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Okay, this was a lot of work! But give it a try:

  1. Download and extract the attatched
  2. Right Click → Show Package Contents and open weatherParser.js in a text editor.
  3. Make accounts at DarkSky and MapQuest to get API keys. Paste the API keys into the quotes at the top of the file you opened. So the top of the file should look something like this:
    var darkSkyApiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
    var mapQuestApiKey = "yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"
  4. Save and close weatherParser.js, then install Weather.wdgt like any other widget.
It should work on the full gamut of Tiger through Mojave, but let me know if it doesn't. I'm also wondering if there are any locales or locations which cause the widget to break. If you find a problem, please go into the Mac OS X console, search for "weather", and copy paste any errors.

Possible weather conditions are clear, partly cloudy, rain, snow, rain & snow, wind, fog, lightning, and freezing rain. This leaves out without a few that were in the original (flurries, drizzle, haze, etc), but the DarkSky API doesn't have such granularity. Similarly, the moon will always be full at night.

Please let me know if you manage to spot lightning or freezing rain in the wild. These also aren't really in the DarkSky API, so I did a bit of a hack to make them work—but I couldn't find any locations with the right weather forecast to properly test them out.

If no one finds anything wrong, I'll package this into a nice DMG and look into sharing it a bit more widely.

Edit: Alpha down for now while I work to fix issues.
Thank you but I don't see the attached file...
Where do I have to download it?
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Any ideas as to where this should live so people don't have to comb through a forum thread?

I kind of want to put it on Github, but I'm concerned about the fact that the widget is technically copyright Apple.
Any ideas as to where this should live so people don't have to comb through a forum thread?

I kind of want to put it on Github, but I'm concerned about the fact that the widget is technically copyright Apple.

Not sure. I think you're right, Apple may not take to kindly to it being replicated, even though there's is obsolete. Right here seems to work fine for me. Thank you again for all the hard work.
Please just wait a few days. The version I posted before will sometimes display the wrong weather!
When trying to get a key from MapQuest it gives this error: "Error while trying to accept TnCs. Please try again later" and "There was a problem accepting the Free rate plan".

I note from a search I'm not alone with this issue. So I'm currently at an impasse.

Any ideas?
Uh, not really! That's on MapQuest, I don't know what the heck they're doing.
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I've given up on having the weather widget working ever again in Snow Leopard and just used Safari's widget capture tool to create something from accuweather's website. Might not be as pretty but it gets the job done.

Obviously I'm not using Safari 5.1 anymore btw, I use Arctic Fox-- I just needed the widget capture thingy :p

Screen shot 2020-04-05 at 3.59.05 PM.png
I've given up on having the weather widget working ever again in Snow Leopard and just used Safari's widget capture tool to create something from accuweather's website. Might not be as pretty but it gets the job done.

Obviously I'm not using Safari 5.1 anymore btw, I use Arctic Fox-- I just needed the widget capture thingy :p

Did you manage to nab a DarkSky key before they closed signups? The version I made should work on Snow Leopard if you follow the instructions to set up a proxy.

Once I'm done switching to Weatherbit, you shouldn't need a proxy either, since they don't force you to use SSL.

Edit: Actually, don't bother with stupid proxies—if you PM me I can send you a beta version that uses Weatherbit. Just promise me you'll update when I release the real thing. The last time I posted a version too early, it could sometimes give the wrong forecast, and I hate to think that I may have released something that's misinforming people...
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