I would buy 4 airtags.
1. Car Keys
2. Cochlear Implant remote
3. Cochlear Implant bilateral audio cord
4. Cochlear implant processor carrying box
I'm constantly losing my Cochlear Implant Remote and bilateral audio cord. I don't use my Cochlear implant remote often and when I do end up needing to use it to adjust my cochlear implant processor volume or change programs — I'm either forgetting where I put it or I literally can't find it. Same goes for my bilateral cords. I just got the AirPod Max which have been amazing for me. But I use my bilateral cord for when I workout or go running outside and I tend to forget where I placed it too. My cochlear implant remote costs $350 and my bilateral cord costs $200 plus tax. If I lose one of those (or both), that's basically almost $550. Obviously I wear my cochlear implants everyday, but when I travel I use a special carrying box to put my cochlear implants in for safety reasons. My cochlear implants processor alone cost $7,500 for both ears. Yikes.
I'm holding off of purchasing the airtags as I want to see how people will like them, or if they will run into any issues with the airtags. Instead, I just purchased Apple Watch band new pistachio solo braided loop and the pistachio iphone silicone case

I thought getting those accessories in the pistachio color would be fun since they're not going to be around for long. And I always missed out on the new fun colors that apple are always coming out with! But I'm ultimately super excited about the airtags as they're Deaf friendly for me! I'm glad that apple had accessibility in mind with the airtags when they were producing them. I love how the phone can give you a visualization as to where the lost item is, and pinpoint you to help you locate it. I would have purchased Tile, but Tile goes off by sound and as a Deaf person, that's not easy for me because my cochlear implants have a hard time locating where the sounds are coming from, so airtags would definitely make things a lot easier for me when I'm locating 'said' item. So I'm interested in waiting and seeing how people like them, and if there are some bugs that might occur.