David Kanter on RWT forums:
"OK, so you are still wrong on this point IPC != performance. Scaling up perf isn't free. It can be done, obviously (since Intel has done so, and they hardly have a monopoly on good design). But there's no guarantee that Apple can get to high frequencies without losing some IPC.
I know several CPU designers at Apple, and they will all tell you that they aren't targeting anything close to Intel performance. Their cores simply cannot scale to 4GHz. They also have no way to use 10A/core, which Intel certainly can. In fact, I bet Intel can probably draw around 15A/core for some workloads.
That is directly from the people who design the CPUs. If you think you know more than they do, let me know."
I hope this shuts down possible discussions about Apple using AX chips in Macs.
"OK, so you are still wrong on this point IPC != performance. Scaling up perf isn't free. It can be done, obviously (since Intel has done so, and they hardly have a monopoly on good design). But there's no guarantee that Apple can get to high frequencies without losing some IPC.
I know several CPU designers at Apple, and they will all tell you that they aren't targeting anything close to Intel performance. Their cores simply cannot scale to 4GHz. They also have no way to use 10A/core, which Intel certainly can. In fact, I bet Intel can probably draw around 15A/core for some workloads.
That is directly from the people who design the CPUs. If you think you know more than they do, let me know."
I hope this shuts down possible discussions about Apple using AX chips in Macs.