Uhh no, you wait for the right time, and then you buy.
I was getting 9 MB/s last night on my home WiFi which I thought was insane. Comcast recently upgraded me from 60 mbps to 100 mbps. In general, it's lost on my as I don't download a lot of big files. It makes downloads really fast but it wouldn't really matter if they weren't fast.
Similar with LTE and 5G. I typically use zero cellular data in any month. So I don't really care if I'm using 3G, 4G or 5G. If you don't download a ton of stuff or need a lot of stuff in a hurry, then it doesn't really matter. Of course those of you with 10G Ethernet in your homes probably do want fast WiFi (Comcast only goes up to 2G in my area).