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notjustjay said:
Err.... you're serious?

My gripe is the dead pixel on my 12" Powerbook. Out of a 1024x768 screen, I get one dead pixel - while in the past years prior, I have purchased 3 Dell laptops - one at 1024x768, one at 1400x1050, and one at a whopping 1920x1200 LCD resolution -- we're talking millions and millions of total pixels -- never any dead ones.

And my first Powerbook and WHAM.

Not cool.
This happened to me with the first iBook I bought, and the store replaced it because it was less than a week after the purchase date. Never had this issue with any Dell or Compaq notebooks though.
iDM said:
I'm going to be either shot or banned for saying this, but i can't stand the way itunes creates all those damn folders and does not store all the music in just one.
You can turn this off in the iTunes preferences. You can tell it to keep the music organized or not. (Unless I'm wrong and that's not what that checkbox actually does. I've never unchecked it.)
Mechcozmo said:
One major reason why I've started to use TextEdit over Word--it takes up less screen estate! :D
Me, too. That, and it starts up and lets me start typing in a fraction of the time.
iphil said:
The 6 Min. boot time on my xp box has been 6 mins since the family bought in Jan. '05 :p :p .. i do monthly virus scans on xp box still 6 min boot-time, its NOT my fault that 'xp' takes 6 mins to boot thats M$ft job ( for making a sorry OS) Xp is mostly 'BloatWare' -- IMO ..

thats probably why it takes 6 wtf minutes to boot.. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Yeah, sorry but there is something wrong (and no, not because it's a Dell or has XP) with your computer.

I've been working with XP machines and Dell computers here at work for several years and I've rarely seen a pc take that long to boot up. If I were you I'd look into your startup services and check all the programs that are starting up on bootup, that may be the problem, you may have programs starting that you don't need but are slowing down the performance of your computer. Aside from virus scan are you doing scans also for adaware or spyware? That junk can really slow down your computer fast. Either that or if you still have warranty call up tech support because it shouldn't be taking that long to boot up.
manzanaloca said:
Yeah, sorry but there is something wrong (and no, not because it's a Dell or has XP) with your computer.

I've been working with XP machines and Dell computers here at work for several years and I've rarely seen a pc take that long to boot up. If I were you I'd look into your startup services and check all the programs that are starting up on bootup, that may be the problem, you may have programs starting that you don't need but are slowing down the performance of your computer. Aside from virus scan are you doing scans also for adaware or spyware? That junk can really slow down your computer fast. Either that or if you still have warranty call up tech support because it shouldn't be taking that long to boot up.

Yeah...we've got several hundred new Dells at work, and they boot up a LOT faster than any of my Macs, even my DP G5. Something's up with your computer.
What don't I like...
I have to go to the bottom right to resize
I don't like the save file dialogue
I miss hitting Control+Alt+N to open Notepad or Control+Alt+W for wordpad.
I miss being able to make windows full size

But I am getting a new 100gig hard drive and I'm looking forward to simply cloning the drive rather than reinstalling the whole OS like I would do on XP because it needs it's yearly reinstall.
What I don't like:

Can't always tab between buttons, even with "full control" (or whatever it's called) turned on in the "Keyboard and Mouse" prefs.

When connecting my laptop to a network drive: putting the computer in "sleep" mode without disconnecting the mapped drive and then bringing the laptop home, open it up, computer can't find the network drive anymore, and it hangs up my computer for like 30 seconds (beach ball of death). Windows handles this MUCH better.

"Sleep" mode has never worked properly on any Apple *desktop* I've ever owned, except for my new iMac. Never has worked correctly on my DP G5, never worked correctly on my DP G4.

My G5 at work will randomly send the fans into "full blast mode" and the machine locks up completely. This is when I'm not there, not even using it.
manzanaloca said:
Oh, yeah and what I don't tell my Windows friends:

I wish I had a right click button on my notebook. :eek:
Ditto! This drives me nuts EVERY time I don't use my mouse.

