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I know it’s disrespectful and all, blahh blah blah, lazy, but
Can I get a tl;dr?

Just download the weather widget from kkono (post #63)?
Okay, I've got something that seems to be working...


NOTE 1: For a couple of minutes, it seemed like Apple was using the old weatherParser.js even though I had replaced it. Not sure what was going on. You might need to go to Activitiy Monitor and quit the Dock process for changes to register (got tired of rebooting)

Got it to work on El Capitain by following your instructions. I AM SO SO SO HAPPY with this. Thank you very much! This changes my day back to before it stopped working: Keeping an eye on "my" places (and friends and concerns (refugees) all over the world).
Hi! I got it working by the method outlined above, however I couldn't get the forecast. But this works, replace the text in /System/Library/WidgetResources/.parsers/weatherParser.js with this: (You need to disable system integrity protection, SIP, google it! ;))


  • weatherParser.txt
    8.7 KB · Views: 284
I tried installing the weather widget on my MBP and it's telling me "“Weather.wdgt” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash."


Ah; It was Mojave being stupid. I need to allow apps from anywhere in my security settings.

Simply run this code to enable the feature:
sudo spctl --master-disable

Thanks again!

Your wonderful Weather Widget replacement had been working flawlessly since Sept. 2019 but failed two days ago ( from Feb. 6th. 2020 )

I'm hoping that you will be able to come up with an upgrade.
The weather widget is blank for me now too (Snow Leopard) I'm hoping this is temporary and it'll be back up within a week or so as I use dashboard a lot still.
Was working for me in Sierra yesterday, this morning not. The widget isn't working on Tiger through Mojave as of 9:30 ET U.S.
I'm another one suffering non-working Weather widget. is written on the back of the one I'm using, but no data is coming in.
I'm another one suffering non-working Weather widget. is written on the back of the one I'm using, but no data is coming in.
Same here... My widgets stopped working.
Ran across this on Macintosh Garden, available through Apple Widgets: Fair Weather widget uses NOAA for information. Wonder if someone who knows how could direct the parser.js file to NOAA from The Weather Channel or Accuweather sites.


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High Sierra here. When it first failed I replaced the parser and it worked for some while but about a week or two ago the widget is blank again. It's extremely frustrating. Wish there was some solution to it. Notification Center weather is just not even remotely as good.
Ran across this on Macintosh Garden, available through Apple Widgets: Fair Weather widget uses NOAA for information. Wonder if someone who knows how could direct the parser.js file to NOAA from The Weather Channel or Accuweather sites.
Nice looking widget, but seems to only accept ZIP codes.
I'm working on modifying Apple's widget to pull from an entirely different weather api. See screenshot: something is happening. :)

You'll need to generate a DarkSky api key. I would have loved to use NOAA (since they're a public resource), but their api is confusing.


  • Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 8.43.30 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 8.43.30 PM.png
    49 KB · Views: 235
I'm working on modifying Apple's widget to pull from an entirely different weather api. See screenshot: something is happening. :)

You'll need to generate a DarkSky api key. I would have loved to use NOAA (since they're a public resource), but their api is confusing.

Make it work on Snow Leopard and I shall give you a great big kiss.
I'm working on modifying Apple's widget to pull from an entirely different weather api. See screenshot: something is happening. :)

You'll need to generate a DarkSky api key. I would have loved to use NOAA (since they're a public resource), but their api is confusing.

Looks promising. Thank you for the hard work!
Okay, this was a lot of work! But give it a try:

  1. Download and extract the attatched
  2. Right Click → Show Package Contents and open weatherParser.js in a text editor.
  3. Make accounts at DarkSky and MapQuest to get API keys. Paste the API keys into the quotes at the top of the file you opened. So the top of the file should look something like this:
    var darkSkyApiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    var mapQuestApiKey = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
  4. Save and close weatherParser.js, then install Weather.wdgt like any other widget.
It should work on the full gamut of Tiger through Mojave, but let me know if it doesn't. I'm also wondering if there are any locales or locations which cause the widget to break. If you find a problem, please go into the Mac OS X console, search for "weather", and copy paste any errors.

Possible weather conditions are clear, partly cloudy, rain, snow, rain & snow, wind, fog, lightning, and freezing rain. This leaves out without a few that were in the original (flurries, drizzle, haze, etc), but the DarkSky API doesn't have such granularity. Similarly, the moon will always be full at night.

Please let me know if you manage to spot lightning or freezing rain in the wild. These also aren't really in the DarkSky API, so I did a bit of a hack to make them work—but I couldn't find any locations with the right weather forecast to properly test them out.

If no one finds anything wrong, I'll package this into a nice DMG and look into sharing it a bit more widely.

Edit: Alpha down for now while I work to fix issues.
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If no one finds anything wrong, I'll package this into a nice DMG and look into sharing it a bit more widely.

You, sir, are a genius. Thank you. Like, really. Thank you.
Everything works just perfect on High Sierra. Will check on Mavericks tomorrow although I have no doubt that it would work there as well.
The widget wouldn't show Stittsville ON (Canada) for some reason, only Ottawa ON or Stittsville MI but this is not that important at the moment.
Please keep it up. Great job.
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You're very welcome. It definitely works on Mavericks, that's my main system.

What I can't say for sure is whether it works on Tiger / Snow Leopard. 90% chance it does, but it's possible I inadvertently used some Javascript function that's too new for old webkit. (In which case, I'd like to know about it, so I can fix it.)

Thanks for the report that Stittsville ON doesn't show up, this is the kind of thing I wanted to know!

Edit: Oh, it does find Sittsville, it just autofills it it to the city of Ottawa, of which Stittsville is a part. Yeah, that's just how the new location API I'm using works.

If anyone knows of a better option than MapQuest for reverse geo lookups, let me know. The big one is Google Maps, but getting an API key for that is not fun.


Edit2: In the interest of transparency, I found a pretty bad bug in the alpha: I accidentally set snow to appear as clear. So don't plan your ski trips around this widget quite yet!
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