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Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
I tried a couple things today:
  1. Set it up to use with one (my better) eye: Tracking was great, but nothing was displayed to the other eye after setup was complete. That's not how I expect it to work — it should use one eye for input but display to both.
  2. Did eye set up with one eye closed: Tracking was great if I kept it closed when trying to select a target, which wouldn't work well.
1. That's weird! make sure to only set up one eye tracking. if you configure it for one eye use it will turn off the other display.
2. Do the setup again with one eye tracking enabled.

I'll test it as soon as I have a chance. I'm working on something else on my Mac right now.


macrumors 6502
Aug 8, 2011
I tried a couple things today:
  1. Set it up to use with one (my better) eye: Tracking was great, but nothing was displayed to the other eye after setup was complete. That's not how I expect it to work — it should use one eye for input but display to both.
  2. Did eye set up with one eye closed: Tracking was great if I kept it closed when trying to select a target, which wouldn't work well.
When I've had trouble with AVP betas, I've sometimes had success with resetting the device and re-setting up from scratch. It's a pain, but has helped with previous betas.


Original poster
Aug 19, 2008
I noticed random stutters in B2. When my Eyes move very quickly from a window to my keyboard for example, I get a strange stutter or jump. Don’t really know how to describe it. It’s really annoying.
YES! That's the exact issue that caused me to downgrade back to 1.2. I'll try again at Beta 3.
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macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2003
When I've had trouble with AVP betas, I've sometimes had success with resetting the device and re-setting up from scratch. It's a pain, but has helped with previous betas.
Thanks. I mostly wanted to confirm that my understanding of how the one-eye setup is supposed to work (i.e., one eye is used for control but both eyes see the display) is correct. I've found that when I run into trouble picking targets by gaze, closing one eye temporarily makes a difference. I've reported my experience to Apple.


Original poster
Aug 19, 2008
I'm on Beta 3 now and it looks like windows are stable again so far. Anyone else notice that the Digital Crown slider now shows immersion and volume (like in VisionOS 1) instead of just immersion?
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macrumors 6502
Aug 8, 2011
I'm on Beta 3 now and it looks like windows are stable again so far. Anyone else notice that the Digital Crown slider now shows immersion and volume (like in VisionOS 1) instead of just immersion?
It was an option to turn back on in Beta 2. (so was looking up for control center) May want to look at settings.


Original poster
Aug 19, 2008
It was an option to turn back on in Beta 2. (so was looking up for control center) May want to look at settings.
I see the option to toggle look up for control center (in accessibility settings), but not to control what shows up when sliding the Digital Crown. Only what the default focus is.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 22, 2013
I’ve tested Beta 3 so far and it seems to be a buggy disaster. Lots of re-springs. Photos app crashes very often. Photos don’t always load correctly or load blank.

Beta 1 & 2 had issues with videos not loading in Photos (using iCloud Photo Library) but beta 3 just crashes a lot. There’s a lot of work left to go here.

I tried rebooting etc. Doesn’t help.

The device is usable - but expect a lot of instability. Which was odd because beta 1 was very stable.
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Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
I’ve tested Beta 3 so far and it seems to be a buggy disaster. Lots of re-springs. Photos app crashes very often. Photos don’t always load correctly or load blank.

Beta 1 & 2 had issues with videos not loading in Photos (using iCloud Photo Library) but beta 3 just crashes a lot. There’s a lot of work left to go here.

I tried rebooting etc. Doesn’t help.

The device is usable - but expect a lot of instability. Which was odd because beta 1 was very stable.
I’ve been testing it for the last 2 hours, and it’s been good. No crashes. Perhaps you could try resetting all settings.
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 22, 2013
I’ve been testing it for the last 2 hours, and it’s been good. No crashes. Perhaps you could try resetting all settings.
I haven’t had to do that yet on any device and I don’t want to start now. Lol

But I suppose it wouldn’t be too difficult to reset it as I don’t have much to reinstall but a bunch of apps; everything is on the cloud. Plus I only use it a couple days a week.

I may try that this weekend.

Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
I haven’t had to do that yet on any device and I don’t want to start now. Lol

But I suppose it wouldn’t be too difficult to reset it as I don’t have much to reinstall but a bunch of apps; everything is on the cloud. Plus I only use it a couple days a week.

I may try that this weekend.
Resetting all settings does not delete apps or data. Only settings are put back to default values.
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Original poster
Aug 19, 2008
I haven’t had to do that yet on any device and I don’t want to start now. Lol

But I suppose it wouldn’t be too difficult to reset it as I don’t have much to reinstall but a bunch of apps; everything is on the cloud. Plus I only use it a couple days a week.

I may try that this weekend.
The nice thing about my Vision Pro is that at least for me it has no data on it I can't afford to wipe. Makes it easy for me to downgrade when there are issues. The dev strap is required for that though.
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Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
The nice thing about my Vision Pro is that at least for me it has no data on it I can't afford to wipe. Makes it easy for me to downgrade when there are issues. The dev strap is required for that though.
Or a visit to an Apple Store. Just reset all settings and try again.
In my case, I'm moving forward, not looking back to the previous version 1.x.
Only if it's seriously flawed I may want to go back to the previous Beta release.
My AVP is fully configured for work, with VPN settings, RD Client and other remote control software, Net Tools, iWork, MS Office, etc.

And AppleTV+, Netflix, Paramount, Amazon Prime, Hulu, CW, etc...
And some games too.

So hopefully I will never need to do a full factory reset to it.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 23, 2014
Beta 1 was great for me. Beta 2 had visual issues that made me downgrade. Beta 3 looks to be solid for me so far.

I think i found the solution. Have you tried to manually align the displays? I tried it in B1 and it seems like they were a bit off center. I made a reset and the glitch is no more.

Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
I think i found the solution. Have you tried to manually align the displays? I tried it in B1 and it seems like they were a bit off center. I made a reset and the glitch is no more.
I did notice that B2 performed a lot better in the dark than B3. It was almost perfect.
Now in B3, sometimes the Home Menu opens right on my face, or Safari jumps above my head.
And eye tracking gets a little inaccurate at times.
I'm going to test it under good lighting to better understand what's going on.


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2020
I think I will finally get around to installing Beta 3 tomorrow morning. I am just debating on if I want to wait for 4 or not, as I only have Beta 1 right now and I have had 0 problems (it has actually been more stable than the released version of 1.x).

Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
I think I will finally get around to installing Beta 3 tomorrow morning. I am just debating on if I want to wait for 4 or not, as I only have Beta 1 right now and I have had 0 problems (it has actually been more stable than the released version of 1.x).
It has its little glitches but IMO its new features compensate.
Get a second opinion to be safe.
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