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Also, is there a way to get iTunes 2.0.4 working again ? All I want to do is listen to radio while rebuilding my OS 9 library of what I can remember.
As previously mentioned for iTunes 2.0.4 Apple's "Radio" link is broken. So unfortunately convenient browsing through a provided list of categorized radio-stations isn't possible anymore.
But you can add radio-stations manually, as @Dronecatcher told and get the links to the radio-streams either on a faster machine and copy them to the Pismo or you can get the links through Classilla on os9.
But clicking on the links within Classilla in order to open the stream in iTunes is obviosly broken too, so you have to mark the URL and then copy&paste it into iTunes.
Here's an example for BBC radio-stream URLs:
1 Search Streaming URL.jpg 2 Direct Opening by click is broken.jpg 3 Copy and paste manually.jpg 4 Open Stream manually.jpg 5 Add URL.jpg 6 Listen.jpg
If you can see the "speaker-icon" left to the radio-station and the other hints, that indicate, there's streaming on the go, and if you have iTunes volume turned up to the maximum but don't hear anything, then either system-volume or system-output has to be adapted or anything in os9 is broken. Maybe also try a headset to check sound-out.
Speakers ought to be ok on your Pismo, cause you told, that you can listen to iTunes on Tiger ...
Good luck!
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I spent all day on the Tibook writing an encryption tool that would be a simple filter, a bit like OpenSSL's enc command, except actually secure. Give it a public key or symmetric key and it would encrypt from stdin and dump the ciphertext to stdout, all with modern algorithms. It was working, and did exactly what I wanted..right up until the point I accidentally rm'd it instead of another file. No version control, no backups, nothing.

I'm an idiot. Literally.
I spent all day on the Tibook writing an encryption tool that would be a simple filter, a bit like OpenSSL's enc command, except actually secure. Give it a public key or symmetric key and it would encrypt from stdin and dump the ciphertext to stdout, all with modern algorithms. It was working, and did exactly what I wanted..right up until the point I accidentally rm'd it instead of another file. No version control, no backups, nothing.

I'm an idiot. Literally.
Not a developer, but I have formatted disks before without backing up the contents only to find I needed something on said disk >~<
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I have been tinkering around with an original Mac mini G4 running Tiger. (Keeping me somewhat sane during lockdown)
Last night I must have been visited by the Spirit of Steve, as I happened to somehow stumble across a package in storage containing loads of old Apple software discs, which contained a copy of both Puma, Jaguar, as well as Mac OS 9, (among others).

I am currently debating on whether to erase Tiger & install Mac OS9 on there to have a play about, as it's a system I never got to use, being 5 years old in 1999, and being in an educational system reliant on Windows 95/98.
@556fmjoe rm is an extremely powerful tool. Great caution must be exercised accordingly.

Double and triple check every rm command before it is sent out. It could mean the difference between a deleted file and an entire deleted directory.
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I have been tinkering around with an original Mac mini G4 running Tiger. (Keeping me somewhat sane during lockdown)
Last night I must have been visited by the Spirit of Steve, as I happened to somehow stumble across a package in storage containing loads of old Apple software discs, which contained a copy of both Puma, Jaguar, as well as Mac OS 9, (among others).

I am currently debating on whether to erase Tiger & install Mac OS9 on there to have a play about, as it's a system I never got to use, being 5 years old in 1999, and being in an educational system reliant on Windows 95/98.
Oh, AFAIK you could install os9 "on top" of Tiger, I mean, same partition, and have a choice of dual-boot or Classic-mode.
Am I wrong?

I wouldn't go back to Panther or below, cause you'll loose the option to use both TFF and the MS-OpenDoc-Converter.
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My legs love to have warm air blown over them, so on this sunny day I fired up my G5 Power Macintosh and made a song with Logic:

Warm, slightly dusty-smelling air. Here's what the song looks like, on my ADC studio display (no less):


I realise ADC was a dead end but it's nice not having one less cable to worry about. The G5 was plugged into a MOTU 2408 audio interface and Logic was mostly used as a mixing desk and recording studio. It was essentially "live in the studio with overdubs", in the sense that all the sequencing was done with a 16-step Arturia Beatstep step sequencer.

Tracks 1-3 are a Behringer Model D, a clone of the MiniMoog, tracks 7-8 are Volca Sample and Volca Beats drum machines, track 6 is Logic's EXS-24 sampler, which is one of the reasons I switched to Logic - it has some excellent instruments that outweigh the "walled garden" aspect of Logic.

Lots of Goldverb, but Logic doesn't stutter and the G5 copes with it all. Circa 2003 the combination must have been very appealing. At the time I had a Windows 98SE PC with Cubase VST, which was not a pleasant experience. I have half a mind to buy one of the G5-cased Macintosh Pros but looking at eBay they seem to have gone up in price, perhaps because with masses of memory and an SSD they're still decent for anything except games (and even then still not bad).
@556fmjoe rm is an extremely powerful tool. Great caution must be exercised accordingly.
Double and triple check every rm command before it is sent out. It could mean the difference between a deleted file and an entire deleted directory.
Same disatrous things can happen also with a GUI.
When migrating from Win to Mac I was used to the "merge" operation, whenever two folders, carrying the same name were thrown together... Learned it the hard way, that OSX does things a little bit different ...
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Upgraded my 17" PB's RAM (was 1 GB, is now 2 GB) and hard drive (was 80 GB, is now 160 GB). No SSD for now, but the HD I put (a 2010-era Samsung HM160HC) in is still one of the faster 2.5" PATA options out there. Currently dual-boots Tiger and Leopard but thinking to go Tiger-only since nothing I use the machine for requires Leo. (And I have Leo on my primary 15" PB if necessary.)
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My Sawtooth had issues powering on so I removed the 64-bit PCI FireWire card I had recently installed and the issues seemed to be resolved. The card's packaging does not mention needing extra power, but there is a 4-pin connector on the PCB that looks like the kind you see on some graphics cards. The card was NIB and didn't come with a power cable. Maybe only some systems need extra power and mine just so happens to be one of them? I'm just going to leave the card out for now. I'm thinking about removing the gigabit Ethernet card too and going back to the built-in Ethernet port because I don't get gigabit Ethernet speeds from my ISP anyway.

I formatted the external SSD I was using with my iBook and did a clean install of Tiger and 9, each installed on their own partitions. I prefer to run X and 9 on separate drives/partitions whenever possible. The iBook runs significantly better with this SSD connected to the FireWire port. I wiped the internal drive, since I don't need it anymore. I may remove it someday, though the idea of opening up this iBook fills me with dread. The downside of having the iBook run from an external drive is that the iBook becomes less portable. Either it or the drive has to be plugged into the wall to conserve the iBook's battery.
My Sawtooth had issues powering on so I removed the 64-bit PCI FireWire card I had recently installed and the issues seemed to be resolved. The card's packaging does not mention needing extra power, but there is a 4-pin connector on the PCB that looks like the kind you see on some graphics cards.

Looks like this is to provide extra power for FW devices that need it.
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