Boston's reported total was 24 inches and so we got just what they estimated. In an odd twist, the wind patterns seemed different then prior nor'easters. For once the wind blew most of the snow away from the sidewalk and driveway. My truck and the wife's car was not buried in snow but my neighbors across the street, well they're in giant snow drifts exceeding 3 feet.
Its not all rainbows and unicorns, the bottom of the driveway, which meets the street has a giant 3 foot drift, I got most of it cleared last night but I knew the plows would undo much of the work, I'll be going back out again.
My poor dog , I had to clear a path, for the back, as I mentioned there's a solid 3 feet of snow back there and that's just way too deep.
As least we'll be able to dig out and get out of the house, as cabin fever will be setting in for all of us