I've been defending iJustine on this forum ever since I joined. okay, I've only been here for about a month (lurked for longer) but Justine seems like a genuinely nice person who is funny, spirited, unique and as the gentlemen have put it, easy on the eyes (what? a girl can't make a positive remark on another girl's appearance? LOL) and I don't see what the hostility is about. it's wasted anger and energy on a person you don't know who doesn't effect your life, so what's the biggie?
not all people who own Apple products are mega geniuses with computers (the same can be said about PC's) and she represents a realistic category of people who enjoy their electronics, but may not be able to take apart and put back together their computer. I happen to fall into that category. I see something resembling my life style in her videos, including the random crazy humor, hence I watch it.
golden rule folks - if you can't say anything nice, especially about someone you THINK can't hear you, then don't say it all. lame rule? sorry, but I happen to follow it.
You're a wise woman, no mistake