I have finished reading "The Sicilian Dragon" by Eric Schiller, and I moved to Pawn Endings while studying more of the Sicilian Dragon opening.
Therefore I am reading:
And this is a very difficult book from 1972 when the Descriptive notation for moves was still used ("Pawn in King's Rook Fourth", written P-KR4 instead of today's easier algebraic notation).
I also visited one of the best bookstores in TX, and among the piles of books I found a few gems.
I acquired a volume of the H.P. Lovecraft letters, this time to Zealie Brown Reed Bishop. The volume is autographed in a Cthulhian way by the editors Sean Brandy & Andrew Leman. It's a wonderful production, with even a nice facsimile of one of Lovecraft letters. This adds to my already numerous volumes of H.P. Lovecraft's letters.
And this is my chess book haul from the store, all books from the 1970's.