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Created a pair of mounts coming from the corks of this New Years Eve's Sparkling Wine bottles ... 😄
Prevents the Powerbook/Macbook from overheating or liquid damage.
(Idea was inspired by this)


🎉 Happy New Year - everybody everywhere! 🎊
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Finally fixed tilde editor. (It was always building, but always crashed on launch, and upstream could not figure out what goes wrong.)

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Completely tore down my DP 2.5 Power Mac G5 and cleaned it out. Way too much dust was building up. Repasted the GPU and both chipsets on the back of the logic board.

Just waiting on my parts to arrive for an air cooled conversion. Had removed the CPUs to repaste them and found early signs of LCS leaking.

Was going to replace the O-rings but ran into a stripped out screw. Some collateral damage happened when I was drilling it out. So screw it, air cooled I guess.
I have been doing a lot more lately. I know I posted the two threads about my 3400C and Lombard for those of you that saw. During the holidays I had friends over from out of town so I haven't done anything else regarding those.

I did however play with my Mystic G4 last night. I pulled it out last week to try and get Rhapsody working. I didn't have any luck, probably because it has a SATA card and no IDE drives. The 9.0.4 system that Mac OS X Server 1.2v3 uses doesn't detect anything.

Anyway, my Mystic G4 is setup rather odd compared to most the graphite G4s I've seen people use on the various vintage mac communities. I originally had set it up as a backup NAS, so it has 4 SATA HDDs in it, and the only OS it has is 10.5.8, and a Geforce 6200. This makes running anything older than Tiger not really viable. Well last night, I started actually playing with it a bit for the first time in probably a couple years. Aside from the aforementioned upgrades it had a dual 500MHz CPU card in it. I always though it felt pretty fast for 500MHz, but that my 1GHz and 1.5GHz PowerBooks seemed faster for most things. I then remembered that I had a G4 somewhere sitting around with a 1.6GHz CPU card in it. I opened like 5 G4s until I found it in one of my Quicksilver's that was half put together.
It's a Powerlogix 1.6GHz, with dual fans and copper heatsink. Green PCB. Unfortunately, I can't find any documentation online about it, only the older aluminum single fan, red PCB card.

I took it apart, cleaned it and applied fresh thermal paste. Stuck it in the mystic and it booted up at 1.1GHz. I shut it down, blindly flipped one of the switches on the jumper block and that got it to 1.6GHz as advertised. I'm thinking I want to see how fast I can get it. I think it was originally a 1.33GHz G4 because it has "RX1333PF" on the die. I would like to try at least 1.8GHz, though that might be pushing it.
Does anyone have any documentation on that specific card, or at least happen to know which jumper does what?

Nonetheless, the mystic is actually much faster now. Feels a lot like using my 1.5GHz PowerBook. I’m thinking I’ll throw an SSD in it next.


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For some reason I can't pinpoint, I have serious doubts Rhapsody will take to a SATA controller. It's quite picky about hardware. I'm happy it takes to my little setup.
Yeah, I mainly just wanted to install it to see if it'd pick up a partition on my 3400's drive. But then I got distracted playing with that G4 lol.
I might try to get it running on one of my Clamshells eventually. The Rhapsody page is vague but I'm gonna assume it needs the first gen one, without FireWire. I have one of each, and nothing important on either of them.
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A reminder for those wishing to browse the Gopher protocol on PowerPC, Omniweb 5.11.2 serves well and with careful adjustment of page colour preferences, presents a nice Terminal style appearance:

View attachment 2468981

For a more authentic experience there’s Lynx - delivered for PowerPC via Lynxlet which runs in Terminal:

View attachment 2468982

There are also:

Offpunk: (should work on any macOS powerpc)
Telescope: (this one works only on 10.6.8 ppc)
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Great pointer, @Dronecatcher! Thanks. I tried out Lynxlet and it worked first time, and worked well. I was thinking of trying to build phetch, available via MacPorts, but now there is no need. I have phetch working on my Mac Studio under Monterey, but hadn't built it for PPC. Now I do not feel the need, thanks to Lynxlet. Thanks again!

To everyone else reading this, while you are testing out Lynxlet, point it at for a Gopher-based large set of vintage Mac software repositories.
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Another one for @Dronecatcher - the idea of a "termlet" seems very promising. Do you know of other such applications? Is there perhaps a list of them somewhere? I hunted around a bit but could not find any. Thanks!
Well Links2 can launch from Terminal - like a more modern Lynx, can be used for getting Youtube URLs for yt-dlp.
Anything that works within Terminal can be given a script so you can launch like an app.
Found this little gem, then noticed it's even in voids repository. Nice console internet radio / podcast app.
It probably would run on 10.4/10.5 if you edited it to use mplayer instead of mpv. I may have to try it some day.
View attachment 1992174
This looks really great. I can't find a way to download this though...
This looks really great. I can't find a way to download this though...
Here's what I'd do: click the arrow next to the green Code button, then "Download ZIP". Extract and execute, since this seems to be just a bunch of Python scripts, meaning that you'll need to have Python3 installed in addition to the other dependencies.
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In the spirit of PowerPC Challenge 2025, I pulled out my FW400 MDD dual 867mhz Powermac G4 from my closet. Went to boot it up and the drive was corrupted. Drive is a msata in one of those white 2.5" pata enclosures. Anyhow, attached it to my 2008 a1181 white polycarbonite macbook running SL and verified and repaired the disk image. Stuck it back in and booted into leopard via another 2.5 to 3.5 40 pin adapter adapter at the ATA100 40 pin port. I havent really built this machine up in any way, so lots of room for that. Currently it has a Tango 2.0 and that is about it; otherwise typical stuff Radeon 9000, 2gb DDR1 and of course the daughter card. Since I had the machine open, I played around with various low-dollar Chinese pata/sata adapters I had and found that THESE worked great in the MDD at at $5.00 a pop, what a deal IMO. These adapters attach to the female 40 pin port, so one caveat with this is that the way the pata ports are laid out, once inserted they wont allow the door to close so you will need a lead cable first like this THIS, so all in still under a tenner USD.

