Thanks to Apple, hp welcomed me wth z 840. Not that I wanted to, but it appears Apple been passive with Pro users. Because some people in this forum stated that apple and intel agreement this year already expired....there wouldn't be any xeons.
Our office got Z840s for the same reason, although while my boss rails about "Apple never producing another workstation" the nMPs would work well for our use case (all major storage is networked, use a lot of GPU-accelerated plugins, Adobe software is so crappy that dual processors is completely wasted, all the laptops and field gear were Mac-centric so it woulda' been a lot easier to just plug stuff into a nMP than the pain and horror of trying to get Thunderbolt and TB2 working, et al). But who wants to buy apparently dead-end hardware? Software support is just as much about future trends as it is current hardware, so why should devs put work into fulfilling Apple's vision of computing if they won't?