Man, I’ve been after a decent 12” iBook for a while now! Lucky mate!
I’d love to sell you one. Send me a PM if you are interested.
Man, I’ve been after a decent 12” iBook for a while now! Lucky mate!
Yes, for most, but they're not that difficult to crack open; I've had more trouble with cracking open MagSafe chargers than with the battery cases. Just make sure you drain the battery first if it's still got some charge, and try not to puncture it. A putty knife and a heat gun are usually enough to get the sealed ones open.
Isn’t it still possible to buy batteries for older MacBook/MacBook Pro systems ?
Are PowerPC PowerBooks, iBooks affected by slower speed when there isn’t a battery or full battery like the MacBook and MacBook Pro ?
Isn’t it still possible to buy batteries for older MacBook/MacBook Pro systems ?
Are PowerPC PowerBooks, iBooks affected by slower speed when there isn’t a battery or full battery like the MacBook and MacBook Pro ?
My 1 GHz Tibook downclocks to 667 MHz if no battery is detected. A new battery and a PMU reset fixed that. Not sure if other models do this.
I think I wasted money on msata M2 for my Pismo - tenfourfox is not I repeat not great at all on this G4 Pismo - it renders my machine useless. Back in 1999-2000 I am hard pressed to think this machine was even slow then as it is now. Tenfourfox will be the end of PPC and Kaiser knows it’s - I don’t buy that what he says that Gecko is slower. But with an msata M2 PCIe ?? This thing is slow and unusable in Tiger.
I think I wasted money on msata M2 for my Pismo - tenfourfox is not I repeat not great at all on this G4 Pismo
An SSD will not make websites load quicker.
If only the Pismo had QE/CI - I know the G4 titanium 1Ghz will be a lot faster. Drone catcher - can you send me the last updated prefs for tenfourfox ? I will try those. Iceweasel runs in tiger ? I need to try that. As for SSD ? So it only assists with opening apps and booting the system. I sure wish it would at least open tenfourfox faster.
You'll have to live with the fan-activity. I'm annoyed by the same problem on a very same machine.Ok, I have some great news to report ! My PB G4 1 GHZ Titanium arrived today and the seller obviously cared very much to place a powerful clamp on the part of the screen where in the picture the hinge showed coming off. That was a surprise which I am grateful, very grateful to the seller for that. This Titanium G4 1GHZ is really nice, except it has a 60gb 5200 rpm hard drive. I may replace the drive with the ssd thats in my pismo. The 1MB of cache helps very much in making it nice and speedy. Also, I notice the G4 fan is kinda loud in this - maybe the processor needs more paste ? So, based on the fact, that the screen has been secured with a strong(very strong) clamp, it opens and closes at will now.
I may try to install Leopard on this. I do feel this is more powerful thanks to the 1MB L3 cache than the 7447 17 inch DLSD PB G4 1.67 - This also has a UJ-816 super drive. The keyboard feels nice and a pleasure to type - I am typing this currently on the 1ghz G4 using Iceweasel. Thank you, Dronecatcher - I will install FoxPEP and the the new preferences file.
I will be uploading pics of this nice PB G4 Titanium 1ghz with the clamp. Battery holds a strong charge with only 45 charges. according to the seller. So, does the G4 in these make the fans go on ?
You'll have to live with the fan-activity. I'm annoyed by the same problem on a very same machine.
The TiBooks are great os9-machines. - But they're definitely not better than the 1,67GHz PB-G4
That’s interesting. Mine still has a great battery after all these years - and it’s an original Apple battery. Also 1GHz.
Hi, can you explain to me what I need to fix the left speaker ? Like you I have the G4 1GHZ Titanium wilth L3 cache, however the left speaker is not working at all, the right one is fine. Do I need the whole top case for this or can I get the speakers separately ?
My speakers both work fine – I would imagine they are replaceable separately even though I am not sure if they would be easy to find.
Went to try tenfivetube on my PB Titanium only to get ARTIFACTS !!! Obviously this seller, who never responded to my messages on eBay, ever never made a disclaimer that the graphics chip maybe bad.. is there a way I can get ebay involved ??? The seller needs to know this.
Even the fastest TiBook cannot cope with the expectations in any web-browsing.
Nor with Classilla neither with TFF.
To choose a TiBook over the fastest PowerBook-G4 (the DLSD) has not been wise.
Thinking too much about that too much is also not an option!
(full stop)
Any 15" Core2Duo MBP from late-2008 or later (c2duo!) or a/THE mid-2012 15" MBP would be the machines, that might cause lesser pain, than those ones, you've already tried.
No intel i5/i7 15" MBP from 2010-2011! No early-intels (up to early-2008)! All of them are prone to GPU-failure!!!
Forget about the combination of Your TiBook and Web-Browsing. That's only a source for getting depressions.
The Ti-Book is fine for os9 (and more), but severely limited, when it comes to compressed-video and web-browsing.
PowerPC is either a specialized tool, a piece of collected computing-history or a toy, but no such think to make you happy with internet-browsing, cloud, commercial-video-streaming etc.
Please take that advise...