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Video is choking hard because all the hardware accelerated options are not up to the task on OpenBSD, at least not on a Radeon 9200. The AltiVec enabled FFMPEG enables the software accelerated xvideo using AltiVec instead of your GPU and that can play 360p YouTube videos on high end G4’s.

If your up to it, I recommend uninstalling mpv, uninstalling the standard FFMPEG if it is installed, installing the AltiVec FFMPEG if not installed, then compiling mpv in ports from source. It may work, may not never tried. I can’t remember if it will use its own internal FFMPEG or if it will use the one currently installed.

It will search for ffmpeg but since only the altivec flavor is installed from ports, it uses that one.
Now compiling mpv from ports ...

Whilst after 4 hours of struggling with flexget, showrss magnet links and rtorrent on my OBSD 6.7 Thinkpad, the Thinkpad is now using a showrss Python script to use aria2c downloading ShowRSS magnet links :)

Next up on the Thinkpad, dunst notifications from aria2c running as a daemon using notify-send without those bloody RPC calls.
Well @alex_free the good news, it is using the Altivec ffmpeg with vo x11/xv and it's better but my system is just too slow.

The first 30 seconds it has to buffer with mpv -vo x11 -ao sndio -ytdl-format=18 (aka 360p) <YT_URL> but then the playback is in sync, however this is in a window , not fullscreen.

So if anybody has an faster machine than I have currently with OpenBSD 6.6 or higher ( mine is iBook G4 12" 1.07Ghz 1,25Mb RAM) , give it a try.
Basically you need to compile ffmpeg as described in Alex's topic here and compile mpv from ports.
If you only have the altivec enabled ffmpeg ( check with pkg_info -a | grep ffmpeg ) installed, the mpv port will use it.
You might want to do an pkg_add youtube-dl up front.
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Well @alex_free the good news, it is using the Altivec ffmpeg with vo x11/xv and it's better but my system is just too slow.

The first 30 seconds it has to buffer with mpv -vo x11 -ao sndio -ytdl-format=18 (aka 360p) <YT_URL> but then the playback is in sync, however this is in a window , not fullscreen.

So if anybody has an faster machine than I have currently with OpenBSD 6.6 or higher ( mine is iBook G4 12" 1.07Ghz 1,25Mb RAM) , give it a try.
Basically you need to compile ffmpeg as described in Alex's topic here and compile mpv from ports.
If you only have the altivec enabled ffmpeg ( check with pkg_info -a | grep ffmpeg ) installed, the mpv port will use it.
You might want to do an pkg_add youtube-dl up front.

I’d say a 1.42GHZ G4 is the slowest I’d mess with for 360p x264 MP4 videos. It really just needs a lot of speed thrown at it on OpenBSD.
When you're done with that (it's about half the size of 1984 and was actually a prequel of sorts), you owe it to yourself to tour Fahrenheit 451.

I've already read all three of them. ...But that was before 2020 happened. So, seeming as how they all appeared to come to life (and then some) in the past six months alone, I figured I'd pay them a little reunion to "get with the times", so to speak.

One down, two to go...

Finished Animal Farm earlier today. Something that really struck me was when the pigs added words to some of the commandments, before changing it all to just one. Thanks for the recommendation, reading your next suggestion now.
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Played with my tangerine iBook G3 that I recently bought on eBay. I love orange and I have always wanted either the tangerine iMac or iBook. Either model is usually pretty expensive, but I managed to get the tangerine iBook for a good deal. There is some cracked plastic in some parts of the case, but I knew that when I bought it. The connector on the yoyo power adapter is heavily oxidized, so I will probably end up buying a replacement (or is it okay to use a power adapter with a connector in that condition?). I used my PDQ's power adapter to power on the iBook today. The screen looked good until I turned it on and saw a thin red vertical line on the right side of the screen. The screen is still useable, but the red line is pretty noticeable. Also, the speakers make a crackle-ly sound on startup.

The specs are as follows:
-60 GB HDD
-320 MB of RAM
-300 mhz CPU
-Tiger/OS 9.2.2 dual boot

The Tiger side had a variety of Office suites installed (Office '08, iWork '09, and AppleWorks 6). There was also a program called StoryBook Weaver that is meant to run under Classic. The OS 9 side has Office 2001 installed along with the usual utilities. One thing I love about the OS 9 side is the orange wallpaper and the orange progress bar on the startup screen. There's also sound effects every time you click on something. I'm guessing this is a theme specific to this Mac?

I largely bought this Mac for aesthetic reasons, but with my dual USB iBook bricked and my PDQ having problems with the PC Card slot, I was going to use the tangerine iBook as my main classic Mac OS laptop. Unfortunately, the red line on the screen is making me wonder if one day the screen will become completely unuseable. This might end up just being a display piece and I will have to get another PPC PowerBook/iBook for classic Mac OS on a laptop.

I got a new yoyo power adapter for my clamshell iBook and it works! I looked into the thin red line I found on the display and while I couldn't find a post about iBooks specifically, I saw someone had a similar issue on a 2011 iMac and they were basically told to either live with it or get a new iMac. Since finding these iBooks is getting harder and harder these days, I'm just going to live with the red line. I'm going to use this iBook for as long as it will last.
Installed a new screen for my G4 TI 1GHZ.. a lot of hard work to do it !
I got a new yoyo power adapter for my clamshell iBook and it works! I looked into the thin red line I found on the display and while I couldn't find a post about iBooks specifically, I saw someone had a similar issue on a 2011 iMac and they were basically told to either live with it or get a new iMac. Since finding these iBooks is getting harder and harder these days, I'm just going to live with the red line. I'm going to use this iBook for as long as it will last.

