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He really is. It's not like he's in my daily, or even necessarily monthly rotation of music to listen to, but still every time I do listen to his albums, there's always that certain feeling that precious few artists evoke. As you correctly put it, sublime.

Well, you have just inspired at least one track - actually two - that I shall listen to this evening.

And now, they are playing as I write.

They are:- Take This Waltz, and Everybody Knows, by Leonard Cohen.
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Listened to this on the way in to work this morning.
Seems it’s about a couple of surveyors.

Mark Knopfler? That sounds worth investigating further, perhaps privately.

On tap right now -
Druid’s new album - The Seven Scrolls.

What a fantastic album sleeve.

I bought that album recently in a used CD store for $2.

Hadn't heard of it before but though, hey, it's Dire Straits, can't be that bad. (Can it?)

Absolutely love it.

Okay; must add that to my 'must purchase' list.
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Screen Shot 2018-09-22 at 8.20.33 AM.png
Mark Knopfler?
You’re absolutely right. It’s Knopfler, but it really sounds like Dire Straits. Honest.

I even have the CD filed under D on my shelf. If I put it under K I’d never find it again.

I have the same problem with: Sting vs. the Police, Paul Buchanan vs. the Blue Nile, Sharleen Spiteri vs Texas, Annie Lennox vs. the Eurythmics, etc. Maybe it’s just me?
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Superb choice.
You’re absolutely right. It’s Knopfler, but it really sounds like Dire Straits. Honest.

I even have the CD filed under D on my shelf. If I put it under K I’ll never find it again.

I have the same problem with: Sting vs. the Police, Paul Buchanan vs. the Blue Nile, Sharleen Spiteri vs Texas, Annie Lennox vs. the Eurythmics, etc. Maybe it’s just me?

Sounds as though it is a must buy, in that case.
It's Joan Jett's birthday, so I've been listening to some of her tunes. Here's to the hardest working chick in Rock n' Roll!

My personal favorite of the Seattle Grunge-bands, Alice In Chains, released a new album recently, and I just got it today and have been listening to it quite a bit. Since it's still pretty fresh, I can't really say much about it other than it sounds good so far, but will take some further listening to really open up.

I took a break from listening to it to listen to something else, but somehow gravitated towards their Unplugged-album from 1996, one of the last performances of their late lead singer Layne Staley. I still remember hearing the news back in 2002 that he had passed away. While it was in no way a surprise, it was still something of a shock, and to date possibly the only "celebrity death" that has had that effect on me. Well him, and the Abbott-brothers.

One of my favorite tracks by the band is Down In A Hole, and the whole song just becomes even more impactful when you think about what Staley was going through when he sat on that chair and sang. Granted, I seem to remember that Jerry Cantrell suffered from food poisoning during the performance, but I would think years and years of heroin abuse trump that when it comes to hardships.

Just immensely powerful stuff.

An episode of The Future of Music (from The Verge). In this one, a Brit lad from Margate named Sam Battle (aka Look Mum No Computer) is interviewed. Here he cops to having hacked 44 old Furby toys to make a whole Furby choir that plays music in response to a keyboard synth controller, as if the little Furbys (Furbies?) were components of a pipe organ. Yes, we get to see them perform, too.

The guy is on the complete opposite end of AI, still finding hackable toys from the past (it's getting harder to do that) and making them do things they were never intended for. What a blast, but the poor little critters. :eek: A few are shown getting their chips doctored on.

All I meant to do was get out of PRSI for awhile. Had no idea I'd end up in a "future of music" hacked from entertainment of a bygone era, toys that were once themselves emblematic of the future. Completely worth the brief detour from my more usual explorations of "new music". :D

Listening to some Santana and Michelle Branch. I really wish she was putting out new music. She has a great voice!

And, I couldn't resist this one. Santana and Rob Thomas. They were right to title this one "Smooth". It's such a great groove.

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