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macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
Don't want to be rude but when someone has given you very important advice (and I cant emphasis how dangerous creeptocurrencies are) you must think a little harder when you reply.

When a criminal earns cash the value of their asset depreciates 2% every year like it should and the public is largely isolated from making that cretin wealthier. When they take creepto payments the value of their assets increases when gullible members of the public invest into the pyramid. So Mr and Mrs Jones buy the creeptocurrencies hoping to get rich but the first person who gets their money is the guy who has been selling children for bitcoins and other shitcoins on the darkweb for the last decade. Or a Nazi group. Or a terrorist. Or maybe some hostile regime.

Very important to think about where your money goes otherwise this could be the end of whatever stability and comfort we have in society.
I was trying to not get involved in this.... but. Modifying common words to introduce overtones is just awful (creeptocurrencies - you should be ashamed). Using "Nazi" in anything is horrible. US cash is used to purchase drugs and sell children everyday.

Not being rude would be posting some of the articles you are basing your knowledge from and allowing us to make our own decisions. Or better yet, creating a new thread about the horrors of crypto.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 17, 2012
Destin, FL
Does that boat have a cable attachment to the top of the mast for radio communications?
I may not understand your question correctly, but I'll give it a go.
There is cable that runs inside the mast to the antenna at the top.
Pretty standard on just about every sailboat.
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macrumors 604
May 30, 2018
I may not understand your question correctly, but I'll give it a go.
There is cable that runs inside the mast to the antenna at the top.
Pretty standard on just about every sailboat.
make sure that is sealed and covered,
Robert Redford did not have his covered and could not contact any1 in the middle of the Indian Ocean!
happy sailing!


Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH

Cannabis still printing money today. Portfolio up almost 11%.

Erehy Dobon

Feb 16, 2018
No service
You know you're inviting people to refer to this post when the cannabis sector gets pummeled one day, yes? ;)

These cannabis companies still appear to be better for short-term trading versus long-term investing.

But go buy yourself a drink and pat yourself on the back. You win some, you lose some. Today you won. Every investor needs a few of these days to stay engaged.

Erehy Dobon

Feb 16, 2018
No service
Who is DC? Dave Cramer?

No one who cares about investing should be listening to him or any other investing guru with a regular "show".

If they were really worth their salt, they'd be making 10x more investing than being a talking head.

That's why Dave Cramer is Dave Cramer The Investing Media Star and still plugging away on a daily show.
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Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
You know you're inviting people to refer to this post when the cannabis sector gets pummeled one day, yes? ;)

These cannabis companies still appear to be better for short-term trading versus long-term investing.

But go buy yourself a drink and pat yourself on the back. You win some, you lose some. Today you won. Every investor needs a few of these days to stay engaged.
That’s fine haha, just trying to drum up some discussion on probably the hottest sector in the market at the moment. Though I will brag that I threw a tip out there last Monday on APHA and TLRY.

GME is just getting wrecked after hours. Down another 17% after today's 31%. I rebought a couple shares at $219 hoping for a bounce tomorrow, but if it does bounce, it might only be to what I payed for it lol.

On the plus side, a significant portion of my investments are in cannabis stocks and Schumer just released a statement regarding pushing legalization legislation. Hopefully my stocks run tomorrow.

Top Senate Democrats: We’ll Legalize Marijuana (

Stock tip from a shoeshine boy: Most MSOs don't trade after hours. TLRY trades after hours and is also merging with APHA, which trade after hours as well. Two potential plays for those interested in buying before a potential gap up tomorrow. Who knows though, maybe everything ends up red tomorrow.

However I’m not one to ignore when I’m wrong. I also said silver was possibly going up, but that was a dud.

I’d say the rest of the market was pretty crazy. Not exactly March 2020, but most of the market bled pretty badly today. But yeah, with GME specifically, Thursday was peak insanity.

For those looking for a stock tip from a shoeshine boy, the next significant WSB target is looking to possibly be silver, SLV specifically. This one looks to be in the beginning stages, so don’t expect massive gains next week.

In any case, I’ve been trimming some gains on APHA as it goes up. Sold all my calls at this point. Probably sell some of my APHA shares tomorrow if it’s up big again. Looks like r/WSB is onto these names now which means they’re probably peaking soon. APHA up almost 50% in a day and TLRY 60% are almost certainly sell signals. Though TLRY did run to $300 a few years ago. I’ll stay in the sector overall in the medium term. The Canadian legalization run up lasted months.

Erehy Dobon

Feb 16, 2018
No service
Okay, as long as you know how fleeting this can all be.

