Last night's Big Bang Theory had me rolling. "If you're going to compare wands and hammers, I can't take you seriously".
Just finished 70+ episodes, 4 season of Battlestar Gallactica. Cool ending. Worth watching. In some ways more epic and cerebral than StarTrek Next Generation, my favorite scifi serial.
How many Cylons in this picture?If you answer, please shield or mark as spoiler for anyone who has not seen the series yet.
I know there is a thread dedicated to it (NFL football), but I'll mention Texans vs Patriots playoff game this afternoon! I'm curious to see if the Texans can hold up...![]()
Recently did a rewatch of the last season, watched season 1 to 3 twice/thrice already, but season 4 was a bit depressive to watch again so soon, but it is a frelling fantastic season (yes, it is one season for me) and series finale, with its flaws, but all in all, it was satisfying.
As for the question, half of them.
Anything to keep one of your threads alive.![]()
Last night's Big Bang Theory had me rolling. "If you're going to compare wands and hammers, I can't take you seriously".
Recently did a rewatch of the last season, watched season 1 to 3 twice/thrice already, but season 4 was a bit depressive to watch again so soon, but it is a frelling fantastic season (yes, it is one season for me) and series finale, with its flaws, but all in all, it was satisfying.
As for the question, half of them.
That was a great episode! It had me laughing through out.
Shocker on Downton Abbey last night.
My wife suffered from Toxemia which is also known as pre-Eclamsia and our son was delivered by C Section 1 month early. In my wife's case, my wife put on little weight early in her pregnancy, then rapidly later. Although they don't know the reasons, my understanding is the "toxemia" part takes place when the kidneys start to shut down and body becomes toxic due to the kidneys no longer doing their job. The only cure is deliver the baby. After delivery, it took my wife 10 days in intensive care to recover. At that point we decided one baby was enough.
Of course I sided with the family doctor and suspected where the story was heading.<End Spoiler.
Ah yes, I remember that episode of 'Downton Abbey'. It was shocking, but extremely well acted, and the last ten minutes were excellent. Indeed, for most of the episode, it didn't seem that much was happening (any episode of Downton which seems to indulge in time-wasting should act as a red flag serving to signal danger up ahead).
Wow. That must have been absolutely terrifying, for you and your wife, both. Hope you are all well, healthy and happy nowadays.
For my part, earlier this evening, I watched the third episode of a wonderful BBC2 documentary on the Earth's annual orbit, called, simply and deceptively, 'Orbit'. It was superb, managing to make complicated mathematical and scientific material accessible and exceedingly interesting.
Yes everything is fine. Thanks for the thought! Although our son was born 1 month premature, and spent some time in an incubator, he was completely healthy. He's 25 now.
We missed Downton last night due to the Superbowl. Will catch it tonight on DVR. After the game we tried out Elementary a show with a modern, U.S. based Sherlock, (who is English), but I only got into it about 10 minutes and gave up. I found Lucy Lui as Watson to be annoying and did not care for the overall atmosphere of the show.
In your documentary, what kind of things do they comment on regarding the Earth's orbit?
I missed the first episode completely, caught a good bit of the second, and watched the third. The documentary takes as its subject the earth's orbit for a full year, starting at the summer solstice. I caught the section which started in January and followed it until it completed the cycle, in June.
Finished the end of Downtown Abbey Season 3. Shocking ending but I read Entertainment Weekly and was not surprised.
spoiler>These actors who think they want to run off and be movie stars... I'm speaking of Dan Stevens. Wouldn't it be better if instead they dip their toes in the water before quitting a current gig, especially a highly successful one??<end spoiler.
Here are some transformations. I would have never recognized them:
Joann Froggatt (Anna)
Sioban Finneran (O'brien)