
and since I'm using a machine with only 1,25 GB RAM and 1.07 Ghz CPU it doesn't aid much.
Python3.7 chews away 300Mb RAM for the GNS3 server and GUI, then add another lowest-spec 256Mb for the vIOS L2 Cisco QCOW image and there goes your RAM.
As with my Powerbook G4 12" running Leopard , it was mere a PoC that it can be done but you won't be running 8 virtual routers in GNS3 doing BGP on a G4.
Cisco IOU however is however feasible since it takes up for less RAM or using Dynamips to run "real" router binary images.
On another note, I decided to install OpenBSD 6.7 on my Thinkpad just to know the differences between the packages/ports on AMD64 vs macppc.
Toying around on the Thinkpad with i3, iridium (chromium) and vimium, I stumbled across this Youtube video where a guy uses vimium to copy the Youtube URL to the clipboard and an i3 shortcut to launch mpv with this copied url.
mpv apparantly since version 0.9.x has been hooked with youtube-dl and as such can launch an Youtube video directly.
So I thought to give it a try on OpenBSD 6.6 on the iBook with mpv 0.29.x something.
And indeed you can copy a Youtube URL and it will start playing it , but even with 360p aka
mpv -vo xv -ao sdl --ytdl-format=18 <Youtube_URL> the video is choking hard .
Also there seems to be something weird with Mesa constantly complaining about an incorrect version of OpenGL.
Imagine if we could compile an recent altivec enabled mpv , it would allows us to open a Youtube URL and stream it directly via mpv (even on Leopard), basically what smtube used to do before it now also needs to download the video first and then play it back.