Try usedmacs - they have lots of adapters for the PPC machines going back to Beige G3 and older PowerBooks :)
In the last couple of days, I've taken apart my 12" iBook G4 twice and I'm about to do it again! Give me a simple 'Air' anytime.

I had removed the HDD to scrap the machine but a few months later I decided to use it again. Unfortunately, I had wiped the HDD. I rebuilt it but it would not power up even after leaving it on charge overnight. Took it apart again and checked everything before reassembling it again. This time a whistle sound, then a woosh from the fan and the chime! Yipee. Short lived though, as all I have is the flashing face and ? telling me there is no OS. Unfortunately, the CD drive appears to be dead as it will not load a disc.

So, where can I go from here to load an OS?
I suppose could open it again and take the DVD drive apart to check the belt.
Or perhaps I could remove the HDD and load it with an OS via my iMac - would this work and if so how would be the best way?
Can I load the OS directly from the internet?

Any help greatly appreciated!!
So, where can I go from here to load an OS?
Since you have another Mac, using target disk mode is an option, assuming your iMac can install the version of the Mac OS you're looking to install. And, assuming your iMac even has firewire ports. If your iMac is old enough, then putting the iBook into target disk mode by holding down the letter T, and connecting it to the iMac by firewire would basically be the same as taking the iBook apart and putting the hard drive into another Mac, as far as the installer is concerned.

But no, there's no way to install directly from the internet. There's the option of putting the Mac OS disk onto a usb drive, but booting off usb is so hit or miss I have no clue if it'd work, not to mention you've only got usb1 to work with.

Hope that helps.
Today I did some computer collection management using AppleWorks 6 and my iBook G3 as well as played Minecraft 1.5.2 on my Mac Mini G4. I also ran backups using my Power Mac G4. :)
last night I converted all of my music from FLAC to ALAC and fixed all the metadata tags so that it displays properly in iTunes on my G4 powermac.
Picture 1.png
I use my 2005 15" Powerbook G4 (1.5Ghz) with a 256 GB SSD inside as my home server, serving up audio and video files off its internal SSD and an external 250 GB FireWire 800 RAID 1 setup (going to be upgrading it to 4TB soon). It's been nothing but easy sailing and full 1080p movies as well as my entire music library has no problems at all going through the 10/100 Ethernet connection on the PB across my home network via WiFi. I can even log into it through my 2009 iMac or my Hackintosh PC upstairs. It's never let me down and it's been a great device for me.
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Decided to transfer the RAM from my broken iBook G3 Dual USB to my Tangerine Clamshell. Installation of RAM was super easy. The battery in the Clamshell is dead, won't charge at all, so I removed it before I did the RAM upgrade. During all of this I realized just how rough looking this iBook is. I noticed that there was a tiny, phillips screw stuck between the two pieces of plastic that make up the top half of the case. I removed this screw and discovered that there is a gap between these two plastic pieces on the lower left-hand corner. The hex screw that is on the lower left side of the top half of the case (under the screen) won't catch inside the screw hole because the plastic is so cracked in that area. This must be what caused that tiny gap in the lower left corner between the two pieces of plastic that make up the top part of the case. I'm hoping maybe I could use tape to hold the corner together? Not sure what else I can do.

The iBook still works depsite this. I'm contemplating the idea of downgrading from OS 9.2.2 to 8.6 (I already removed OS X as I didn't feel like I needed it on this Mac). I heard that if the firmware on these iBooks gets updated that you can't go back to 8.6. I'm not sure if this iBook has had the firmware update or not.
today I managed to score a PowerMac G5 Dual 2.3 with an upgraded GeForce 6800 GT card, as well as the accompanying 20" Cinema HD display + the power supply for the display, for the amazing deal of 100% free except for the gas money required to get there (it's about a 30 minute drive, nothing crazy)
I've been spending the day installing Mac OS X Tiger on it and getting everything configured. tomorrow I'm gonna start installing all of my programs and testing out the performance of it. it should be way faster than my MDD, as it not only has better processors, and a much, much better video card, but it also has more RAM as well (2.5GB in the G5 as opposed to 2GB in the MDD)

EDIT: this G5 is now going to be my main PowerPC Mac, and the G4 will be used for something else, possibly as a file storage server or something.
Yesterday I used my 15" PowerBook for some gaming (I wanted to see how Postal 2 ran on it).

Today though... I'm trying to figure out a way to install an OS on my 17" PowerBook that has no optical drive (and maybe not even the possibility of putting one in there).
I'm trying to figure out a way to install an OS on my 17" PowerBook that has no optical drive
Put the 17 in TDM, connect it to the 15 using Firewire and run the install on the 15, telling it to install on the 17's hard drive.
I recently bought a MOTU 828 audio interface - a Mk1 model from 2001. It connects with FireWire 400 so I decided to plug it into my 17" PowerBook G4 and try it out:

It's a very simple arrangement of another tune; the melody is coming from the G4, the bassline from a Korg ARP Odyssey, and the compression and delay are Logic Express 9. The G4 has enough horsepower to run at least two audio channels with half a dozen effects and a couple of instruments, although it's limited by the 2gb memory ceiling, the hard drive bandwidth, and the single-core CPU. It's all being fed into a 2009 Mac mini (I could in theory have recorded it to a separate stereo track in Logic, but I didn't want it to crash half-way through recording).

I was inspired by Sound on Sound's contemporary review of the 828, which mooted it as a portable unit for PowerBook musicians on the go. I have to say that throughout the entire life of FireWire I never used it - not a single time. Now I have no less than four FireWire cables. Four.

There was another FireWire interface at the time, the Metric Halo 2882, which was powered by the FireWire bus, so it was even more portable - the internet archive reveals that the company used this image to advertise it:

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