Maybe it’s a high Sierra thing? I’m running the latest bootrom on my machine, and I peak around the same speeds, usually around 2800, though it never stays that high for long.
You simply have to :
1 - download NVMeFix.kext and Lilu.kext
2 - Install both with KextBeast in /Library/Extensions
I did this with SIP disabled but you may be able to only activate the unsigned kext in "System Preferences" -> Security
I've tried under 10.13 and even if the kext did load, I didn't see any reduction in standbye mode, but I need to test in 10.14 and 10.15, 10.13 is not supposed to be supported.
Will try it and report results
Hi,I tried with both Hackintool and Kextbeast on 10.14.6 and power draw in idle is still the same, no difference. And yes the kexts are loaded, I checked.
Did I miss something?
Im sure there is a solution for this issue. We just need the right person to read this and answer.🙏I have the exact same problem but with the Sabrent drive. Interesting. So it sounds like either a logic board or adapter problem.
Hello everyone, I upgraded my computers -macbook pro mid 2015 15” from 512gb to 1tb Samsung pro970. I bought the sintech adapter (the long one) And installed it into my computer, i attached my new ssd to the adapter and the adapter to the macbook pro. I found that i dont get the best speed, and it actually really slow for it, i had tried to play with the adapter and the ssd and move it to the sided on the logicboard, i found its helping, when I did that I got speed up to 2580 write & 2250 read, but only for a short time, and than it goes back to very slow such as 1380 write & 1480 read. The reason i kept play with it is because i saw different of the speeds, but after i turn off my computer and turn back on the speed getting down again. I want to share with you the picture of my disk utility and what i did when I first installed the macos. I got to this because i think this is the reason that my ssd is too slow for an nvme ssd.
please, help me understand and guid me, what should i do the make the speed highest as possible?
And what is the reason/what i did wrong in the installation that my mac is super slow.?
my Boot ROM Version:
Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,5
please help me, im getting around with that issue for half a year.
buying different adapters and trying million things from kaptop tape to reset pram, format my MacBook for 3 times. nothing helped.
I really wish someone will direct me to do the right thing to get the best of it.
PLEASE HELP ME. thank🙏 !!
View attachment 889668
System-wide power settings:
Currently in use:
lidwake 1
autopoweroff 0
standbydelayhigh 86400
autopoweroffdelay 0
standbydelaylow 10800
standby 1
proximitywake 0
ttyskeepawake 1
hibernatemode 3
powernap 0
gpuswitch 2
hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage
highstandbythreshold 50
displaysleep 5
sleep 20
tcpkeepalive 1
halfdim 1
acwake 0
disksleep 10
Check the connections to your logic board, could be loose or slightly corrodedHello everyone,
Thanks to this thread I recently installed an Intel 660p in my 2015 MBPr (Macbook12,1) and I really like the added space! Battery seems good too.
However, I do experience a problem, and I am not sure if changing the SSD has caused it. Since upgrading my SSD:
I already went ahead and re-installed MacOS with the recovery boot option. I think this is the same as just a clean install, right?
- My touchpad AND keyboard are not working when freshly booting. My mouse just hangs in the top left and my keyboard does not work to fill in my password. I have Filevault disabled because I thought this was causing it.
- Doing a couple of restarts and a couple of SMC and NVRAM resets usually makes them work again. But sometimes I have to plug in an external mouse and keyboard and log in.
- After logging in and my keyboard and touchpad working again, out of nowhere my touchpad stops 'clicking' (while it keeps working), and will start 'clicking' again after some time.
Anyway, does anyone have an idea what could be causing this? I never had these issues, but right after upgrading my SSD this started to happen. So, while not knowing for sure if this is caused by it, I do suspect it.
Thank you for your time and efforts. Hope to hear what you think!
Check the connections to your logic board, could be loose or slightly corroded
Thank you so much for your reply. I will do that, but before I do I am wondering: if it would be a connection, why would it work after rebooting a few times?
I would suggest changing the trackpad to logicboard cable. Common problem on the 2015 retina 13" models.
About $5-6 on eBay.
First signs of a failing trackpad cable are the keyboard and trackpad not working and a reboot fixes it temporarily. A bad trackpad cable causes the keyboard not to work as well.......
hello, I can tell that the computer is slow as well. the highest speed I got was 2580 write, 2300 read.It is difficult to understand your post.
From what I can tell - you say that running the speed test starts out fine then the speed drops? This has been reported previously in the thread and simply has to do with the speed test cache.
Can't comprehend if you think the computer is slow outside of the speed test as well or it's solely based on the test?
hello, I can tell that the computer is slow as well. the highest speed I got was 2580 write, 2300 read.
I felt the difference between the speeds now and then. now I dropped down around: 1400 1300 read write.
I don't understand where is this problem came from.
according to nvme ssd it must be higher speed and Im very disappointed that im not getting the best of it, or at list the best I can get from my computer and the new nvme ssd.
im sure that something is wrong in the settings of my computer, im sure something don't let my ssd get the highest performance.
please help me.
Do you have FileVault on? I think those of us who got 2GB/s speeds don't have FileVault on. (At least I didn't, Sabrent Rocket 1 TB on rMBP 2015 15")Hello everyone, I upgraded my computers -macbook pro mid 2015 15” from 512gb to 1tb Samsung pro970. I bought the sintech adapter (the long one) And installed it into my computer, i attached my new ssd to the adapter and the adapter to the macbook pro. I found that i dont get the best speed, and it actually really slow for it, i had tried to play with the adapter and the ssd and move it to the sided on the logicboard, i found its helping, when I did that I got speed up to 2580 write & 2250 read, but only for a short time, and than it goes back to very slow such as 1380 write & 1480 read. The reason i kept play with it is because i saw different of the speeds, but after i turn off my computer and turn back on the speed getting down again. I want to share with you the picture of my disk utility and what i did when I first installed the macos. I got to this because i think this is the reason that my ssd is too slow for an nvme ssd.
please, help me understand and guid me, what should i do the make the speed highest as possible?
And what is the reason/what i did wrong in the installation that my mac is super slow.?
my Boot ROM Version:
Model Identifier: MacBookPro11,5
please help me, im getting around with that issue for half a year.
buying different adapters and trying million things from kaptop tape to reset pram, format my MacBook for 3 times. nothing helped.
I really wish someone will direct me to do the right thing to get the best of it.
PLEASE HELP ME. thank🙏 !!
View attachment 889668
Can You try to use lspci to check the ASPM Value on the SSD?. Refer to my post no. 5261, 5282, pg 211-212. I switched my production machine to Sabrent and the Samsung SSD is now an external and is in use so I can't check right now.Hi,
This is my power draw, while some basic usage - browsing. Basically it does not get lower then 119 mA. It look like NvmeFix does not work also for me.
I've got MBPro 15 Mid 2015 and Sabrent Rocket 512GB.
This is my power draw, while some basic usage - browsing. Basically it does not get lower then 119 mA. It look like NvmeFix does not work also for me.
I've got MBPro 15 Mid 2015 and Sabrent Rocket 512GB.