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isn't there that free ebook on one of those ebook repos? it has all the chapters and everything but it's KJV.

And anyone else think the Bible shouldn't be copyrighted? It should be free to share the good news with everyone! Anyway, good to see other fellow Christians or Catholics at macrumors!
Looking for a Full Featured Native Bible App

I'm looking for a full featured native iPhone app that:

- switches easily between many translations including NIV, MSG, NLT, AMP, KJV, RSV, and also commentaries
- allows you to look at 2 translations simultaneously
- allows you to highlight text in different colors
- allows change of font size
- supports advanced search

I have used a Palm application (Laridian MyBible) that provided all this functionality, but now I can't find any native iPhone app that does this. Laridian only supports web-based for the iPhone, which does not work for me. Hopefully somebody develops an official native app that I could buy through Apple in June. I would be so grateful for this.
I am working on a NIV version. The BIIGEST hurdle before the release is to get permission from the International Bible Society (copyright holder).
I am working on a NIV version. The BIIGEST hurdle before the release is to get permission from the International Bible Society (copyright holder).

An update to the NIV ebook...I just got an email back from the international Bible Society today. They sent me an "application" to fill out and once they get it back they will review it. I will keep you guys posted with updates.
Seriously? Three pages on this ridiculous topic.

Ridiculous? I hardly see how an application request that is getting some response is ridiculous in the iPhone Hacks and Apps forum.

If you're commenting on the religious nature of the request, then I suggest you take your complaint to "Politics, Religion, and Social Issues."
Apple Hater?

Seriously? Three pages on this ridiculous topic.

edited to sound a bit nicer... and sorry if i offended anyone.

what I was really trying to say (as the saying goes)...If you can't find something nice to say, then don't say anything.
wow. its a shame this is still unsolved. helmsc, good to see you are working hard at it.
Apparently not.

So + Bible doesn't work?

Apparently my post on page 2 didn't help. I know that if a Bible specific program is what you're looking for then this is not your solution, but if you just want readability, then should be enough. Currently the KJV, NASB, and NLT are available if you add the Bible repository posted in the last post on page 2 of this thread. A program that does the version changes etc is going to cost money and will most likely be available once the App Store opens. In the mean time you have the three versions mentioned and I will work on getting the NIV created for use with books. For those that don't want to navigate back to get the repo address it is Don't click on this link as it will take you to my freebie site. Add it to your sources in
An update to the NIV ebook...I just got an email back from the international Bible Society today. They sent me an "application" to fill out and once they get it back they will review it. I will keep you guys posted with updates.

thanks keep us posted!
Thanks for the info! I got this running on 1.1.4 by installing the Jiggy runtime through Installer.

Now...if we could just add some other translations...

Anybody want to help us with this?
Hi Guys,
I wrote that iBible for the iPhone, via Jiggy. I am currently going over the SDK to see how difficult it would be to do one for the iPhone using the SDK, since we won't be able to use Jiggy. Like some of you I still have MyBible for a Palm Treo that I use, but I want something at least as good for the iPhone. Have you guys found any links to bibles in XML format? I have a KJV version that is in XML files that can be ported to a database easily, but I haven't found many other versions. I also sent the NIV guys at Zondervan the license request form to see how much a license of their translation would be, but am waiting to hear back from them.
I've been away on business for a while but here is what I've got so far.

NIV ... still waiting approval from IBS - STL U.S., Inc.
New English Bible... no word back from Cambridge University Press
CEV and Good News ... still waiting approval from The Bible Society in Australia Inc


I know it is not a native app, but nevertheless, it works really great! I have saved a link to one of my home pages on my iPhone. I have found that it loads and searches very fast, even on EDGE. It has worked so well, I was able to select whatever Bible I wanted, quickly loaded the page, and did the Scripture Reading in church from my phone!! It was awesome. One of my Youth bought an iPod Touch, and he has done the same thing for the Reading in Church.

The point being, until a native app comes out (which I too am eager to get), is excellent: fast, searchable - all I need!

Good luck and God bless!
Thanks to all who are keeping this thread alive. I just noticed it popped back up on top today.

I'm confident that Laridian or someone will be launching a real product for us when the app store arrives. However, it sure seems like there would be more interest in distributing the Bible among the development community. This incredible tool has been out for nearly a year, and we still don't have a good, searchable native app. The Muslims, to their credit, are WAY ahead of us here in "getting the word out".

Thanks helmsc for your labors in this regard, and thanks SBRocket for your insightful defense of the topic.

Thanks pcionwk for the clarification on your post. The link redirect definitely threw us off. That will help us in the meantime!

NIV has arrived

Thanks pcionwk for the clarification on your post. The link redirect definitely threw us off. That will help us in the meantime!

Update: I have added the NIV ebook to the repository. Just a reminder, the link above and below is to a repository. If you click on it, you will be redirected to my freebie site. Add the link to your sources in I am thinking of moving all of the Bibles from Ebooks to Ebooks/Bibles/. Let me know if you would like this. What it would do is keep all of the Bibles downloaded from my repo neat and tidy and not mixed with any other ebooks on you iPod touch or iPhone. Let me know what you think.

Ah yes, the repo once again... Remember, don't click, add to sources in requires a Jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch.
Path fix for 1.4 update

Hey all,

For those who are using and ran the 1.4 update only to discover all your books were gone, I hunted around and found the solution.

I deleted and re-installed but that didn't solve the problem of a lockup, which seemed to be hunting for non-existent books.

You'll need to move your books from here:


To the new location here:


That should to the trick. Worked for me.

Good idea, but...

Hey all,

For those who are using and ran the 1.4 update only to discover all your books were gone, I hunted around and found the solution.

I deleted and re-installed but that didn't solve the problem of a lockup, which seemed to be hunting for non-existent books.

You'll need to move your books from here:


To the new location here:


That should to the trick. Worked for me.


To actually solve the problem, you would want to put a symbolic link in one of the locations to point at the other. That way if you install a book from a repository that still puts the books in the root, will still find them and all of your books will go to the same location. For instance, my repo still installs to the root folder. Without creating the symbolic link, you will always have to move the books once you install them over to the mobile folder. If a link is in place it will just shoot the book over to the mobile folder right away. This is the same idea as moving your Applications off of the Operating System partition and pointing to the folder they are in. You can easily find out how to do this with a Google search. Hope this helps.

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