cgratti said:
I wouldn't want to embarrass the Nikon user.
Sounds as though you're trying to bait Nikon users....
Why? Pride about your own choices? Insecurity about your own choices?
Thing is, these forums are primarily geared towards Apple products, especially Macs. The digital photography forum is only one of several which veer off into more specialized interests. This forum is fairly new, too, having been established only a few months ago after a few people had made suggestions and requests...and it has the potential to be a really valuable and interesting forum. The purpose of this forum, however, is NOT to generate or perpetuate "Nikon versus Canon" wars. That kind of thing is just plain silly. You want that, go to the forums at DPR and you can have a merry old time..... (If you don't know what I mean by DPR then you're not really as in the loop as you seem to think you are.) If anything, engaging too vigorously in a "Nikon vs Canon" flamewar can get you banned from here. Is that what you want?
Really, this all is quite simple. Nikon makes good camera bodies and good lenses. Canon makes good camera bodies and good lenses. Other manufacturers make good camera bodies and good lenses. The choices one makes when purchasing a camera body and lens(es) and when making an investment in a "system" are highly individualized and subjective. What feels "right" and "good" when handling a particular camera body and lens will be different from person to person. Other subjective elements come into play, too, of course. The bottom line here is, though, that most current DSLR individual bodies and lenses, as well as entire "systems" are pretty darned good. Each has an appeal to different people for all kinds of different reasons. This does not make one particular brand superior to all others. That said, yes, certain brands/certain lenses may have a reputation for excelling in specific situations (Canon cameras and lenses excel at shooting high-energy sports action, for instance). This doesn't mean, however, that all other brands are simply means that for some particular uses one brand of camera and lenses seems to have a leading edge.
Some people actually use both Canon and Nikon, demonstrating very effectively that they're choosing the best tool(s) for a particular situation under particular circumstances, and that this is not wedded to one brand over another. This makes good sense to me.
OK, so in your post you more-or-less presented a challenge to Nikon users vis-a-vis Nikon lenses vs Canon lenses. My question to you now is, just which lenses have you used, or more specifically, which do you own, so that if need be you could actually participate in a head-to-head shootout comparing lenses? I'm sure that a few of us on here who have a number of lenses would be up to such an event... Actually, I don't remember seeing any images of yours posted on this forum or others within this site; if you run a search on me you'll find that I've shared a few images here-and-there, all shot with Nikon glass....
In the end, though, the bottom line is not even with which camera body or with which lens someone has shot a particular is more the photographer's creative vision and his/her execution of such vision that matters the most.