As previously mentioned for iTunes 2.0.4 Apple's "Radio" link is broken. So unfortunately convenient browsing through a provided list of categorized radio-stations isn't possible anymore.Also, is there a way to get iTunes 2.0.4 working again ? All I want to do is listen to radio while rebuilding my OS 9 library of what I can remember.
But you can add radio-stations manually, as @Dronecatcher told and get the links to the radio-streams either on a faster machine and copy them to the Pismo or you can get the links through Classilla on os9.
But clicking on the links within Classilla in order to open the stream in iTunes is obviosly broken too, so you have to mark the URL and then copy&paste it into iTunes.
Here's an example for BBC radio-stream URLs:

If you can see the "speaker-icon" left to the radio-station and the other hints, that indicate, there's streaming on the go, and if you have iTunes volume turned up to the maximum but don't hear anything, then either system-volume or system-output has to be adapted or anything in os9 is broken. Maybe also try a headset to check sound-out.
Speakers ought to be ok on your Pismo, cause you told, that you can listen to iTunes on Tiger ...
Good luck!
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