You need to stop asking people what they think of ABC or XYZ for a logo, and hire a professional. Even if you just invest a few hundred dollars it will be a huge improvement.
Your logo, branding and website all look like they were done by a kid working out of his parents basement, and that is OK but you have several very substantial problems that dozens of people have pointed out to you, and you are repeatedly ignored them.
1. Your name makes it clear that you are a one man show. Those are obviously your initials. This makes it risky that as soon as you are busy, or distracted you have no team to support you.
2. Your website, facebook and instagram all have different logos on them. Hire a pro to develop a brand for you and take their advice. If you really want to build a business, and see this thing be successful you need to concentrate 100% on what YOU are good at and trust someone who CRUSHES DESIGN to do their magic. Just as you want a customer to trust you to do your job well. You are literally hurting yourself by not taking the advice of this thread, and you are only hurting yourself.
3. all these elements make the customer feel that you are just a hobby, and that you may not be around in a few years.
4. Your website and brand are unprofessional. and are obviously homemade. Why would any customer trust you with their money, if you dont think you are worth investing in yourself
5. The site is obviously a wordpress theme. Hire a web designer, to go thru and format your site properly and spend a day cleaning it up. Put a nice logo in there. A few customer testimonials. Offer your skills for free to other businesses in town, in order to use their logos on your site. You need to show that you are credible.