love to hear everyone's feedback and feature requests. Just look at the release notes to see the huge number of features that are user suggestions!

The latest version is 3.2.5

Twitter: @uBarApp

uBar 2 thread (for reference):

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To get us up to date...

Release Notes for 3.0.0
  • Feature: Position uBar to the Bottom, Left, Right, or Top (Suggested by C. P. Pathak)
  • Feature: Option to display window preview when hovering added to General preferences (Suggested by Peter von Diebitsch)
  • Feature: Rimless option added to General preferences (Suggested by Gerhard Uwe Heim)
  • Feature: New Date & Time pane in Preferences window allowing the selection of a Timepiece to display above the Calendar
  • Feature: User-created custom timepieces can be added in Application Support folder
  • Feature: User-created custom icons can be added in Application Support folder
  • Feature: App icon tooltips incorporate keyboard modifiers
  • Feature: Clicking an app icon while pressing Shift quits it (Suggested by Luigi Viscido)
  • Feature: Hidden apps icons are now displayed at half-opacity
  • Tweak: Dark theme now uses white for the highlight color
  • Fix: Applications menu sorting now reflects localized title order (Reported by Anders Caous)
Release Notes for 3.0.1
  • Fix: uBar Menu text label now responds to clicks property (Reported by Barry Lubov)
  • Fix: Timepiece hands display properly on retina displays (Reported by Peter van Westen)
Release Notes for 3.0.2
  • Fix: Apps with flawed launch/AX sequence such as FireFox now report windows properly (Reported by Hans Gerd Evertz)
  • Fix: Tooltips position correctly during drag and drop when the bar is positioned to the left or right
  • Fix: uBar removes login item when quit via Command-Q in Preferences (Reported by Peter Maurer)
  • Fix: Fixed issue where Rimless mode would cause last apps not to show (Reported by Peter van Westen)
Release Notes for 3.0.3
  • Feature: New Window preview delay option added to General preferences (Suggested by Peter van Westen)
  • Tweak: uBar 2 users get full 4 week trial period (Suggested by Kyle DeMilo)
  • Fix: Apps no longer take the full width when using over 2 lines with titles enabled on top and bottom
  • Fix: Timepiece hands no longer blurry on non-retina displays
I really am liking 3.0 so far. I like the way it dims the icons, rimless is cool too. Will have to have a go at creating a timepiece.

Consider adding a short form of the date when you pin uBar to the side. Or use the theme colors and display it as if it were a badge, but with those colors (be easier for it to work at the smaller sizes still).
It would be awesome if you could rearrange the open programs in the bar... Like the way you can rearrange tabs in a web browser. Also reorder favorites :)

Also have seconds for the clock - I turned the clock off in the system so I don't see it up top but I do miss the seconds.

I have been loving version 2 - been using it for a few months now and it works great! Version 3 is nice too!
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Great update!

At least if fixes my biggest annoyance of v2 with Thunderbird and Firefox additional windows not appearing in the bar.
Release Notes for 3.0.4
  • Feature: Hold Shift+Command when clicking an app to force relaunch it (Suggested by Peter van Westen)
  • Tweak: When using titles in Rimless mode, apps now have a thin border (Suggested by Peter van Westen)
  • Fix: Solved El Capitan bug that was causing intermittent crashes (Reported by Jesse Kay)
If I set something as my favorite, it doesn't use the icons from Application Support. Neither is my trashcan theming. That has been the case since version 2 now.

It's also disappearing for me after it tells me to enter my license.
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If I set something as my favorite, it doesn't use the icons from Application Support. Neither is my trashcan theming. That has been the case since version 2 now.

It's also disappearing for me after it tells me to enter my license.

Favourites don't use the overrides yet unfortunately. Also anyone who installed a version of uB3 before 3.0.3 doesn't get a new trial (was fixed in 3.0.3). It must be that, sorry:(
It would be awesome if you could rearrange the open programs in the bar... Like the way you can rearrange tabs in a web browser. Also reorder favorites :)

Also have seconds for the clock - I turned the clock off in the system so I don't see it up top but I do miss the seconds.

I have been loving version 2 - been using it for a few months now and it works great! Version 3 is nice too!

Thanks! Right now rearranging apps is manual in the Preferences>Applications, but at some point I will be doing two things: revamping favourites so they are more like pinned apps/files, and making it so there is drag & drop re-ordering for apps/favourites.

For the seconds, the built-in timepieces are based on the timepieces that I make:

They have "small-seconds", i.e. the seconds are in a sub-dial at 6 o'clock.

But you can easily make a custom timepiece:

And implement your favourite watch or something completely original with central seconds.
Small issue on El Capitan, using v3.0.4:

When an app is fullscreen, uBar is always on top.
in v2 (and Yosemite) it would auto-hide automatically and show up when moving the mouse cursor on the bottom of the screen (for a bottom ubar).

This is especially annoying when doing a fullscreen RDP session as it overlaps the Windows taskbar.
Small issue on El Capitan, using v3.0.4:

When an app is fullscreen, uBar is always on top.
in v2 (and Yosemite) it would auto-hide automatically and show up when moving the mouse cursor on the bottom of the screen (for a bottom ubar).

This is especially annoying when doing a fullscreen RDP session as it overlaps the Windows taskbar.

Yeah it does. Ok looking into it ASAP. Thanks for the catch!
Im finding an issue - sometimes the preview when you hover over the open app will not go away, you have to quit ubar then relaunch it.
I've found that too - it's an edge case where the mouse moves so quickly the window never even receives a mouseExit. For now the workaround is to set the cursor on another app to get it going again. I'll have to figure some way of detecting this.
IMPORTANT: Check for Updates broke in 3.0.4 due to Xcode 7. 3.0.5 must be manually downloaded.

Release Notes for 3.0.5

  • Feature: Shift-click a window preview to close it (Suggested by Matt Dunphy)
  • Tweak: When windows aren’t grouped, window previews show only the specific window
  • Tweak: Better border-drawing on Rimless mode with titles
  • Tweak: Better support for displaying document proxy icons for windows of ungrouped apps
  • Fix: Solved full-screen auto-hiding issue in El Capitan (Reported by Peter van Westen)
  • Fix: Check for Updates was broken in 3.0.4 and is now working again
nice App ;-) I just find out there is a incompatibly with one of my favorite Apps Divvy - any chance in the future to solve this problem?
Glad you like it:) Just emailed the Divvy guys. Helps if you also separately ask them about uBar support.
Plenty of fixes:

Release Notes for 3.0.6

  • Tweak: No longer shows borders on rimless mode if area separators are disabled (Suggested by Zac Gorak)
  • Fix: Clock size is no longer small in when using the Huge size (Reported by Peter von Diebitsch)
  • Fix: Solved issue causing the uBar menu to fail to open (Reported by Peter Alexander)
  • Fix: Shift-clicking to quit/close the last app or window no longer causes the tooltip to remain (Reported by Seb Insua)
  • Like
Reactions: Jessica Lares
Long time coming...

Version 3.0.7
  • Feature: Right-click any favourite to change it’s position or even move it to the other side (Suggested by Björn Ognibeni)
Edit - Thursday's update involves a crash fix and others:

Version 3.0.8
  • Fix: Solved a crash involving the uBar menu (Reported by Anders Holm)
  • Fix: uBar no longer shows on secondary monitor on launch when auto-hiding is enabled
  • Fix: uBar no longer resizes windows when auto-hidden on top (Reported by Jim Collins)
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