What apple demonstrated doesn't look lytro-like to me. The point of Lytro, as far as I can see, is it takes data from the entire depth of an image, and then you set the focus and depth of field anywhere in the image in post. What apple appears to be doing is using the second camera to generate parallax data in order to isolate foreground, which has a traditional optical focus, from background, so they can apply a software blur on it and simulate depth of field (which is optically a function of sensor size vs aperture). You couldn't use this system to bring something that was not optically focussed on by the lens, into sharp focus in post, for example.
At least thats the impression I have.
Sorry I was talking about the M8 not the M7 I Wrote lytro-like but actually the iPhone 7 camera is a 12mpx version of the 4mpx camera setup on the HTC M8, and if you look at its video there is absolutely no novelty on the iPhone camera just it uses updated 12mpx sensor.
Check out this video from M8 dual sensor camera description and how to :
Even current LG G5 and V20 shares a very similar setup (dual cameras 8/16 mpx continuous "zoom") while it's software isn't as refined as the one from HTC.
What I see its an boring update with am multi million marketing investment specially showing you " innovations " where actually what Apple just did is harvesting on Androids innovation's boneyard.
PD. Y LG's V20 is superior the iPhone 7 in every aspect except:
* back camera sensor 8/16 mpx instead 12/12mpx (but iPhone 7 camera sensor actually is manufactured by LG)
* trades water proofing for removable battery (and a really big one 3200mah)
Front camera is 5mpx (the excellent but explosive Galaxy Note 7 is 8mpx) while iPhone 7 is 7mpx.
* No DCI-P3 color gamut but instead quad hd display on 5.7"
* the cpu snapdragon 820 it's very similar to Apple A10 have to see a comparative performance test (the sd820 is faster than a9 on most tests but consider android 7 new jit compiler it's much more efficient the advantages from A9 should widen, so it should be very close to Apple A10).
* no Ligthning earpods but instead a DRM free 32 bits quad DAC
* Android7 instead iOS 10 but twice the ram (those heavy stalking on Instagram should appreciate this).
Also talking about Samsung"s Note 7: it's IP68 waterproof and has 3.5mm jack, the iPhone 7 has IP67 and no 3.5mm jack.
Further both phones are sensible lighter than the iPhone 7+...
Sadly the best phone today it's a time bomb but it's clear both Samsung's Note 7 and LG V20 Are way better products.
I won't upgrade to the iPhone 7 this year, maybe I'll pick a Note 7 asap they're safe again.