You posted misinformation here. You told me and anyone else in San Francisco that you had personally called the stores this morning and they did NOT have them. Only by noticing your post was made OVER AN HOUR BEFORE THE STORES OPENED did I then check myself. And when I did, five minutes after opening time, the store had them.
People come here for information, not to be misled with rubbish. And then you have the nerve to call someone who points out your false information "a troll".
I called you a troll because you called me a liar. I didn't lie. I called the store this morning, someone picked up and told me no quad-cores. I asked if they received their shipment for the day yet and they said NO. There was no false information. All I did is pass on my experience, just as this board is meant to do. BTW I also called the Palo Alto store this morning, and while they didn't pick up before 10, when they did they said no quad cores. This person was obviously mistaken as well. In any case, you could have simply asked me how I was able to get someone on the phone (or even phoned in yourself to see if I was telling the truth). You also could have been friendly and helpful by simply saying "hey man, whoever you talked to is clueless...just picked up an i5 on Chestnut!". Instead you came here with some holier than though attitude.
In any case, thank you Sr. Troll for cluing me into their arrival. I picked one up off Chestnut just now.