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There's a glass of wine and a few cat claws inside my Power Mac. The wine was spilt on it a while ago, and gave me a real shock. Left it off for a day or so after drying with paper towel and it works fine.
The cat claws are a legacy of one of my cats trying to attack the CD tray and getting stuck in the cheese grater grill. The only way he could get out, after a few minutes howling, was to lose the end of the claw. Not the whole claw mind you, just the bit that grows over the new one. Unsurprisingly he learnt his lesson after that :D
My sister spilled water on her pismo and, scared out of her wits, neglected to tell anyone. A few weeks later she comes up to me screaming and crying that her keyboard wont work and could I, being the resident mac genius, fix it please, please? Finally she admitted that she (or one of her friends, she mysteriously cant remember who) spilled water on it. Long story short: the keyboard was a goner, but the computer booted up fine and she used it with an external keyboard until she got her hand-me-down G3 iBook, which she does not treat well at all. Apple, you make tough machines! Forget car crashes, stairs, and Mk. 12 thermonuclear warheads, try surviving a 13 year old girl! Thank goodness I have a desktop and hopefully I wont be posting here after I get my MBP.
i set my backpack down rather firmly and my 12" pb was in there...dented the corner near around the power connector area and now it has trouble getting a connection to the power cord. i have to readjust and push the cord in constantly to stay plugged in to the wall. :mad:

i thought about getting a new lower case from pbfixit, but they are like $149...i guess i'll live with it til i get a new pb mid 2007....
Hector said:
droped my ibook down the stairs, still works fine, no damage.

Shipped my G4 in a regular box -- no styrofoam. I used clothes to pack it in since I was moving home from college and in that college cheapskate mode. Well as if that wasn't bad enough, UPS demolished the box. It showed up on my doorstep looking like it was wily coyote in a road runner cartoon. The G4 wouldn't power on so I opened it up and reseated and replugged everything, and I had to snap some of the plastic panels back into place. After that it worked fine, but the plastic exterior is still bent in a few places. That was only one of a few times that I shipped it, and most of the other times it shipped just fine.
Every year I go on holiday for five weeks and leave her in her box at my parents, I know she misses me.

Last week i decided to upgrade to Tiger but the install went badly and I got a partial install - she forgave me. Although it took time.

And my iPod nano - well I dropped her down the toilet (after use but before flush)

Washed her through with pure water - dried her - told her I loved her and she forgave me.
The worst thing I did to my ibook was one time when I was transporting the ibook with a DVcam sitting on top of the lid and the FW cable plugged into both devices. I was walking down the hall and the firewire cord got snagged by a doorknob it tugged on the firewire port and the camera slid off the top. Luckily I cought it camera and it didint damage the firewire port.

The next worst thing I did was install norton system works or somting (forgot what it was called). After I rebooted it kept asking me for keychain password and asked to update the keychain then told me to reboot. Rebooted and it repeated the whole thing. Tried to uninstall it but immediately after pressing the uninstall button I got a KP. Has to reinstall OSX.
I have done, and my friends have done terrible things to my TiBook 667, first, a friend (not any more) popped both the hinges on it :( . Then, after a serious repair, I knocked it off my desk, leading the slot drive to cave in :eek: , then 3 months ago I lend it to a friend when his sister ruins his iBook before his replacement PowerBook arrived, and he bent the whole case up, breaking the combo drive, killing the trackpad, and breaking the fan :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: .

Thankfully, all the above were covered by a very kind insurance policy, and last monday, I popped another hinge :eek: , and it will be picked up this Monday. Meanwhile, my iBook and iMac are in perfect condition, and I hope to cintinue this with my iMac 20" Core Duo when it arrives. :cool:
my g3 powerbook wallstreet died on me, i was pissed about something and i took the lcd out of it (let's just say not the way you're supposed to) and i hammered the actual lcd to peices. fun.

I sold the bottom half on ebay.

