Interestingly enough, although I indeed do have transportation, a 2021 Honda Civic Sport Hatchback that I purchased towards the end of 2020, I don't drive nearly as much as I did in my younger days. Of course the Pandemic interrupted all of us being able to casually leave home all that frequently or feeling safe doing so (for a while anyway).
However, even after the worst of COVID-19 eventually became a disappearing mirage in our rear view mirrors, now in better times when we're all free to move around as we choose and go where we need and want to go, for some reason I've found that I still tend to stay at home much more than in the past. Some of it may be my own introverted personality and inclination towards being a homebody, and some of it may be actually age-related, too. I'm finding that it seems to be true that most of us seem to slow down more and more as we age. Especially if an individual doesn't have any pressing health problems, this all just kind of sneaks up on us!
I just don't feel the need to get in the car and go somewhere every day or even a few days a week. This, though, is also complicated by increasingly developing cataracts (another not-so-nice thing which for most of us comes along as our years on this earth progress through time). I don't drive at night any more and I tend to drive just around my local, familiar area rather than venturing out on road trips the way I used to do.
For people who do not have their own transportation readily available, yes, this becomes a problem in terms of trying to deal with public transportation or other means of getting to where one needs to be. That only adds to the pressure already being felt by the aging process. There are various agencies and other resources which help with this, but right, it's not the same as being able to decide to go somewhere, sometimes at the last minute, and simply pick up one's key fob and get into one's own car. This is one reason that many older people actively resist the idea of giving up their driver's license, even in situations where it is clearly an issue and needs to be addressed. Independence is important to most people and as one gets older, that independence becomes even more treasured.