I am not against a fellow investor making an honest buck out of pure silliness.


Apr 7, 2009
Columbus, OH
Party for cannabis stocks has ended for now. Sold almost all of my APHA yesterday morning and then my MSO positions this morning. Was up another 6-7% EOD yesterday and down about 2% EOD today. Very happy with how I played this run, I probably couldn’t have done much better. Currently I’m about 80% cash, 15% SNDL puts, along with a small position in APHA.

I’ll probably start scaling back in next week. I don’t think the hype is going to truly end until bills either start getting passed or rejected in Congress and that’s still months away. For anyone who’s looking to enter the sector, a good time to do so is approaching.


macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina
Seems like we have already started The February Correction.... but even possibly the start of the 2021 Bear Market.

If it really is the correction, or the bear.... anyone care to predict when the bottom would be? And more importantly, what do you buy on the dip?

Erehy Dobon

Feb 16, 2018
No service
An often mentioned sign of the end of a bull market is widespread euphoric sentiment. Do you agree? If so, what signs of euphoria are you seeing?
The stock market as a whole has been euphoric the past twelve months apart from the pandemic dip.

A year ago the S&P 500 was around 2954. Today it's 3839. That's +30% increase in a year when the economy has mightily struggled, some industries have gotten slaughtered (hospitality, transportation, live entertainment/sports) and there is still a lot of unemployment.

If that's isn't euphoric, I don't know what is. Remember that includes the pandemic drop. It's not that the stock market weathered COVID-19 challenges. It went bonkers despite the pandemic.

For rich people, it wasn't just a V-shaped recovery, it was a banner year.

And that's just the mainstream corporate S&P 500. The small cap Russell 2000 is +49% TTM. The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite is +54% TTM.

I can see exceptions for certain industries and sectors. Shelter-in-place policies have helped sell more semiconductor-laden equipment and pushed the adoption of more cloud-based technologies. The videogame industry had a blockbuster year as people played more while at home.

There are other economic indications that are eyebrow raising including a surge in home prices through the terrible Q4 (at least from an infection standpoint). Some of my buddies are in real estate and apart from a couple of months early in the lockdown (March-April), the real estate industry just plowed forward, undoubtably aided by low interest rates.

Anyhow, we are sort of due for a market correction. The S&P 500 has grown pretty steadily since the mid-March 2020 low and I would think a 10-15% correction is part of our not-too-distant future.
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macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina


macrumors 65816
Jan 10, 2018
Microsoft +32% last year
Apple +74% last year
Tesla +438% last year

I missed the AMD hike, just watched it climb. I was lucky on the Tesla, caught it right before the climb.
Stayed out of crypto. Which is so weird. Back in 2010 I hashed a bunch on my 'super computer' just as an exercise in technology. Donated that computer and 40" monitor to a shelter after wiping it in 2014. Yep, wiped probably a couple hundred Bitcoin or more. A while back ( 2 years? ) picked up half million ETN, but have not made anything on it.

Doing pretty good from last year. We shall see how this year goes.
Almost enough to buy my dream home and retire:
View attachment 1727264
Purchased AMD many (20+?) years ago under the thesis that the US would NEVER allow itself to have a single chip supplier......over the years stock did nothing (think it got as high as 42/share once) so I sold half to get my capital back but kept half because I still somewhat believed in my original thesis. Cut to the present and I'm glad I did. BUT: as with my purchase of MSFT at around the same time, it wasn't so much my thesis as a change in management that gave me the wins (though part of my thesis on MSFT was the then unheard of ~$50 billion they had in cash with I , correctly, figured would become a special dividend!). Still hold each today. MORAL : Warren B. is right....Mgmt. is almost always one of if not THE key criterial for investing in individual companies. Also, Investing for the long haul , all things considered, offers a much greater chance for success than Speculating.


macrumors 68030
Aug 15, 2009
Depends on your time horizon.....Speculator? Sorry to hear....Investor? Hold'll most likely be rewarded.
I'm mostly just new to investing but am planning to hold on. I got sick (and annoyed) at seeing pennies in interest earned on savings accounts. So I'm just trying to learn now and invest in safe things, or at least I hope they're safe. But I did throw $150 at Dogecoin hoping it rises to bitcoin level and I can be a millionaire haha.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 8, 2002
Did any of you consider investing in local startups, like actually get into your local startup scene?


macrumors 68000
Feb 19, 2016
Related question: how many people in this thread seem like accredited investors? Or is it mostly Robinhood and 401(k)/IRA account holders?
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