:D :eek:
Jesus said:
I have done, and my friends have done terrible things to my TiBook 667, first, a friend (not any more) popped both the hinges on it :( . Then, after a serious repair, I knocked it off my desk, leading the slot drive to cave in :eek: , then 3 months ago I lend it to a friend when his sister ruins his iBook before his replacement PowerBook arrived, and he bent the whole case up, breaking the combo drive, killing the trackpad, and breaking the fan :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: .

Thankfully, all the above were covered by a very kind insurance policy, and last monday, I popped another hinge :eek: , and it will be picked up this Monday. Meanwhile, my iBook and iMac are in perfect condition, and I hope to cintinue this with my iMac 20" Core Duo when it arrives. :cool:
I feel very, very bad for your TiBook.

:eek: :eek:
The worst thing i've ever done was drop my 15" Powerbook G4 from my desk to the floor, because I tripped over the damn power chord. Nothing happened to it at all.

My friends story is friggin' hilarious, though.

He bought a 12" PB about the same time I bought mine. While my knowledge of computers is very limited, his is that of CroMagnon Man. He only uses it to check what little emails he has and to fill hid iPod with his music. Well, when he first tried to import a CD into iTunes he just could not figure out how to do it. He tried and tried, but eventually became so frustrated that he punched it. He punched it and punched it until it was in many pieces. He was, however, nice enough to save me the battery and the power chord.

All he had to do was call me and he would have saved himself $2000+. Oh yeah, he went and bought another one about a week later. The people at the Apple Store in Chicago were like,"Our records show that you already bought one about a week ago." He told them that he destroyed it. God, I wish I could have seen the look on their faces.:eek:
lilstewart92 said:
I feel very, very bad for your TiBook.

:eek: :eek:

I once worked out that with all the repairs that the only part of my TiBook that hasn't been replaced is the back of the hinges, and the cover that protects the ports at the back. One day my Insurance company will give up and give me a PowerBook Duo*. :rolleyes:

*The correct name for the MacBook Pro.
I once sat on my powerbook while it was open, and I bent the screen off. That was sad. I also accidentally dragged it across rough concrete. That was also sad.
Shame on you all, hopefully god will forgive you. I cannot bear to carry on reading this thread on Mac abuse. You sinners!!!!!
alexprice said:
Shame on you all, hopefully god will forgive you. I cannot bear to carry on reading this thread on Mac abuse. You sinners!!!!!
I confess *Crying While Apologizing to iBook*
When I got back from Austin, I accidentally dropped my PB from about 3 feet. It was still in the case.

Everything works fine, except the P key is kinda overly sensitive now.
Also, the Metal is bowed out around the monitor-out port.

I FLIPPED OUT, and I ran all the hardware tests. PowerBook was just fine. :)
I installed MICROSOFT messenger once, only thing to ever crash on my pb and ofcourse it was a microsoft program, hope my pb can forgive me...
well just last week i turned on the open firmware security, with out setting a password leaving the ibook usless with out returning it, but with my genius skills i tried typing in nothing and using my old password then it hit me, some retard programed it to set a nothing password to the word none
Chappers said:
Every year I go on holiday for five weeks and leave her in her box at my parents, I know she misses me.

Phew I don't feel so bad now! Normally I do take my precious with me when I travel.. but not when I went to the Caribbean last year... I left it home.
yellow said:
I installed VPC on it.. it still won't talk to me.

Damn you, you beat me to it :eek: :D

More seriously:
*spillt beer on iBook keyboard; rapid reaction/no damage
*tripped over powercord and bent power adapter
*carried iBook around in a backpack amongst books, binders, etc, no damage (except scraches)
I treat my Powerbook with care, however that doesn't top me from spilling food and drink on it.:D Ohh..... I did nearly drop it, I closed the screen when the computer was hot and the keyboard warped slightly!
FFTT said:
Transfering a few thousand aiff loop files and my mouse hand ran out of room, I accidentally let go and ended up with all of them on my desktop EVERYWHERE!

That would be the "dummest" thing you ever done to your Mac :p :p :p

Hope ⌘+Z worked :eek: :cool:
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