Anyhow, I wanted to see if I could get PPCMC 7.2.7 to play Youtube videos. For years Ive used a Fluid instance of Invidious for streaming YT but youtube has really cracked down lately, blocking streaming through lighter front end sites like iteroni, etc, hence I was looking for a new solution there. Anyhow, I started with PPCMC base version 6 and updated to 7.2.7 but could not get it to play. It kept grumbling on about having the newest youtube-dl version which I believe I did have. Anyhow, after futzing with that for an hour or so, I pivoted to good ol' Tenfivetube. Fired right up as it always does.

I pivoted to downloading TFFx dev tool kit & xcode to compile TFF on this machine and grabbed Aquafox as well. On this box I had some older browsers already installed like darkweb, IWPPC rolling release and Artcic Fox 38 - all of which worked fine for my needs, connected to and functioned just fine. Scary how fast DW is for a Mozilla browser as it approaches webkit in speed. Regardless, I wanted a current browser so have TFFx compiling alongside AquaFox.

As far as email, I no longer have a decent solution. In the past. I would use an SSB like Fluid or InTheBox for HTML gmail or outlook however google axed their html email and Outlooks 2FA gets in the way preventing that from working as well on PPC (same for EI). This was a big loss of function for my PowerPC machines over the past year. I technically can still leverage gmail on my DC G5 but the fat bloated gui sucks frankly. I dont like it at all so have pivoted all email to EI machines & SeaMonkey.

And that's where Im at with this box so far. A few things I think this box could use - an upgrade to FW800, BT4 and possibly a CPU upgrade however IIRC this unit runs at 133mhz bus, so any designed for the faster 167Mhz would be clocked down by roughly 20%. I'd consider a flashed PCI sata card but I was also thinking about running two 40gb spinners in Raid0. Thought that might be a neat throwback and I personally love the sound of two spinners cruising along. If I end up doing that I should record that hard drive sound :D
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Finally found good use for my Sandisk Extreme IV Firewire CF-card adapter: its perfect for my iMac G4 700MHz which only has USB 1.1 and FW400. The Firewire is not super fast comparing to anything semi modern but its blazingly fast vs. the USB 1.1 when transferring installer files into the iMac. 👍

The adapter is FW800 but I am using FW800-FW400 cable to connect to the iMac. The card I am using is Sandisk Extreme 32GB. Transferring 3.2GB file took 1 min 25 sec.

iMac G4 15.JPG

The Sandisk pics are from google pics.
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Picked up a BT4 dongle, 128gb msata & fw800 card for my dual867mhz MDD. Cloned existing 64gb msata to my FW hdd last night and

am now cloning back to the 128 msata in one of those white 2.5” enclosures. Working perfectly so far.

I’m always surprised at the speed of FW800 even though I shouldn’t be at this point. Anyways, great way to spend a few minutes while IT pushes updates to my work pc.
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Got Snapz pro x2 running on my MDD using decoder ring for screencap function but for some reason I cant get any audio. My mic is definitely capturing signal in but the output is silent. Anyways It’s late and I’m tired so I’ll work that out tomorrow.
It's a Powerlogix 1.6GHz...

That's a nice CPU! It's a Giga Designs/Fast Mac/OWC 7455 upgrade. One switch block sets the bus multiplier and the other sets the voltage. The G4 datasheet will show all of the options for the pll_cfg. For the power supply I would check the datasheet for whatever chip it has, because different versions have been used.

It sounds like you're using it in one of the 100MHz computers like the AGP or Gigabit Ethernet. These have a relatively weak 5v supply to the socket (which is also a weak point for upgrade CPUs) and without the supplemental power hooked up I would not even run it at 1.6GHz without carefully measuring its temperature, voltage, etc. The later 133MHz Digital Audio systems had much bigger power traces and the Quicksilver even had a separate 12v power connection on the CPU.
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Got Snapz pro x2 running on my MDD using decoder ring for screencap function but for some reason I cant get any audio. My mic is definitely capturing signal in but the output is silent. Anyways It’s late and I’m tired so I’ll work that out tomorrow.
Ok so looks like it’s one of two things. Either the cheap AF karaoke machine mic is busted or the line in port on the back of the Mac is wonky-donky. Either way I sorted inputed sound with my FW400 firebox picking up audio from one of my condenser mics via XLR. Sounds pretty good truth be told. I should put some tubes in front of the Firebox now and warm it up a bit.

Anyhow, mostly sorted. I don’t really own any cheap mic stuff that fits that 3.5mm line in so it’s hard to test but I might just leave that firebox where it’s at and run some sound monitors off it for some sup’d up noise. Nice bit of kit for that Mac.

Not a bad idea to hit the inputs on this old Mac with some deoxit too.
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