Also, I wish Apple could develop a great two-button mouse. Please, if you are a Mighty Mouse user, forgive me. I'm sure you might love it, but I think that most of the mice I've seen and used on Windows that have two buttons are both easier to use and have a real scroll wheel, not that little ball that doesn't quite work the way it should. Mighty Mouse is nice, but it feels too much like a first attempt at a mouse, rather than technology that's building on the work of everyone else who's been making two-button mice for years.
MattG said:
"Sleep" mode has never worked properly on any Apple *desktop* I've ever owned, except for my new iMac. Never has worked correctly on my DP G5, never worked correctly on my DP G4.
Would you say that this is just a desktop model issue, or have you seen it in portables as well? I ask because I have an iBook G4 and I absolutely love sleep mode. Coming from Windows, I always used to shut down my iBook, until I realized just how great sleeping it is. Now it runs for days and weeks without any issues or reboots at all.
dmetzcher said:
Would you say that this is just a desktop model issue, or have you seen it in portables as well? I ask because I have an iBook G4 and I absolutely love sleep mode. Coming from Windows, I always used to shut down my iBook, until I realized just how great sleeping it is. Now it runs for days and weeks without any issues or reboots at all.

It's only happened to me with desktops. With any laptops I've ever owned (an iBook and several Powerbooks), sleep mode has always worked great!
kuyu said:
Any mac older than 3 years doesn't get along with new software very well. I think the embedded clock knows exactly when your warranty ends, so that stuff only stops once you can't get it fixed. :(
:rolleyes: Someone should tell is ole AGP Sawtooth that it should start crashing then. Seems to me its the new Macs that have more hardware/software problems than the old gear.
My iMac has 24 dead/stuck pixels (there are more if you look carefully), but because they are not close together Apple will not replace it.

Oh, and Finder seriously sucks. I hate the fact it has no address bar, such a pain.
No right-click button needed

manzanaloca said:
Oh, yeah and what I don't tell my Windows friends:

I wish I had a right click button on my notebook. :eek:

I was a PC laptop user before. I found that one single solid big button on Mac laptop is perfect. You can actually use one hand to do everything. While you are still able to use one hand deal with two buttons. But it is not that easy. I rarely see people using intel laptops prefer using trackpad over having a small mouse. But with Mac, I prefer using trachpad only. No need for a external mouse help me.

So I prefer apple have two button mouse but on laptop, I hope they remain single button design.

I wish that msn was as good as it for windows...
I live in Uk and all my friends use msn so i can't have a video chat with them
(i can hardly 'talk' to them with text msg as msn is always restarting, or closing then they try to send a file...)
Yahoo Messenger for Mac hasn't had an update since OS X 10.2 and lacks voice functionality along with most any new function that windows users have.. Yahoo really needs to get off their ass and make us a new client....

I don't tell them that my mac mini sometimes temporairly freezes while it's ejecting a disc. My only complaint.
I really have no complaints. In the year I've had my iBook, OS X has never crashed. Safari freezes up on a couple of websites, but other than that, everything runs perfectly.
Safari sometimes locks up my entire system for 5 minutes or more. And I have to click "Force Quit" in the Apple Menu like 20 times before the Force Quit window actually comes up so that I can kill Safari that way! And once Safari is killed, my system is suddenly back to normal like nothing ever happened. I've shifted to Firefox for most of my internet browsing these days...

Sometimes I have to click icons on the desktop 3 or 4 times before the system actually double-clicks (using a logitech mouse here, with the right button set to double-click)

Spotlight isn't as thorough as Apple claims...:rolleyes:
I hate admitting that World of Warcraft looks better in my brother's P4 with an ATI 9700 PRO than in my 20" iMac.
Oh well. I didn't buy this machine for gaming only...that's my excuse :p
MacsRgr8 said:
Oh.. okay

I don't tell them how perfectly great my Macs work, 'cause I would feel sorry for them.

Do you also happen to be suffering from psychological disorders and see things from time to time? Or perhaps talk to friends that noone else seem to notice? :rolleyes:
Apple puts embarrassing low video cards in their performance machines.

I also don't tell anyone that my friends brand new powerbook has had to go in for service 3 times since he got it in August. Apple is building him a new one now.
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