Apple clearly has put their focus on hardware that runs iOS, not OSX, for the last decade plus. This degrades what is arguably their greatest advantage - tight control over hardware and software integration to optimize performance - which requires attention to both. Without that synergy, Biped's note about the hardware becoming a "pair of cement boots" is well taken.
As many of us have noted, despite - or perhaps because of - their gargantuan size, Apple seems unable to manage multiple areas of their portfolio simultaneously. From the outside, this would seem to be proven by the ridiculously long gestation period for the 7,1 MP. Not only do the delays frustrate the user base, they also make the tech chosen early in the design process more outdated upon release - which further erodes price/performance metrics.
I am a user who will spend a bit more for last generation hardware components in exchange for OSX and high reliability - but there is a point where that gets stupid...