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cheers, completed as well. and forwarded on to the Bible Society to see if we can speed up the process with helmsc's app as well. :cool:
hey guys,
just a thought.

um..... i really dont blame the Bible Society or OliveTree from holding off on their native apps. (or assisting with them)

native apps are not supported by apple yet. when you think about it, the only market for native apps are from those that have gone against apple and JAILBROKEN their iphones.

so realistically.... we will have to wait until the SDK is out... and THEN we will be flooded with them...

cheers, completed as well. and forwarded on to the Bible Society to see if we can speed up the process with helmsc's app as well. :cool:

Mine was just going to be an ebook for
As for the Bible Society, they have given their "blessing" to OliveTree and it doesn't appear that they want a legal zip file of a bunch of html files :(
even with the new bibles available from the app store on the new iphone, there doesnt seem to be a NIV or NLT translation available for direct download onto the phone...anyone know if there will be one soon?
BibleXpress working on NIV/NLT

The Native Bible application that seems most likely to me to be getting an NIV/NLT translation soon in BibleXpress. See On this webpage, there are instructions on how you can contact Zondervan (NIV Copyright holder) and Tyndale (NLT Copyright holder) to speed up the process.

To me, it seems the BibleXpress has the most viable business model for obtaining NIV/NLT licenses (see ).

I have also contacted Laridian, who already has NIV/NLT licenses for other PDAs. They only have web-based bibles for the iPhone platform, which is not what I want to use. I've asked Laridian several times, and they has been rather elusive in indicating whether or not they will roll out a native iPhone bible app, so I decided to use BibleXpress instead.
im not the biggest religious person in the world, so im not sure what exactly you want

but if your running 2.0, check the app store for something called
Bible Unleashed: NET

seems to include just about every version of the bible, based on my understanding of the description of the app, and you can search any part of it to find the section your looking for
bible unleashed requires internet connection...i want a bible app in NIV or NLT translation that I can read without internet connection...still waiting on that
+1 for BibleXpress running on iPhone. Bought it last week and really like it. Seems like the developer is proactive about updates, too.
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