I'm 31, and no longer interested in receiving gifts.........or giving them, really. I bought my parents a 47" flatscreen TV, but I would have bought them that at any time. I only bought it for them for Xmas to follow social convention.
And it's so awkward buying gifts for other people if you haven't put much thought into it. Please don't feel the need to buy me something just because you feel that it's required (e.g. most gift cards). I'd rather not exchange gifts simply for the sake of doing so.
You know, I quite agree with this. And I'm only 17.
I gave one of my friends a gift because I felt I was obligated to (And she, in turn, gave me a gift because I gave one to her). Another one, I gave a gift because she got me a gift, so I felt the need to return one to her.
For pretty much everybody, I hate that Christmas is all about giving gifts. All I get are gift cards (mostly), and my parents give me money. I don't really want the money my parents give me, either - if I NEED money, I'll ask them for it, they'll have no problem giving it to me. If I want money, I'll go into my bank accounts, sell a few items, basically come across it myself.
I hate gift-giving. Complete waste of money. If the theory is that you're going to give a gift worth the same amount of money (About) as you get, why not both parties just use the money for themselves instead of something that the other might not even like?
Completely baffles me.
Anyways, what I got was:
A stuffed penguin from Friend1 mentioned above.
A picture of me+girlfriend, candy canes, and "Santa coal" (bubblegum) from Friend2.
Gift cards to BestBuy and Amazon.
$50 from cousin
$100 from parents
True Religion cologne.
No idea what to spend gift cards on, money is always appreciated I guess, don't use cologne that much. I guess the picture was kinda cool. The penguin I only received because I gave her something, so yeah.