Since my last post, I had struggled with recognition problem for several days and I finally made it.
Long story short, my Macbook pro retina 13" 2014-mid can hibernate with Samsung 960evo NVMe ssd driver as successfully flashing the modified bootrom. I used the cheapest SPI programmer, CH341a and
Korean EFI-Rom converting board for J6100 port as hardwares and UEFI Tool and CH341a programmer as softwares. It didn't need to supply 3.3v to PP3V3_SUS. Instead, I plugged magsafe and battery port only while detecting the chip in the CH341a software.
My pmset adjusted like as in the following last night;
pmset -a standby 1 standbydelay 5 hibernatemode 25
ohnggniui-MacBook-Pro:~ ohnggni$ pmset -g
System-wide power settings:
Currently in use:
standbydelay 5
standby 1
halfdim 1
hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage
gpuswitch 2
powernap 0
disksleep 10
sleep 3 (sleep prevented by com.tclementdev.timemachineedit, sharingd)
autopoweroffdelay 28800
hibernatemode 25
autopoweroff 1
ttyskeepawake 1
displaysleep 3
acwake 0
lidwake 1
And I got the log this morning; (reduced nothing for about 5 hours)
2018-06-26 01:09:21 +0900 Sleep Entering Sleep state due to 'Clamshell Sleep': Using Batt (Charge:94%) 16393 secs
2018-06-26 05:42:34 +0900 Wake Wake from Standby [CDNVA] due to EC.LidOpen/UserActivity Assertion: Using BATT (Charge:94%) 389 secs
Regarding hibernation, I'll check it further as closing the lid for much longer time.
Please be sure to backup(dump) your original bootrom prior to mod & flash, by using CH341a software(Read & Save) or dosdude1's tool.
I had gone through tremendous trial & errors before I got to know things above.
I nearly cried when I made it last night.
Special thanks to
edit [Jun.26] IF you have interest in the converting board and you live in South Korea, contact the seller to directly buy via his homepage instead of ebay.
edit [Jun.27] Additionally I measured the battery consumption during hibernation last night. Minus 2% for 14.5hours. It seems so similar to Apple's advertisement, 30days standby time.