Today I cleaned up my G4 Sawtooth internet setup dramatically. Until now I had been using the Airport card for OS9, and an Airport Extreme PCI card in OSX. This works, but I wanted something faster and better.
I installed a Gigabit Ethernet card with the 8169 chipset, and to make it wireless, plugged it into a VONETS Wifi bridge, which powers itself via USB. MacOS detects the connection as ethernet. This allowed me to eradicate the Airport PCI card and the Airport card entirely. I don't really bother with speed testing, but server file transfers are much faster now than Airport Extreme.
There is some confusion about which gigabit cards work in MacOS9, because most don't. After some browsing of old forums, I chose this card, Trendnet TEG-PCITXR, which works great. The box itself only supplies Windows drivers, but you can get OS9 drivers on EveryMac; OSX works out of the box.