Anyone currently waiting, based on the current leaks I would say buy now if you need one, unless you need/want miniLED on an 11” model.
I simply can’t see Apple adding a glass back just due to the sheer weight, on top of that the magic keyboard would have to follow suit to distribute the weight evenly, so both together would probably weigh similar to two MacBook Airs or not that far off, hardly a portable tablet device IMO…
As for reverse wireless charging, again why would apple add this without giving the iPad massive battery gains, wireless charging on a device with less than 10 hours battery life seems very weird to me.
With the camera orientation changes, this is expected with ‘future’ iPad Pro’s according to rumours, none of them have mentioned the next iPad Pro, therefore I expect this to happen when a massive redesign happens, as it will take a lot more than just moving the cameras around to achieve what is rumoured, but let’s be honest that feature alone is only a very marginal improvement to the device, and without a full redesign seems a bit pointless especially since Apple have given the iPad line up the exclusive centre stage feature as a workaround for the issue with camera placement for the time being.