Excellent news. Thank you for the reply!Version 4 coming out in July. It's been 6 months in the making.
Excellent news. Thank you for the reply!Version 4 coming out in July. It's been 6 months in the making.
Thanks - my pleasure!Just updated and very pleased! The one item that was fixed was accidentally thinking I was in Windows for a minute (I use Windows, Linux, and Mac at work) and typing after opening the uBar menu. Being able to type and have it select one of my favorites is great! Keep up the good work.
Any news?
I guess it'll be seven (or eight) months in the making!
Hi Adani, you can get there by clicking the uBar menu>uBar>Preferences. Or try right-clicking the very left/right side of the whole bar.This could sound like a silly question - but how can I access uBar 4 settings? Purchased it, downloaded, replaced uBar 3 installation... once launched, it used same settings as u3, except for one - there is virtually no border in dock to click on, and hence no way to access preferences they way I did it in u3
Normally in uBar 4 when you disable the uBar menu, you should get a uBar menu as a menu extra in the macOS menu bar. This was specifically to handle the problem you mentioned.The thing is, I could not get to uBar menu at all - I had menu disabled back in version 3, so 4 just had the same settings. And there was no icon in top system bar as well. However, installing 3rd version and changing settings in it (disabling rimless mode), then launching 4rd did the trick. That's a bit hacky though
What I immediately noticed in new version is that fonts used for application names in dock seem to lack any kind of anli-aliasing - in uBar3 they were nicer and a bit bolder. Also, when rimless mode is enabled not only there is virtually no border to click on to access settings (this might not be a problem for everyone), but what's really strange is that each window title in dock has white underline at the bottom. This is distracting when using dark theme and just because of that I had to disable rimless.
What I immediately noticed in new version is that fonts used for application names in dock seem to lack any kind of anli-aliasing - in uBar3 they were nicer and a bit bolder.
Downloaded uBar 4.
Looked at the one feature - the ONE feature - I asked to be fixed. It's not fixed.
Deleted uBar 4. Not buying this app until you fix this one simple issue.
Please fix this. Thank you.