It's not 'dominating' that people take issue with, it's this determination some people have to exterminate USB-A so there is only USB-C, even in situations where USB-A is handy to have and likely to remain so quite awhile.
I certainly don’t think USB-A “needs to die”, and I understand that going forward tons of people (myself included) are going to have USB-A peripherals for years to come.
However, we cannot ignore the latest European union law that demands USB-C be included on every smart phone, tablet, laptop, headphone, etc device going forward.
Might sound like a tiny, stupid thing, but absolutely is not.
Because of this ruling, 10 years from now you won’t be able to use a device from the past 10 years without some type of USB-C port, the last 10 years being 2025 through 2035 and going forward.
Simply because of that European Union law, USB-C will become the most common port on the planet, not out of the will of these companies or consumers, but by force.
With that in mind, if I were creating a device and my options were three USB-C ports or one USB-A and one C, it makes all the sense in the world to just go ahead and go all in on C.
2025 me might hate it, but 2035 me certainly won’t.