If you don’t call apple support to fix the bug (which this clearly is, if it happened) how do you expect it to be fixed?
Of course you are absolutely correct, however I don’t know what happened other than the update started without my consent but I would not be able to describe the sequence of events in absolute details.
I know I dismissed the Sonoma nagging update offer. I know for sure I would not click on anything that could even remotely imply that I accept the update.
However the update did happen, either automatically or, more likely, because the acceptance button was disguised as a dismissal button.
I wish I had a screenshot of the options I was offered.
My wife’s mba is still on Ventura and, if I’m able to, I will record the dismissal in detail.
So far I’ve seen of one person that has called Apple only to be told that what he’s describing is ‘impossible’.
Even you in your post had to specify “if it happened”.
I can tell you that at the moment there are a lot of completely deluded people out there if we are all imagining what happened.
Obviously I could always revert to Ventura, but I don’t need Apple’s help for that.