Anyway, I am also currently trying to figure out my spring break travel. I have 10 days off for break at the end of March, and I'll be visiting the Pacific Northwest. The question is, do I want to stay there the entire 10 days, or stay there a week and go somewhere else the last 3 or 4 days. Ultimately, I'll just need to think on that one. I don't know if I'll have enough to do for 10 entire days, and a week sounds a lot more reasonable. But I don't know where I'd go the rest of the time. The PNW is so far away from both my hometown and college town that going home makes little sense, and going back to the dorm early would absolutely suck.
Then I'm also trying to plan for a much larger international trip in August. I feel that starting to at least lay the groundwork now before tickets get expensive is a good idea. At the moment, I also have, like, time to myself to figure this all out. During the semester I'm far too busy to be thinking about that kind of stuff. I know I'd like to go somewhere outside North America that isn't Europe. There is much more in Europe that I still need to visit, but there are also five other continents I haven't yet been to. I've got some ideas for countries/cities in mind, but haven't settled on any one yet. I mean, I still have a long time before I need to do that. I just know that August would be a really good time to do that kind of vacation.
My parents (who are extremely well-traveled, and who I often consult for travel advice) like both ideas, but just said it's completely up to me. Soooo... I don't really know. Will need to think on both these things a lot more. I just know Seattle for spring break is going to happen, for how long I don't know. And another trip in August looks very likely.