Are you listening to yourself? That's ridiculous.
Apple offered them the software knowing full well of what it does to a phone with a 3rd party part, and they aren't warning anyone. This needs to be stated upfront before folks update their OS.
So yes, it most certainly is Apple's fault.
People have commented in here, "that's why I buy Apple...always looking out for me." Blah, blah, blah...that's complete BS. They don't care about you or anyone else. If they did, they wouldn't be smashing your phone from 2000 miles away just because you had it fixed in your local phone repair shop. There are literally, oh, I dunno...a hundred better ways to handle that!
Users have the right to use 3rd party parts on their phones at their own risk. I their own risk. They may void the warranty if it's under warranty and they may face a security risk (probably never happened though), but they do so at their own risk.
It's not up to Apple. They shouldn't have a say. But that isn't the Apple way, we all know that.